adonai health & wellness centre
Adonai Optimal Health and Wellness is an affordable skilled Integrative Medicine
in Monroe, CT. Accepting new appointments. Call today or request an appointment
on our website.Dr. Whitton is a Board Certified, Licensed Naturopathic
Physician. She is Founder and Clinic Director at Adonai Optimal Health and
Wellness. Her Journey into Naturopathic Oncology began after loosing her mother
to pancreatic cancer in 2013. Her diligence and passion has led to the
acquisition of extensive knowledge in Naturopathic and Integrative Oncology,
earning certifications in Integrative Oncology from the Metabolic Terrain
Institute of Health founded by the renowned Dr. Nasha Winters. Other
certifications include Mistletoe therapy, Ozone therapy and Nutritional Enzyme
therapy from the Gerson Institute. Dr. Whitton is a member of the Oncology
Association of Naturopathic Physicians and is affiliated with Arcadia Clinic an
Alternative Cancer Treatment Center in Germany. She does not consider herself an
expert but strongly believes that excellence in her craft is obtained by
recognizing that Learning is a lifetime commitment, and this commitment is
transferred to all who entrust her with their healthcare needs. Additionally,
Dr. Whitton holds a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and
Acupuncture which she considers an integral part of her practice.