alice johnsen coaching
I’ve been a coach since 2013 on the back of a career that has been varied,
bringing with it a range of life skills and experience that are invaluable to
coaching. I’ve worked for the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (as it was back in
the day), the Countryside Alliance and I’ve served with the Territorial Army.
I’ve been told that last bit was good training for raising 3 boys! There have
been other adventures too. Catering (I love cooking but not professionally and
am in awe of those who do), fundraising for schools and various political
campaigns. For a while I thought the political life was where I wanted to go but
decided it didn’t work for me alongside raising a family. Again, in awe of those
who do. Working for a charity called Key4Life was a particularly fascinating and
inspiring project. The common thread running through everything I have done is
people. All sorts of different people from different starting points, different
parts of the world, different mindsets. Building a rapport with people honestly
but quickly comes very naturally to me. It is finding out your story and working
closely with you to lighten the load or improve the quality of your life that is
at the core of my coaching.