Booking options
£595 - £795
£595 - £795
Delivered Online or In-Person
1 hour
Advanced level
Certificate: Course Completion Certificate | Language: English
Duration: 1 Day | Credits: 8 PDUs
Lunch and Beverages are included in a classroom session
Course Delivery: Classroom | Virtual Live
Course Overview:
Communication Skills are the most highly valued skills in today’s business environment. Successful professionals who add value to their companies communicate clearly, accurately and effectively. Poor communication skills, on the other hand, restrict even the most talented professionals from getting ahead in the business world.
Communication Skills intensive is a cutting edge training program designed to help today’s business professionals take their communication skills and effectiveness to the next level. It immerses you into the most advanced and innovative communication techniques.
You will dive deep into all forms of verbal, non-verbal and written communication, and come out with a developed sense of personal communication style that will help you to connect with, communicate to, and inspire people around you. The ability to communicate information accurately, clearly and as intended, is a vital life skill and something that should not be overlooked. It’s never too late to work on your communication skills and by doing so improve your quality of life.
Learning Objectives:
Script yourself with clear, compelling and well-developed messages that reflect your thinking .
Speak with vision and a logical structure that drives home your points.
Answer questions confidently.
Develop professional relationships and networks.
Communicate with empathy and compassion .
Inspire people by appealing to their emotions.
Move from an informational to an inspirational and action oriented style when creating and delivering presentations.
Integrate effective slides into your presentations.
Become a more powerful leader and communicator by applying effective strategic planning and writing tactics for enhanced writing speed and fluency.
Target Audience:
There is no Eligibility Criteria for this training, anyone can attend this training
The Science of Effective Human Communication
Frames of Business and Communication
Principles and Strategies for Effective Business Conversations
Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback
How to Listen Effectively and Accurately
Science of Body Language
How to look confident and charismatic
Business Presentation Skills and Strategies
Powerpoint Best Practices
Principles and Techniques for Effective Written Communication
How to write clear, concise and fast at the same time
We provide Course Materials, Course Completion Certificate and Refreshments
All our Instructors are Certified & Industry Experts and they have years of experience in the same filed.
We do Provide Group Discounts such as 10% for group of 3, 15% for group of 5 and 20% for the group of 10 people.
You can request a refund by sending an email to and within 7 working days you get your money back.
This course does not include exams as this is non-certifications course. Once after the training we provide course completion certificate with each credit per hour (SEU,s or PDU’s)
A PDU stands for a Professional Development Unit, A way to measure ongoing professional development. SEUs are Scrum Educational Units, issued by the Scrum Alliance.
The Training hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
The Training hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Placements are not guaranteed, however you can ask our trainer for the help as our trainer has contacts with corporate.
No prerequisites are required to attend this training.