bristol kora
The creation of unity and a cohesive community togetherness among members and
wider community Promoting peaceful co-existence to be strengthened by regular
community activities and social get-togethers. Organising social forums to
enlighten our members particularly the younger generation on the values that are
championed by the BKA To create a solid centre of regular social interface as a
mean of advancing the social wellbeing of our membership. To promote the values
of good citizenship as members of the wider community on those cardinal tenets
the holds our society together, i.e. law-abiding, tolerance of diversity among
others. Support Community Institutions both financially and morally as
permissible by the terms of this very constitution. Shall collaborate with other
like-minded sister organisations to support such ventures deemed worthy by our
membership. MEMBERSHIP Membership to BKA is open to all adults over the age of
18 who share our values and aspirations. A person’s membership shall be
recognised only after completing a mandatory membership form and upon receipt of
confirmation from the Secretary-General (SG), through text message, email, or
phone call. All members shall commit to a regular contribution as agreed by the
General membership and subject to periodic review. The Executive Committee shall
reserve the right to reject the application of an individual but only if such
action was taken solely to the best interest of the association.