t.e.s.t. ndt international
TEST NDT, LLC. is a Southern California based NDT Training, consulting and
examination service provider. We have a scheduled of NDT Training courses
running throughout the year, all courses meet or exceed the requirements of ASNT
recommended practice SNT-TC-1A. We also offer training courses which meet the
new NAS 410 training requirements. We can offer any of the training courses at
your facility anywhere throughout the USA (For International training, please
return to previous screen and select the country where the training is
required). We can also provide consulting and qualification examination services
in accordance with your companies written practice. We are currently approved by
Boeing, BAE Systems, Rolls Royce, GE Engine Systems, American Airlines to name a
few and we have also been audited and approved in accordance with US nuclear
requirements per 10 CFR 50 APP B, ASME Section III and NCA-3800.