stella holt
Our passion is to keep those who have food hypersensitivities safe, and able to
enjoy life in the same way as everyone else. We believe that everyone has the
right to socialise safely, and, let's face it, every event revolves around food!
The reality for those living with food allergies or hypersensitivities, is that
they are often excluded from everyday events such as coffee with friends, the
work lunch, networking breakfast, birthday or wedding parties, Christmas dinner,
etc. etc. It is our aim to make sure that everyone is included, and kept safe.
It is not rocket science or quantum physics to achieve this, which is why we
offer accredited food allergen awareness, food allergen management, and food
safety courses.
Food Allergy Friends Limited and Cater Allergy Safer is here to enable both the
hospitality industry and the food allergic diner with training in allergen
awareness and management.
We have courses and services that can be tailored to you, whether that is in
your business or your own home.