stratford-upon-avon college
Stratford-upon-Avon College merged with Solihull College and University Centre
in February 2018. As a major institution of both further and higher educational
provision in the West Midlands, our aim is simple – to make significant
contributions to the local and regional economies and beyond, by providing high
quality vocational education and training for individuals, employers and the
wider community. As such, our provision is designed to be up to date, flexible,
accessible and responsive to all our customers needs, serving approximately
8,000 students across three main campuses, several satellite centres and on work
based programmes. We have state of the art facilities and an excellent
learning/working environment, including a sports complex, arts centre and
specialist vocational workshops. At present, we employ approximately 250 full
time and proportional teaching staff within the main curriculum areas. We also
employ approximately 300 administrative staff and approximately 220 part time
teachers. We are proud of the open and friendly environment within our
organisation. Solihull College will provide you with significant and exciting
challenges and genuine career and development opportunities. Never have the
challenges and opportunities within post compulsory education been greater.
Ultimately it is our people, their drive, commitment and vision that will take
us in the direction we want to go.