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592 Educators providing Courses

Enfield Turkish Cypriot Association

enfield turkish cypriot association


ETCA is an organisation which grew from modest beginnings. In 1991 A few Turkish Cypriots in Enfield, had the vision or creating an association to serve Enfield's subs~antial, but voiceless Turkish Cypriot population by providing and facilitating access to, appropriate services sensitive to their culture, language and religion. In October 1994 a steering committee was elected and completed all the groundwork for the organisation's inaugural Annual General Meeting. At this meeting, held in January oj 1995, the organisation elected its first Management Committee and ratified its constitution. Since those early days, the organisation has gone from strength to strength, initiating and operating voluntary prf!jects in many key areas including Elders provision, Education, Health!nformation &Advice, Youth & Sports. In May 1996 a new Management Committee was elected. They continued the organisation's development, consolidating' ETCA's existing projects, initiating new ones. They" secured much needed self contained office space, for the expanded organisation, in Community House. The Association also achieved its first substantial grant funding from the National Lottery Charities Board for the Health Project, followed shortly by a grant for an Education consortium bringing together nearly all the Turkish Schools in Enfield. Throughout 1997 & 1998 the organisati'ln continued to increase its capacity to help more Turkish Cypriots in more ways. ETCA launched a Women's Group, extended the Sports project to incorporate two new youth football teams and a Table Tennis team and initiated the much needed Home Careproject. Today the organisation provides support, advice and help for thousands of Turkish Cypriots within Enfield and is subsequently one of England's biggest and most effective organisation in its field of work. Last year Lejke Elders Project was launched together with the Homelessness Project, Sure Start Project and Day Respite Service Project. ETCA, 1991 yılındaki mütevazi bir başlangıçtan bugünlere gelen bir örgüttür. Enfield'de bir kaç Kıbrıslı Türk, Enfield'in sayıca çok ama sesi pek duyulmayan Kıbrıslı Türk nüfüsun kültürüne, dil ve dinine uygun hizmetleri sağlamaya ya da bu hizmetlere ulaşmanın yollarını bulmaya yardımcı olacak bir dernek yaratma düşüncesindeydiler. Ekim 1994'te bir kurucu komite seçildive örgütün kurucu kongresi için bütün ön çalışmaları tamamladı. Ocak1995'te yapılan bu kongrede örgüt ilk Yönetim Kurulunu seçti ve tüzüğünü onayladı. O günlerden bu yana örgüt, Yaşlılara Hizmet, Eğitim, Sağlık, Bilgi ve Danışma, Gençlik ve Spor da dahil olmak üzere birçok temel alanada gönüllü projeler başlatıp işleterek güç kazandı. Mayıs 1996'da yeni bir Yönetim Kurulu seçildi.Y eniYönetim Kurulu örgütün gelişmesi, ETCA'nın varolan projelerinin sağlamlaştırılması ve yeni projelerin başlatılmasi çalışmalarına devam etti. Toplum Evi'nde ( CommunityHouse) artık genişlemiş olan örgütün çok ihtiyaç duyduğu, kendine ait bir ofis sağladl. Dernek ayrıca Milli Piyango Vakıflar Kurumu'ndan Sağlık Projesi i!çin ilk büyük mali yardımı almayı başardı. Bunu kısa süre sonra Enfield'deki Türk Okullarının hemen hemen hepsini biraraya getiren Eğitim Konsorsiyumu yardımı izledi. 1998'de örgüt, kadın projesini başlatarak, spor projesini iki yeni futbol takımı ve bir masa tenisi takımını kapsayacak şekilde genişleterek ve dört gözle beklenen Evde- Bakım projesine girişerek gücüne güç katmaya, saygınlıgını artırmaya devam etti. Bügün dernek, belediye sınırları içinde binlerce Kıbrıslı Tiürk'e destek, danışma ve yardım sağlayan,kendi alanında ingiltere'nin en büyük ve en etkin kuruluşlarından biridir. Geçtiğimiz dönemde 'Lefke ve Bölgesi Yaşlılarevi' projesini hayata geçiren ETCA, ayrıca evsizler, 0-4 yaş arası çocuğu olan anneler veya hamile kadınlar ve ailesinden birisine bakmakta olan kimselere manevi destek sağlayan kişilere destek veren projeleri de hayata geçirmiştir.

Kathmandu University-School of Arts

kathmandu university-school of arts

Kathmandu University (KU) is an autonomous, not-for-profit, self-funding public institution established by an Act of Parliament in December 1991. It is an institution of higher learning dedicated to maintaining the standard of academic excellence in various classical and professional disciplines. The mission statement of the University is “to provide quality education for leadership”. The vision is “to become a world-class university devoted to bringing knowledge and technology to the service of mankind”. The University aspires to serve the nation by fulfilling the needs of the society through the motto of taking knowledge and skills “from the campus to the community.” The University’s broadly perceived signature features include autonomous administration, financial self-sustenance, regular maintenance of the academic calendar, sustained trust of the international academic community, optimum contact between faculties and students and student-friendly environment, among others. Similarly, the University’s graduates are widely known for attributes such as substantive exposure to the industry and the community, research competence, technological literacy, moderate to high-level communicative competence, teamwork and leadership spirit and global compatibility. The Senate is the apex body of the University. It comprises University authorities, dignified educationists, government secretaries, donors, mayors of local municipalities, teacher representatives, student representative, and representatives from affiliated institutions and industries. The Prime Minister, who is the Chancellor of the University, chairs the Senate. The Minister of Education is the Pro-Chancellor. The Executive Council and Academic Council develop internal policies and programs to run the University. The University’s Board of Trustees, which comprises renowned personalities including the founding fathers, is entrusted with the responsibilities of advising long-term plans and generating and managing of resources. The University operates through seven Schools: (i) School of Arts, (ii) School of Education, (iii) School of Engineering, (iv) School of Law, (v) School of Management, (vi) School of Medical Sciences and (vii) School of Science. At present, the University offers more than 200 long-term and short-term academic programs and courses from intermediate to Ph.D. levels. As of June 2022, the University has produced 38,339 graduates. Student fees cover 60% in KU’s financial management. The same percentage of student fees goes into salary and allowances. Other sources cover 40%, whereas the government support is 10%. A total of about 10% of the students studying in the University at various levels receive scholarships apart from educational loan facilities and other sponsoring schemes from different organizations. KU runs academic programs most of which are credited for being introduced for the first time in the country. Business Administration, Pharmacy, Environmental Science, Biotechnology, Human Biology, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Development Studies, Social Work, Technical Education, Media Studies, Civil Engineering with Specialization in Hydropower, Landscape Management and Heritage studies, Doctor of Medicine (DM) in Gastroenterology, DM in Neurology and MS by Research in Glaciology count among the pioneering programs in Nepal. The University marked the year 2016 as its Silver Jubilee Year. On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations, Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, the then Vice-Chancellor, brought forward a vision document, Silver Jubilee Initiatives – Vision 2030, which pledges thrust for quality, innovation, equity, identity, impact and global engagement. These initiatives, founded on the University’s key achievements for 25 years in quality education, will remain instrumental towards achieving the status of a world-class university.

Spectrum Sen

spectrum sen


Spectrum SEN services provide help and support to both young children with special educational needs (SEN) and their families. Our services are completely bespoke and individualised as we fully appreciate that not ‘one cap' fits all. We believe in teaching and developing our students, creating tailor-made educational plans that encompasses their strengths and interests. This method has proven to be successful in aiding engagement, development and making learning fun! Our highly experienced consultants specialise in supporting individuals from start to finish, ensuring they reach their full potentials, equipping them with the foundations required to build on - to successfully pave the way to unlock the door for future opportunities and achieving their aspirations. Our consultants are devoted to making a difference in supporting SEN children and realise the barriers and challenges that families go through to best support their children. Spectrum Sen's dedicated team are here to support both the students and their families every step on the way! Each student will be assigned a tutoring consultant who will meet, discuss EHCP needs and options, before making sure all parties are happy with the devised educational plan. We want to help our SEN children become more independent, and more resilient by helping them identify their triggers, and teaching them how best to manage them. Our education, social development and life skills programmes is key in preparing them their next chapter of life or a further educational provision. We specialise is working with children with ASD, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Dyslexia Dispraxia and children with complex overlaps. Our company director has a background in psychology and has over 20-years’ experience in special educational needs. Along with supporting families and young children in various schools across the South East, she has first-hand experience living with her own SEN children, (now teenagers) that identify with ASD, ADHD, Depression, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Speech and language needs, Development delay and sensory difficulties. With many sleepiness nights and lots of failed school placements she made it her mission spending years studying and researching ways to understand the world 'as her children saw it' in order to best understand and help them. She now puts her knowledge to good use by supporting and training others. It is her aim to provide our young students with a better understanding of 'self' and boost self-awareness and self-esteem. She believes in children being able to express themselves freely, find their own identity and have the power to be autonomous. We incorporate a hands-on kinaesthetic learning to gain real-world and life skills - which builds confidence, that they will use daily for the rest of their lives. Our holistic approach promotes young minds, wellbeing and develops trusting rapports. Spectrum SEN has been formed to help and support young people and their families to achieve their goals. Our friendly and nurturing team work closely with parents, children, and local councils, ensuring the best possible support is provided. We believe in the personal approach and collaborate with a variety of professionals and therapists. All of our consultants are highly compassionate and experienced in supporting young people with SEN, fully DBS checked and safeguard trained. funding is generally granted by local councils through EHCPs or personal budgets, however, please do get in touch if you are in the process of applying for this, or you would like to use our services privately. All services are tailor made to each individual, we accommodate both full and part-time placements. We welcome parents, schools, colleges, and local councils to make enquires to discuss the needs of any individuals requiring support.

Westminster City School's Sixth Form

westminster city school's sixth form


A Level Results Day 2024 saw significant improvement with the proportion of students securing top grades (A* to B) rising by 6% to 58%. 83% of all grades were A* to C (up 8%) providing a strong foundation as students go on to higher education and the world of work. A record number of students will start degree courses at universities including UCL and Oxford. Over half of students have secured places at Russell Group or top 25 ranked UK Universities, and they will complete their studies in subjects ranging from Mechanical Engineering to PPE, and from Design to Psychology. The number of students going on to study either Law or Medicine has increased, showcasing the impact of the school’s Pathways Programmes. Other students hold places on competitive and prestigious degree apprenticeships. Without doubt, these destinations place Westminster City School as one of the most successful 6th Forms in London and this year’s outcomes are a key step in achieving our goal of being the 6th Form of choice in the heart of London. Within our Sixth Form, you'll enjoy more freedom and independence than your previous years in education but our supportive learning environment means you will be guided by highly skilled teachers in small classes, whilst our pastoral support and extra-curricular activities help you develop into confident and independent young men and women. Our facilities include a state-of-the-art Sixth Form study suite and common room, with outdoor space. Our central London location places you in the heart of the capital, within walking distance of the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey.  This ensures you can go beyond your A Level subjects by attending workshops or lectures with business leaders, participating in conferences or research programmes at top universities or simply visiting the many museums, galleries, theatres, exhibitions and more that are found across London. Our location has also helped us build strong links with nearby organisations, like Polar Capital, an investment company near our Sixth Form. Thanks to generous funding from Polar Capital, our sixth formers will benefit from a fantastic suite of further support. All students joining our Year 12 will receive a free laptop and those thinking of university study can apply for one of two generous university bursaries, worth over £20,000 a year, for each year of future university study.




We are a team-centred practice with a surgery in Belfast. We have services for families and businesses in Christchurch and North Canterbury. There are four experienced Doctors in the practice, supported by a trained, caring team; Practice Liaison, Finance Liaison with a strong management team Four experienced nurses Receptionists and Administrative staff We also offer a specialised travel clinic and we are a training practice where we help in the training of new GP's as part of the GPEP ( General Practice Education Programme). 1) Our Professional Commitment to your Care We are members of Pegasus Health Our GPs are members of Pegasus Health who support and assist us in the delivery of excellent medical services to you. Their commitment, and our commitment, is to "provide you with the right care in the right place at the right time". We belong to the 24 Hours Surgery This means that when our surgery is closed, you will be covered by the 24 Hours Surgery on 401 Madras Street. Because we are members of the 24 Hours Surgery you can be certain you will be seen there. This is part of our commitment to provide 24 hour care to you. We are Foundation Accredited Foundation is a quality certification from the Royal NZ College of General Practitioners. Foundation is a continuous quality improvement programme that supports the development of managerial, organisational and clinical systems as a method to improve quality in the practice team and promote greater accountability to patients. We are pleased to be part of this accreditation process to achieve the best outcome for you. Our PHO is Partnership Health Canterbury A Primary Health Organisation (PHO) is a new way of arranging health care in the community to make sure people get the first level health care they need. It's a group of health providers whose job it is to look after all the people enrolled with them. The government gives the PHOs funding to subsidise a range of health services: providing care and treatment when people are ill helping people stay healthy reaching out to those groups in their community who have poor health or who are missing out on primary health care Travel medicine We are an international health regulation accreditated practice for travel medicine so we can offer you all travel vaccines, including yellow fever. We give SMART advice for the best outcome. Click here to find out more. 2) Our Personal Committment to your Care You will be given the attention and quality advice you need. And if it becomes clear you need the services of other community health groups, we are networked with them and can quickly put you in touch with the right people in Belfast, Christchurch or North Canterbury. We work hard to help you every visit. MEDIQUAL™ offers the best choices for your health We have found that people like you become empowered if they are given information. So when you come and tell us about your medical condition, we will help you understand the possibilities and options you now have. And then support you to make an informed decision about your next step. We are in this together. It is your life and you are in charge. We are here to assist you in making good choices each step of the way. This empowers you. And this is central to how we practice. 3) Our Commitment to the Community Family is vitally important to you and also to us. So we are active in supporting the family, both in our practice and the communities we serve in the greater Christchurch area and North Canterbury. Family is important ... both in North Canterbury and beyond. At home you have family who will support you. Outside you have friends. Let us become part of your support network. Contact us for an appointment. Cambodia Tooth Angel Project One-2-One CAMBODIA (www.one2onecambodia.org)

Global Study Solution

global study solution


Welcome to the future of higher education. We are poised to embark on a revolution of learning, one that belongs to the inspired and to the innovative. GLOBAL STUDY SOLUTIONS is the embodiment of our vision that world-class education is a human right. Democratization of knowledge is the key to economic growth, social development, cultural enrichment, and political empowerment. Through its accredited partner institutions, GLOBAL STUDY SOLUTIONS offers academic degrees, languages, professional certificates, continuous education, and vocational programs. We have taken advantage to bring quality education to you, wherever you may be….. What we offer for you? GSS is not just another educational consultancy but also a trusted organization for education marketing and employer branding. With quite an amiable approach we provide expert service to promote your institution. Your partner for student recruitment GSS assists you to recruit students and support throughout the whole student recruitment process – from consultation concerning your student recruitment strategies to authentic execution of the planned marketing activities. We also show you how effective to reach prospective students. More than just consultancy GSS that works! Our integrated approach comprises more than traditional consultancy. Frequently, consultancy is only the beginning of a successful cooperation. In contrast to traditional consultancies, we consider ourselves to be a full service provider that supports you through the entire marketing process – until the desired results have been achieved. “We know our prime objectives very well and we believe in our creative business strategies, so together we achieve results and to develop concepts that are applicable in practice. Your success is our vision.” We believe that Human has pursued the knowledge through education and travelling around the world. “GSS Global Study Solutions” has envisaged the help and assistance required in this human pursuit and looks forward to providing guidance and information on global opportunities and reputed sources of required education across the world to the young knowledge seekers. OUR OBJECTIVES Aim to achieve the mission and vision through following objectives : To gain adequate knowledge and skills for the key employees and professionally develop them to provide quality services to the clients To achieve and surpass norms established by internationally reputed regulatory or certifying agencies and qualify to provide recruitment services. To obtain official representation status from internationally renowned institutions and introduce them to students, thereby facilitating the students to enroll in their desired programs while aiding the cultural diversity objectives of institutions. To actively participate in the marketing plans of principal foreign institutions by conducting events and providing infrastructure and administrative facilities as well as supplying market intelligence. To provide coaching for language proficiency required by student to pursue higher education abroad To guide and enable the students to achieve desired results in language, aptitude and competitive entrance tests. To counsel and advise students to select most appropriate programs and institutions suitable to their academic qualifications and aptitude and assist them in admission formalities To provide comprehensive solutions for sourcing programs, identifying institutions, improving language proficiency, admission applications, scholarships & funding, visa applications, pre-departure preparations and post-landing under the same roof. Global Study Solutions offers you a Summer Camps experience that lasts a lifetime with Comfort, relaxation and Leisure activities. Intensive English Programs -Learning languages & Linguistic activities Paid Internship: Enhance your educational experience and develop your career by making the world your classroom. Intern Abroad and get hands-on training while gaining the skills you need to be successful in an international and global workplace. Events/ Chat Room/ University Visit: We host a series of Online Chats and Virtual events throughout the year for prospective students and applicants. OUR MISSION “To make accredited educational programs accessible to everyone, everywhere” Our mission is to source internationally renowned academic institutions providing modern learning programs leading to bright international careers and guide help and assists students to gain easy access to such learning opportunities. OUR VISSION “World-class education as a human right” We believe that Human has pursued the knowledge through education and travelling around the world and in universe & we look forward to providing guidance and information on global opportunities and reputed sources of required education across the world to the young knowledge seekers.

International Academy Of Chinese Culinary Arts

international academy of chinese culinary arts


Founded in 2019, The International Academy of Chinese Culinary Arts provides expertise and insight on good practice, education, and development issues within the Chinese food related industry in the UK. Its International Chefs Academy offers International Programmes, Professional Programmes, and Continuing Professional Development Programmes aiming to nurture intellectual and professional competencies of our learners to meet the industry's demand for a new generation of chefs with multi-culinary and management skills, as well as professional mindset and work attitude. IACCA also provides bespoke professional consultancy services to businesses and educational resources to training providers, who are wishing to deliver professional chefs’ or hospitality management programmes within Chinese Culinary Arts IACCA CULTURE Vision: To be the Global Leader of Chinese Culinary Arts education and development. Mission: We set and maintain professional standards for Chinese culinary practitioners and driving positive change in Chinese food related industry Core Values Creating experiences driven by quality and authenticity is at the centre of all we do Committed to our people by developing their competences and capacity We grow our business sustainably and profitably We continue to improve through innovation and technology We contribute back to our communities IACCA TIMELINE 2016 A group of 5 experienced practitioners in the UK’s vocational related education sector founded PAM Education Consultancy Services Ltd. As an independent education solution provider with the main objective of bridging the gap between vocational education and industry development and employability skills. Pam Education ensures that learners are not only vocationally competent but employment ready. PAM Education officially established its strategic partnership with Tianjin Economics and Trade School (then the Tianjin No. 2 School of Commerce & Tianjin School of Cuisine) to bring authentic Chinese culinary arts training and education onto the global stage. 2017 The partnership has successfully obtained funding from Tianjin Municipal Education Commission under the Lu Ban Workshop Project to establish education and training centre in the UK for Chinese Culinary Arts, to develop fully regulated qualifications and the associated learning resources in English. In May, the first Lu Ban Workshop in Europe was opened at Chichester College (CC). Officials from the Tianjin Education Commission, Senior management from PAM, TES, and CC were participated in the opening ceremony. 2018 In April, the first and only UK fully regulated Level 3 Diploma in Chinese Culinary was approved by PAM Education’s awarding Body - Qualifi and appeared on the Regulated Qualification Framework. In October, PAM Education offered 10 scholarships to prototype the L3 Diploma course with Chichester College Group. Most learners reported to have benefited from the course professionally. 2019 In Early January, PAM-TES collaboration continued to flourish. Witnessed by the senior management team of the Tianjin Food Group, PAM Education and TES signed a MoU to develop a restaurant and international training centre at the iconic building of Cains Brewery in the heart of Liverpool’s vibrant Baltic Triangle. On 31st January, PAM sponsored Chinese Culinary Arts students were given the opportunity of a lifetime when they cooked for Number 10 Downing Street and the Rt Hon Theresa May at the 2019 Chinese New Year Reception. With 150 people attending the event, the students excelled in cooking a variety of canapés alongside four prestigious Chinese master chefs, flown in to help prepare for the event. In February, built on the success, PAM created IACCA, aspired to be the global leader of high quality and authentic Chinese Culinary Arts education and development. In July, the Level 2 Certificate in Chinese Culinary Art was approved In October, the Level 4 Diploma in Chinese Culinary Management was approved In November, Lu Ban Restaurant and Training Centre Liverpool was launched, which have not only brought premium Chinese cuisine and dining experience to Liverpool but also provide the state of art learning venue and work placement opportunities to Chinese culinary lovers. BBC North West and the BBC the One Show have reported on the ground-breaking Chinese cuisine experience that the Lu Ban academy and the IACCA training centre offers. 2020 In January, IACCA was named finalists in the Education Link Awards at the Department for International Trade, North West England Greater China Awards Ceremony. In July, IACCA initiated the Master Chef Programme together with TES. In August, IACCA launched its first two programmes of study to the International market.

Mersey School of Anaesthesia

mersey school of anaesthesia


Established in 1997, The Mersey School of Anaesthesia (MSA) is principally concerned with preparing Trainee Anaesthetists facing their Primary & Final FRCA Examinations. Originally held within a Charitable Trust Accounts at Liverpool Heart & Chest and Aintree Hospitals, it was advised by the Trust Account Managers that it should be moved and run as an independent Charitable Company. In 2012 the MSA registered with the Charity Commission (Reg. No. 1149165). Income is invested back into the Courses that the MSA run and at the end of each Financial Year, any surplus income is donated to Research, Education and Patient Care charities, these mostly of an anaesthetic texture in the UK or used to support Volunteer Anaesthetists in various Charitable Ventures Abroad. Overall, by the end of March 2021, the MSA has donated a total of over £900,000 to such concerns, all of it by reason of candidates’ subscriptions to our courses and classes allied to the full support of those Anaesthetists, who contribute as Faculties to those Courses without expectation of recompense. Here is a collage of some of the Donations/Funding Grants that have been made in recent years: HERE Its Motto & Objectives The Motto of the MSA is “If you Feed the Children with a Spoon, they will never Learn how to Use the Chopsticks” If you are a Trainee planning on attending MSA Courses, it is important that you must appreciate before you attend that the MSA never claim to provide teaching or distribute teaching materials on its Courses. You must not attend expecting to be taught. The Courses are designed for Exam Preparation and include; – Exposure to Exam Style Questions – Opportunities to Practice in as close to Exam Conditions as we can muster – Learn & Fine Tune Exam Techniques – Peer Learning The advice to Trainees is that they should attend MSA Courses only when they consider themselves adequately Prepared, in terms of knowledge, for the Imminent Examinations. The MSA’s emphatic advice regarding all the FRCA Examinations is that trainees should only sit these examinations when they feel that they Deserve to Pass. It has to be courting Disappointment to enter for these exams Hoping to Pass We also fully appreciate our methods do not suit everyone’s learning style, therefore, you must feel assured before attending that it will help you in your Exam Preparation and subsequently embrace the ‘gameplay’ we offer. We are very conscious of Trainee’s valuable time and want to make sure you make the best use of it. Not everyone finds the same approach useful. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have, but also advise you to speak to Colleagues who have been to MSA Courses in the past to ask them the questions: ‘Why they would recommend?’ and ‘How did the Course help them?’. Supporting Lifebox… The MSA also contributes to Lifebox, an international charity concerned with the improvement of Anaesthetic Services in underprivileged parts of the world where the mortality from General Anaesthesia can be unacceptably high due to a lack of suitable equipment or adequately trained personnel. To date this specific donation is over £35,000. You can find our recent donations HERE Supporting AquAid… We at the Mersey School of Anaesthesia are aware that keeping our Candidates hydrated will aid them to perform at their very best throughout the work day. In 2016, conscious of plastic pollution, the MSA stopped distributing Bottled Water to Candidates at Registration to the Courses. Instead, we invested in a couple of AquAid Water Coolers to be used on the Courses and asked Candidates to bring their own refillable bottle. With each purchase of a Water Cooler Refill Bottle an automatic donation has been made to the Africa Trust. We are delighted to be informed that, as a result, these funds have helped to build an ‘Elephant Pump’ in Africa to provide a much needed source of clean & fresh drinking water for many in the community. Thank you to AquAid for providing an excellent service and for giving us the opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Please consider AquAid when looking for a ‘Water Solution’ in your business or offices; we would highly recommend! To date [2021] AquAid have donated in excess of £16 million and helped bring a life-time supply of clean, fresh drinking water to more than 3.2 million people.

Wills & Wills Mentoring

wills & wills mentoring


BOSTON – MENTOR, the unifying champion of the mentoring movement, announces the expansion of its leadership team with the addition of Tim Wills who joins as the organization’s first Chief Impact Officer on March 7. Tim will drive strategy, coordination, integration, and effectiveness of MENTOR’s teams focused in the areas of training and technical assistance; product design, development and ongoing usage; field research and evaluation; strategic partnerships and systems innovation; and Affiliate partnership, support, effectiveness, sustainability, and expansion. MENTOR CEO David Shapiro says, “We are so fortunate Tim is bringing his decades of experience as an advocate for youth, an innovator, a communicator, and local leader in one of the nation’s oldest and most expansive youth development organizations to our team and the mentoring movement. His personal and professional journey, commitment to supporting others’ development, community building talent, and deep commitment to young people will be such key drivers in our expanded and dynamic efforts to ensure all young people have the relationships they need to strive and thrive.” A native of Ferguson, Mo., Tim holds a bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. As a college student, he developed his passion for youth by covering human interest stories as on-air talent for his college television and radio stations which led to a 17-year career in youth development, including at the Boys & Girls Clubs in Chicago, the District of Columbia, and Harford County, Md. In 2016, because of his extensive experience in organizational transformation and increasing club membership, quality improvement, innovative programming and funding, Tim was named the CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of South Alabama. In this role over the last six years, Tim led twelve year-round sites, three summer only programs, a 150-acre campground, and POINTE Academy, a school for detained and adjudicated youth. He’s received several honors and awards, including Boys & Girls Clubs Professional of the Year for his leadership, Mobile Bay 40 Under 40, and Benjamin Mays Excellence in Mentoring Award. Tim is an active member of the Lion’s Club and a member of the board of directors for Voices for Alabama’s Children and Linking All So Others Succeed (LASOS) in Maryland. He’s completed executive-level training in leadership, non-profit management, and advanced philanthropy from Harvard Business School, Stanford University, and Boys & Girls Clubs of America. For 12 years, Tim has been a single foster parent and has fostered 20 children. He also has spent significant time teaching in VolunTourism trips to Haiti. “I’m thrilled to join the MENTOR community to continue the work of elevating the voices of young people across our country,” said Tim. “This new role will further deepen our ability to impact systematic change in order to open doors of opportunity and to close the mentoring gap. I am excited to get started working with our team, board, and stakeholders to continue strengthening and expanding the mentoring movement.” The role of Chief Impact Officer provides a critical new link and integration between so many of MENTOR’s core functions, key stakeholders, valued partners, and Affiliate network which provides local delivery, leadership, and innovations in service to the youth mentoring field nationwide. It will drive expanded impact, efficiency, and responsive servant leadership. Currently, MENTOR operates in collaboration with 24 local Affiliates across the country that galvanize their regional or statewide mentoring movements and provide leadership and structure to support quality mentoring through training, advocacy, and public awareness. Operating under the framework of One MENTOR, MENTOR Affiliates share resources and strategies to strengthen the national mentoring movement. Sadiq Ali, Executive Director of MENTOR Maryland | DC and a member of the CIO interview committee added, “I am greatly excited about Tim joining our One MENTOR family in such a critical role and at such a critical time. His perspective, having been on the frontlines of both local and national youth serving work, will be invaluable as he helps lead us into our next chapter as an Affiliate network, champions for young people, systems change advocates, and a sustainable, impactful organization.” ABOUT MENTOR MENTOR is the unifying champion for expanding the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships across the United States. 30 years ago, MENTOR was created to expand opportunities for young people by building a youth mentoring field and movement. The result: a more than 10-fold increase in young people in structured mentoring relationships. Today, MENTOR is the expert voice representing a movement that meets young people everywhere they are – from schools, to workplaces, and beyond. MENTOR operates in collaboration with 24 local Affiliates across the country. For more information, visit mentoring.org.

No Boundaries Cricket Club

no boundaries cricket club


No Boundaries Cricket Club is a registered (14004918) Community Interest Company (a type of company introduced by the United Kingdom government in 2005 under the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004, designed for social enterprises that want to use their profits and assets for the public good. CICs are intended to be easy to establish, with all the flexibility and certainty of the company form, but with some special features to ensure they are working for the benefit of the community. They are overseen by the Regulator of Community Interest Companies. It was established by Dr Simon Chowdhury and Chris Marshall in March 2022 and the CIC36 application can be viewed here and the Articles of Association here. Subsequently this Board Note was produced confirming that Dr Chowdhury will be Chair and that both founding members have a right of veto over new members, and at the same time Sandra Marshall was appointed Company Secretary & Treasurer. Introduction As the name implies we are a Cricket based Community Interest Company (NOT a Charity Team) whose primary aim is to educate people on the benefits and opportunities cricket proves. We will put together teams to introduce people to the game and from time to time we will play games to awareness and raise funds, but we are very much a Business aiming to make profits which in turn we will use to achieve these objectives We have two distinct sides to the Club: On the field we aim to provide opportunities to play cricket in the right spirit. All are welcome, but the focus is on introducing woman and children to the game of cricket. Off the field we aim to raise funds and awareness and run educational programs focussed on diversity, inclusiveness, and racism and improving animal welfare. This is important to recognise as it means we have two distinct sides to the Club which each require their own distinct structure(s) to run. Off The Field The CIC is fundamentally a limited company guaranteed by liability (£1 per member – which is the CIC term for Director). There are currently three Directors, the founders Dr Simon Chowdhury (Chair), Sandra Marshall (Company Secretary & Treasurer) and Chris Marshall. We are open to having up to 5 Directors in due course but are in no rush. New Directors must be appointed with a specific objective in mind and with the relevant skill set. Anyone thinking they can contribute can put themselves forward. It is important that the CIC does not spread itself too thin or over extend itself so will be selective as to how many charities/causes we actively support on an ongoing basis. We will have one per Director with that Director being responsible for the relationship and activities relating to that charity. Dr Chowdhury has selected the NHS, Chris being an allrounder has elected Animal Welfare for his focus. The blog will provide awareness and educational content for the charities and causes that we support. We will invite guest contributors to help them develop their writing skills and presence. We want to secure funding and grants to deliver educational programs both online and in person with schools, clubs, organisations and communities to help disadvantaged children to improve their lives through involvement with and through cricket. The same applies to our animal welfare objective. We want to promote job opportunities in and around cricket, not just playing: scoring, umpiring, ground staff. We can set up/facilitate training programs and look at working with local clubs to give people work experience and exposure to these skills. On The Field We are NOT aiming to be a celebrity charity cricket club playing at high profile venues. We will play at local clubs against the local club with our team made up of club members, guests, and local cricketers. Our cricket games will have two very specific objectives: 1) to support the nominated cause, as well as our partners and sponsor, and 2) to introduce as many boys, girls and woman as possible to the game of cricket. We will hold coaching and playing sessions at the club on the morning for both club members and newcomers to the game and in the afternoon, we will play a game (or games) which allow all to play. We will introduce a recognised structure to run the cricket side of the club: Director of Cricket, Club Captain, Vice Captains, Safeguarding & Welfare Officer. We will keep an open mind to absorbing other clubs into our ‘tribe’: charity specific ones and higher profile celebrity ones which help expand our reach and ability to help more people and animals BUT we need to walk before we run. We can maintain relationships with these clubs, and possibly play them, but our initial priority and focus is NBCC. We will not be paying for grounds, or for people to play. Players will cover their own costs associated with games.