sounds together
Sounds Together is a complete, systematic, synthetic phonics programme for use
in Reception and KS1. The Programme is the 'step-up' from 'Letters and Sounds'.
It provides a fresh, thorough and systematic approach to teaching and learning
phonics that builds on previous professional experience and understanding,
without requiring teachers to 'unlearn' the positive principles and methods of
'Letters and Sounds'. Sounds Together has its roots in 'Letters and Sounds', but
has been extensively developed and creatively elaborated in the light of all the
feedback and learning from the thousands of schools that used 'Letters and
Sounds' in the national 'Communication, Language and Literacy Development
Programme' (CLLD). Sounds Together is the only fully DFE approved phonics
programme to draw on this knowledge base. Sounds Together, with its strength of
structure, guidance and support, makes phonics teaching and learning consistent,
engaging and effective from its beginning in YR, right through to KS1. Some key
features Sounds Together sets out the complete sequence of all the phonic
knowledge and skills that need to be taught to meet the requirements of the new
National Curriculum. It provides strong classroom support for teachers because
it includes fully detailed planning for each session of the Programme in
Reception and KS1. The planning has been carefully designed to ensure that
previous learning is progressive and cumulative and is repeatedly revisited and
reinforced. The planning is completely integrated with a full suite of on-screen
resources for the interactive whiteboard (Smart Boards only). It's easy to use
because the planning fully describes each step of the teaching sequence for each
day's phonics session. It's engaging for children because the teaching resources
for each session include vivid interactive whiteboard materials that will
capture children's attention and keep it focused on what they need to learn. It
minimises the amount of time needed to prepare for each phonics session, because
all the IWB materials needed are immediately ready for use for every single
daily phonics session. The Programme includes an electronic library of decodable
captions, sentences and other short texts that can be printed out as handy-sized
reading cards. The Programme includes the materials children need to practise
and apply their phonic knowledge and skills. There is also a wealth of extra IWB
resources that can be used for additional practice, including materials for
individual or group work. All the Sounds Together materials can be used with a
complete class or smaller groups. The Programme is provided on disc, with an
individual school licence that allows the school to make unlimited lifetime use
of the materials, provided only that none of those materials are not shared,
copied or passed on to a third party.