young spender
Have you ever felt that wobble in your stomach, when you look at your bank
account to see your salary has been paid but somehow there is still a minus sign
in front of the numbers? Yeah, me too. When month after month, my account moved
between positive and negative, because of choices that I had made to buy things
that were not so important, I honestly felt like this was all that my financial
life was going to look like. I didn’t know that this was the feeling that would
be the pivot to my financial expertise and the birth of my company ‘Young
Spender’. A company delivering coaching, and workshops designed to develop the
financial education of young people. A choice was made to break the cycle.
Within 4 months I had managed to clear a debt that had felt so overwhelming, and
I had taught myself the habits and strategies needed to manage my money
effectively. I stopped getting that wobbly feeling at the end of the month and
there were no longer any minus signs in front of my cash. With my success at
demolishing this debt following the strategies I had learnt, alongside the
knowledge that I was gaining from my career in Finance and Accounting, I
realised that more had to be done to support and educate young people like
myself to stop making poor financial choices. School had educated us on how to
get the job but not what to do with its reward.’