Booking options
£595 - £795
£595 - £795
Delivered Online or In-Person
Full day
Intermediate level
Certificate: Course Completion Certificate | Language: English
Duration: 1 Day | Credits: 8 PDUs
Course Delivery: Classroom | Virtual Live
Lunch and Beverages are included in a classroom session
Course Overview:
Effective Change Management An Interactive One Day Program
“Change is the only constant” – Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher
Why Change Management?
According to Harvard Business Review, 70% of all change initiatives fail. Another study by Towers Watson found that only 25% of change management actions are successful over the long term. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas and methods are continuously evolving, affecting the way organizations run their operations.
Developing effective change management skills then becomes not only inevitable, but also critical in today’s dynamic professional world as organizational change becomes more of a norm than an exception.
The Leading Change Management program will give aspiring change agents and managers the tools required to implement changes successfully with positive acceptance throughout the organization.
Program Overview:
The Leading Change Management program is designed to promote excellence in the management of change by introducing participants to the skills required at each step of the change process.
Built on the latest research and practice in North America, this program develops, challenges and inspires leaders to lead successful and rewarding organizational change initiatives.
The concepts and methods learned are immediately usable in the workplace, leading to faster implementation of change projects that achieve and sustain concrete results.
Learning Objectives:
To introduce the step by step change management process and the range of tools and methods available to address change challenges and problems
To provide insight on relevant, practical and applicable change management skills and equip participants to effectively engage with change processes in the workplace
To improve awareness and confidence for using change management tools and models required to design appropriate change plans for the workplace
The Nature of Change
Drivers of Change
Vision and Mission of Change
Eight Steps to Effective Change Management
Change Strategies
Change Resistance
Effective Communication Skills to Lead Change
Effective Leadership in the Change Process
Target Audience:
There is no Eligibility Criteria for this training, anyone can attend this training.
We provide Course Materials, Course Completion Certificate and Refreshments
All our Instructors are Certified & Industry Experts and they have years of experience in the same filed.
We do Provide Group Discounts such as 10% for group of 3, 15% for group of 5 and 20% for the group of 10 people.
You can request a refund by sending an email to and within 7 working days you get your money back.
This course does not include exams as this is non-certifications course. Once after the training we provide course completion certificate with each credit per hour (SEU,s or PDU’s)
A PDU stands for a Professional Development Unit, A way to measure ongoing professional development. SEUs are Scrum Educational Units, issued by the Scrum Alliance.
The Training hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
The Training hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Placements are not guaranteed, however you can ask our trainer for the help as our trainer has contacts with corporate.
No prerequisites are required to attend this training.