connect education resources
Coconut Thinking is an advisory that supports schools and learning organizations
nurture ecosystems grounded in relationships that contribute to the thriving of
the bio-collective—any living thing that has an interest in the healthfulness of
the planet. We help you create, develop, stress test, and implement their ideas
for sustainable and regenerative learning design. In other words, we work
alongside you to shift your learning ecosystem, and the experiences within it,
toward life-affirming practices. This might include: designing and leading
workshops; creating and implementing professional development initiatives;
serving as a critical friend on projects, initiatives, and plans; collaborating
on endeavors that liberate learning; bouncing ideas about what might just be
possible; and anything else that takes us toward more regenerative ways of
becoming. We also connect schools with practitioners, artists, and industry
experts to create collaborative spaces that respond to contextual challenges:
learning together through contribution to the bio-collective, shoulder to
shoulder across generations. What happens when we prioritize relationships among
all living things? We believe learning is more than a twelve-year individual
journey in educational institutions, more than something that can be measured,
standardized, sorted, and labeled. We believe in learning for and as the
bio-collective, recognizing that we are interconnected and that nothing exists
in isolation. We don’t want to overthrow the system, we want to work with those
who can imagine something else is possible. We ask ourselves one guiding
question: How do our responses contribute to the thriving of the bio-collective?
In our view, learning is not an end in itself. Learning is a process that
happens when one experience changes behavior in a subsequent experience,
behavior that is expressed in the form of responses to our dynamic contexts.
Learning is like potential energy that is converted to kinetic energy through
these responses. We believe that this energy should be used to contribute to the
thriving of the bio-collective.