A 2 day course for Powerboat Instructors (aged 17+) looking to advance their instructions level to include the Advanced and Intermediate Powerboat courses. The course builds on the command, teaching and communication skills all introduced at Powerboat Instructor level which will have been solidified by experience running courses. The course covers how to coach and train all aspects of the Advanced Powerboat course including safe command of a vessel at day and night, meteorology, Collision Regulations, Emergency situations and search patterns, and use of engines. The course is a mix of theory and practical.
Course Pre-Requisites
To do this course you will need the following certificates: First Aid certificate, Powerboat Instructor (with logged teaching hours), Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate, one of the following Certifiates of Competnce with a valid commercial endorsement; Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Completence, RYA Yachtmaster™ Coastal (Power) Certificate of Competence, or RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore (Power) Certifcate of Competence (Instructors who do not hold a valid commercial endorsement will only be able to teach Intermediate Powerboat).
RYA Instructor Training
At Torbay Sea School we have trained many RYA Instructors who have gone on to instruct with us, other RYA training centres or as freelance instructors. During the course of your general RYA training you will have gained all the skills necessary to sail, motor or power boat with confidence to a high standard. The following courses consolidate all those skills and give you the tools required to instruct others to gain their RYA qualifications. You will be able to utilise our Instructors experience and our boats/equipment to feel at ease with instructing others.