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On-Demand micro-learning course
10 minutes
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Working ‘harder’ isn’t the answer to being effective at work. This workshop helps you to recognise your default behaviour and helpful alternatives to managing competing requests on your time.
Repeatedly saying 'yes' to requests that don't allow us to do our best work can end up with frustration on all sides - but we are often more afraid of the consequences of pushing back, or simply don't know how to do it with grace and professionalism.
1. The shocking facts of how stress changes the brain
2. The best thought disrupter for handling pressure
3. How to use the accountability ladder to boost your reputation for effectiveness at work
Uncover the neuroscience behind your triggers and reactions to stressful workloads and find out how to switch into a more helpful way of working.
Exkavate aims to help everyone have a better day at work, by unearthing the hidden golden nuggets that too often lie dormant in our skills and abilities to get the best out of...