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On-Demand micro-learning course
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Whether you’re a career driver, passenger or hitchhiker, it helps to have a sense of what works for you. We help you plan your career with confidence, no matter what stage you’re at. Career management is all about taking responsibility for your future. It’s a process you’ll want to return to frequently, so we'll help you to capture your thoughts and plans; then you can be clear about how to capitalise on your strengths, skills and experience to feel fulfilled and proud of yourself. |
1. The pros and cons of your current career planning strategy (whether you have one or not!)
2. The key to finding out what's missing in your career currently
3. How to prioritise your FIRST next steps
Find out where to start getting back on track to feeling like your career is moving in the direction that's most fulfilling for YOU.
Exkavate aims to help everyone have a better day at work, by unearthing the hidden golden nuggets that too often lie dormant in our skills and abilities to get the best out of...