vanity furr dog groomers & training courses
Cancellation fees - time is reserved to groom your dog, if for any reason you
need to cancel or swap your appointment please give us at 48 hours notice, this
allows us time to fill your dogs space. Failure to give 48 hour notice will
incur a £10 fee, if you cancel on the day or do not turn up the full amount of
your groom will need to be paid before any future appointments are made or
rebooked Late fees - please be on time to your appointment for both dropping off
AND collecting, we can hold your space for 15 minutes, however any later than
this will have a domino effect on our day and run us into our next dogs. When
collecting please BE ON TIME if you are later than 30 minutes after your given
collection time you will be charged a £10 fee. All of our dogs are booked in on
an 'in- out' system so we can give each dog our undivided attention.