Do you know someone about to start university? Are you or they worried about what it’s going to be like or how you’re all going to cope?
Accredited CPD: 1.5 hours
Adapting to university life can be a daunting and highly stressful time for young people and their families, as everyone adjusts to the many challenges and changes it brings.
This hugely helpful and informative webinar – aimed at parents/carers, students, teachers and counsellors – contains some of the best advice available for anxious students and their loved ones.
Gareth’s wealth of experience is condensed into sound, practical advice that you can implement straight away.
He highlights potential problems many aren’t aware of – as well as what not to worry about – and shows you how to make the transition to university as stress-free as possible, for everyone involved…
Huge thanks for offering this terrific online seminar – it was well worth my time – very informative.PARENT
What will you learn
Why the transition into university can be difficult for almost all students – and how you can make it easier
Practical steps you can take to help them prepare for university – even in the last few days before they go
The myths about university and student life that can trip up many students and parents, plus what to expect from the early weeks of term – what you shouldn’t worry about
A guide to the key processes students go through during the first weeks of university and how they can use this time to make the next three years better
An understanding of the holistic nature of learning at university level and what this means for students
Advice on what to do if or when things aren’t going as well as hoped – including tips on managing anxiety (important information as high levels of anxiety and stress can lead to mental health problems)
Why it’s important for parents and carers to look after their own emotional health, and some ways you might do this
How to prepare for the changes you will see in your son or daughter.
Who is this course suitable for?
Parents/carers of prospective university students – anywhere in the world
Students about to embark on university life
Professionals working in schools, colleges and universities
The information and ideas Gareth shares are vital for parents, guardians, teachers, university counsellors and students themselves.
Meet your tutor
Dr Gareth Hughes
Gareth is an HG psychotherapist, researcher, nationally recognised expert on university mental health and wellbeing and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Read more
Good to know
This webinar complements Gareth Hughes’ 1-day workshop: Anxiety and Learning: how to improve academic performance and wellbeing, which is available as inhouse training.
You may also like Gareth’s other webinar: How to reduce anxiety in students and young people and our courses on a range of subjects pertinent to teens and children.
This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 1.5 hours of CPD training.