kevin chamberlain
Art and Drama teacher before community management. Directorships in financial
services. Became Training Manger of second oldest financial services company in
UK, only for it to bought out, asset stripped and fold a few months later as we
hit a major recession – not great timing from my point of view! The value was in
being forced to rethink. Then lots of freelance work including restructuring
medical practices, public speaking on such subjects as creativity, problem
solving, motivation, managing teams and public speaking training. As a freelance
you pick up some oddities along the way, e.g. as making ‘boring’ subjects such
as minute taking and data protection fun – I kid you not. Gradually more and
more career coaching with a great deal of focus on supporting doctors in general
practice, with some involvement in the setting up of Published Surviving School Leadership
(Pearson publishing). A coaching resource for educational leaders Qualified
Lateral Thinking Fellow (de Bono) Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Created
Appreciative Inquiry 1st group on LinkedIn – 2,000 plus members.