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School isn't working for your child, but you can't imagine the next steps. Naomi Fisher and Heidi Steel will show you a different way.
When school's not working, it can be hard to imagine any alternative - but school is only one way to learn. Dr Naomi Fisher (clinical psychologist and author) and Heidi Steel (unschooling mother of four and qualified teacher) will explain how learning can be different outside school, and show you what that really looks like.
You'll leave with a clearer idea of how your child can learn outside school and what your role is. You'll understand how home education is different to school, and what it might look like in your home.
Dr Naomi Fisher is a clinical psychologist and author of two books on self-directed education: Changing Our Minds and A Different Way to Learn. Her website is here
Dr Naomi Fisher
Heidi Steel is an unschooling parent of four and qualified teacher. She runs coaching courses for parents who want to explore unschooling and can be found at
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