stagecoach theatre arts glasgow
ality part-time training in the performing arts for children aged 4-18yrs. Our
aim is to nurture and develop young potential through singing, acting and dance
classes stretching young imaginations and building confidence. Our students take
part in weekly skill building classes run by professionals from the
entertainment industry - actors, directors, dancers, choreographers, singers and
musical directors. Students from 6 to 18 years come for three hours per week,
students from 4 – 6 years come for one and a half hours per week. For our more
ambitious students there are opportunities to gain professional work in
television, film and theatre. Recent professional work gained by Stagecoach
Glasgow students includes CBBC’s Eve, feature films Scottish Mussell, Where Do
We Go From Here, and Tide. You can either enrol at Stagecoach Glasgow or visit
our other school at Stagecoach Glasgow North.