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AngularDart: Build Dynamic Web Apps with Angular and Dart

AngularDart: Build Dynamic Web Apps with Angular and Dart

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Completion Certificate
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  • On-Demand course

  • 9 hours 51 minutes

  • All levels


Master Angular and Dart (AngularDart) and build high-performance, flexible, and dynamic web apps

Angular is one of the most popular platforms for building web as well as mobile and desktop apps, and AngularDart is Google's web app framework that leverages the Angular platform. Using the Dart programming language, AngularDart focuses on providing a more productive, high-performance, and stable way of building Angular apps. With this course, you'll learn how to use AngularDart and get started with building amazing web applications. As you explore its features, you'll also understand why Google engineers use AngularDart in their most lucrative applications and how you can leverage the sophistication and stability it provides to produce such critical applications. All the codes and supporting files for this course will be available at- https://github.com/PacktPublishing/AngularDart-Build-Dynamic-Web-Apps-with-Angular-and-Dart

What You Will Learn

Leverage the Dart web platform with the Angular framework to build single-page applications
Develop web apps focused on productivity, performance, and stability
Use the Angular and Dart (AngularDart) web framework to build high-performance web apps
Create a make it rain app
Use hidden property binding
Discover how to use the ngClass to bind more CSS classes
Implement the textZoom custom directive
Create customized attribute directives


This course is for both Dart developers who want to build stable, modern Angular-based web applications and Flutter developers who want to leverage their Dart programming language skills to build modern web apps with AngularDart.


A hands-on course that covers the basics of using Angular with Dart and gives a comprehensive introduction to AngularDart.

Key Features

Set up your development machine to start learning AngularDart * Create a full-fledged AngularDart application from start to end * Build and deploy an AngularDart application to Firebase Hosting

Github Repo


About the Author
Paulo Dichone

Paulo Dichone is a highly skilled developer and teacher with a strong background in Computer Science. With his expertise in Android App Development for mobile and web platforms, Paulo founded Magadistudio, a successful mobile app development company. Passionate about teaching, Paulo is dedicated to helping learners master Android app development. His goal is to empower students with the knowledge and skills needed to create impressive Android applications and experience the freedom of being an Android developer. With his deep understanding of the subject matter and a commitment to student success, Paulo Dichone is a trusted instructor who can guide learners on their journey to becoming proficient Android developers.

Course Outline

1. Introduction

1. Introduction - Who's the Course For

Introduction: Who is the target audience

2. How's The Course Structured

Introduction: Basic Structure and layout of the course

3. AngularDart - Motivation

Introduction: Why AngularDart

2. Install IntelliJ Idea

1. Install IntelliJ Idea

Install IntelliJ Idea: Installation steps

3. For Windows Users ONLY - Windows Development Setup

1. What We'll Cover in This Section

For Windows Users ONLY - Windows Development Setup: Topic coverage

2. Windows Development Setup for AngularDart

For Windows Users ONLY - Windows Development Setup: Steps for setup

4. For MAC Users ONLY - MAC Development Setup for AngularDart

1. MAC Development Setup

For MAC Users ONLY - MAC Development Setup for AngularDart: Setup setps

2. Set up Dart SDK and Path on MAC - Running a Dart App

For MAC Users ONLY - MAC Development Setup for AngularDart: Setup for running a Dart App

5. AngularDart - An Overview and Motivation

1. What We'll Cover in This Section

AngularDart - An Overview and Motivation: Topic coverage

2. A Brief Angular Architecture Overview

AngularDart - An Overview and Motivation: Overview of the architecture

3. TODO AngularDart Project Walkthrough

AngularDart - An Overview and Motivation: Introduction to TODO AngularDart project

4. Creating a Make It Rain App

AngularDart - An Overview and Motivation: Creating an App

5. Make It Rain - Inline Template

AngularDart - An Overview and Motivation: Creating inline template of the App

6. ngIf Directive

AngularDart - An Overview and Motivation: ngIf Directive

7. Data Binding - Overview

AngularDart - An Overview and Motivation: Introduction to data binding

8. NgStyle Property Binding and Changing Text Color

AngularDart - An Overview and Motivation: Personlisation

6. Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives

1. Restructuring Project for Multiple Components

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: Project for multiple components

2. ngIf - toggle a Boolean to Show Text

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: Wrangling with Boolean

3. Using the Hidden Property Binding VS ngIf

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: Discover hidden property

4. ngFor Directive and Index

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: ngFor

5. Using ngClass to Bind More CSS Classes

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: Binding CSS classes

6. Using ngStyle Directive

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: nhStyle Directive usage

7. Setting ngStyle from Component's Method

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: Component's method

8. Using ngFor Directive with TrackBy

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: Usage of TrackBy

9. Overview - Directives - Introduction to Creating Custom Attribute Directives

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: Overview of creation of custom attribute directives

10. Creating Customized Attribute Directives

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: Creation of custom attribute directives

11. Implementing textZoom Custom Directive

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: Implement textZoom

12. Custom Directive - Adding Input data Binding

Deep Dive into AngularDart Directives: Addition of input data binding

7. CHALLENGE - Custom Directives

1. Create a Custom Directive - Highlighter

CHALLENGE - Custom Directives: Creation of customer directive

2. SOLUTION: Custom Directive - Highlighter

CHALLENGE - Custom Directives: Solution to a challenge

8. Building Reusable Components

1. Reusable Components

Building Reusable Components: Overview of reusable components

2. Reusability of Components - Explained

Building Reusable Components: Reusability aspects of the components

3. Creating a Reusable Component - Using Input Property

Building Reusable Components: Input property usage

4. Binding Another Input Property

Building Reusable Components: Adding another input property

5. Binding Description Input Property

Building Reusable Components: Binding description

6. Raising Events with Streams in a Reusable Component

Building Reusable Components: Raising events in a reusable component

7. Adding Alias to All Input and Output Properties

Building Reusable Components: Addition of alias for input and output properties

8. Passing Event Data

Building Reusable Components: Passing event data

9. Input, Output Properties - Summary

Building Reusable Components: Summarization

9. CHALLENGE - Reusable Components

1. Adding Bootstrap-glyphicon to Project

CHALLENGE - Reusable Components: Adding Bootstrap-glyphicon

2. How the Final FacebookLike Component Should Behave

CHALLENGE - Reusable Components: Behaviour of final component

10. SOLUTION - Reusable Components

1. FacebookLike Component Challenge Solution

SOLUTION - Reusable Components: Solution to the challenges

11. AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data

1. What We'll Cover in This Section

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Topic coverage

2. Getting Data from API - Part 1

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Fetching data from API

3. Getting Data from API - Parsing JSON Using json Decode

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Getting data, parsing JSON

4. Showing Data in a List

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: How to show the data in a list

5. Using Life Cycle Hook OnInit to Populate List

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Usage of Life Cycle Hook

6. Separation of Concerns - Creating a Service and Cleaning Code

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Creation and cleaning of a service

7. Firebase Setup

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Setup for the Firebase

8. Create Firebase App And Database

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Creation of Firebase App

9. Setting Up Firebase Project and Adding First Item to Realtime Database

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Firebase project setup

10. Showing All Items from Firebase - Mapping JSON to Dart Objects

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: JSON Mapping to Dart objects

11. OPTIONAL - Adding Bootstrap to the Project

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Add Bootstrap to a project

12. Showing added Student Right When Added - Future.Then Method

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Wrangling with data

13. Deleting items - Problem Fix

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Troubleshooting - deletion

14. Delete in Front and Back End

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Deletion in front and back end

15. Update Student - Part 1

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Student data updation

16. Update Student Final

AngularDart - HTTP Services - Consuming Remote Data: Final student updation

12. AngularDart - Forms

1. Forms - Introduction

AngularDart - Forms: Introduction

2. Forms - Creating Bootstrap Forms

AngularDart - Forms: Creating Bootstrap Forms

3. Forms - Two-Way Binding in a Form

AngularDart - Forms: Two-Way binding

4. Adding Validation - Part 1

AngularDart - Forms: Adding validation

5. Changing Div if Valid

AngularDart - Forms: Changing the Div

6. Clearing our Form with Model

AngularDart - Forms: Clearing the Form

7. Submitting the Form with ngSubmit - Part 1

AngularDart - Forms: Submission of the Form

8. Showing Model Data Depending on Submitted Boolean

AngularDart - Forms: Model data presentation

13. AngularDart - Pipes

1. Pipes Introduction

Pipes Introduction: Introduction

2. Pipes - Motivation and What They Do

Pipes Introduction: Motivation behind Pipes

3. Using UpperCase Pipe

Pipes Introduction: Using UpperCase Pipe

4. Pipes - Date Pipe

Pipes Introduction: Data Pipe

5. Parameterizing a Pipe

Pipes Introduction: Pipe parameterization

6. Currency Pipes and Parameters

Pipes Introduction: Currency Pipes and Parameters

7. Chaining Pipes

Pipes Introduction: Chaining Pipes

8. Creating Custom Pipes

Pipes Introduction: Creation of custom Pipes

14. Routing in AngularDart

1. Router Module - Introduction

Routing in AngularDart: Introduction to Router Module

2. Steps to Creating Routing Navigation

Routing in AngularDart: Steps to create Routing navigation

3. Configure Routings - Part 1

Routing in AngularDart: Routings configuration

4. Creating Route and RoutePaths

Routing in AngularDart: Creation of Route and RoutePaths

5. Adding Paths to Browser Bar and Navigate to Template - Part 1

Routing in AngularDart: Additon of paths

6. Adding Bootstrap Button Links

Routing in AngularDart: Addition of Bootstrap button links

7. Adding RouterLinkActive

Routing in AngularDart: Addition of RouterLinkActive

8. Creating Student Model and Populating StudentList Template and Default Route

Routing in AngularDart: Creating and configuring Student Model

9. Adding Page Not Found

Routing in AngularDart: Troubleshooting

10. Redirect

Routing in AngularDart: Redirect

15. Router Module - Part 2

1. Route Params and Navigation - Introduction

Router Module - Part 2: Introduction to Route Params and Navigation

2. Restructuring Student List

Router Module - Part 2: Student list restructuring

3. Showing Dummy Announcements

Router Module - Part 2: Dummy announcements display

4. Adding NavBar - Bootstrap

Router Module - Part 2: Addition of NavBar

5. Set up Student Component and Route

Router Module - Part 2: Setting up of Student component and routing

6. Set up Student List Template and Selecting a Student

Router Module - Part 2: Setup student list template and selecting a student

7. Creating Student Navigation URL and Passing Id Param

Router Module - Part 2: Creation of student navigation URL

8. Set up Student Component Navigation

Router Module - Part 2: Setting up of student component navigation

9. Imperative Navigation When Student Clicked & Passing Params in Browser

Router Module - Part 2: Imperative navigation

10. Fix - Two-Way Binding Issue

Router Module - Part 2: Troubleshooting Two-Way binding issue

16. Final Project - Student dashboard

1. What We'll Cover in This Section - Demo

Final Project - Student dashboard: Section coverage

2. Creating Data Models

Final Project - Student dashboard: Creation of Data Models

3. Set up Main and Index

Final Project - Student dashboard : Main and Index setup

4. Set up All Components

Final Project - Student dashboard: Setting up rest of the components

5. Setting Up the NavBar

Final Project - Student dashboard: NavBar setup

6. Set up Routes and Paths

Final Project - Student dashboard: Set up Routes and Paths

7. Set up Navigation to Work

Final Project - Student dashboard : Set up Main and Index

8. Showing all Announcements

Final Project - Student dashboard: Showing all Announcements

9. Showing All Dummy Students

Final Project - Student dashboard: Showing All Dummy Students

10. Adding Pointer Style

Final Project - Student dashboard: Adding Pointer Style

11. Setting up Student Details Route and Templates

Final Project - Student dashboard : Setting up Student Details Route and Templates

12. Setting Up Student Details Route - Part 2

Final Project - Student dashboard: Setting Up Student Details Route - Part 2

13. Showing Student Detail ID

Final Project - Student dashboard: Showing Student Detail ID

14. Set up Student Details and Back Button

Final Project - Student dashboard: Set up Student Details and Back Button

15. Set up Add Student Component - Part 1

Final Project - Student dashboard : Set up Add Student Component - Part 1

16. Set up Add Student Route

Final Project - Student dashboard: Set up Add Student Route

17. Adding Students to a List

Final Project - Student dashboard: Adding Students to a List

18. Saving Students to Firebase

Final Project - Student dashboard: Saving Students to Firebase

19. Showing All Saved Students From Firebase

Final Project - Student dashboard : Showing All Saved Students From Firebase

20. Adding a Card

Final Project - Student dashboard: Adding a Card

21. Update a Student

Final Project - Student dashboard: Update a Student

22. Delete a Student

Final Project - Student dashboard: Delete a Student

23. Final Touches and Finishes

Final Project - Student dashboard: Final Touches and Finishes

24. Redirect and Page Not Found

Final Project - Student dashboard: Redirect and Page Not Found

17. AngularDart App Development

1. What We'll Cover in This Section

AngularDart App Development: Section coverage

2. Install & Check NodeJs

Final Project - Student dashboard: Install & Check NodeJs

3. Set up Main with BrowserClient

Final Project - Student dashboard : Set up Main with BrowserClient

4. Deploy Project to Firebase Host

Final Project - Student dashboard: Deploy Project to Firebase Host

course Content

1 sections1 lessons
Contents1 lessons
  1. 1AngularDart: Build Dynamic Web Apps with Angular and Dart

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