the academy of franchising
Welcome to The Academy Academy of Second Language Learning, universally known
simply as "The Academy" to all, is an extraordinarily professional association
of second language instructional institutions that are now franchised and
available across the USA. We appreciate your interest in The Academy, and we
welcome you to our franchise website. There is much information to review on our
website. We encourage you to preview our entire website before contacting us
about the possibility of franchise ownership as a Regional Developer or as a
Franchisee. You may also be interested in our other franchised instructional
institutions, Academy of Private Investigation and Loss Prevention and Academy of English Language Learning - All schools are available for franchising
in major metropolitan areas across the USA, providing professional-level
instruction to many of the same students, which makes these schools a superior
tandem franchise team. We look forward to hearing from you. We strongly
encourage detailed and lengthy communication by telephone where questions and
answers are best related. Our franchising process is detailed later in our
website. Completion and submission of our Questionnaire will permit the optimum
level of discourse throughout the process, so we encourage you to complete it
and submit it at your earliest convenience. Once again, welcome to The Academy!
About The Academy Academy of Second Language Learning is headquartered in the
Phoenix, Arizona area. It is universally known simple as "The Academy." It is
owned by Academy Franchise Partnership, Inc., an Arizona corporation. Its sister
instructional institutions are Academy of Private Investigation and Loss
Prevention and Academy of English Language Learning. The Academy [Academy of
Second Language Learning] has developed and written the methods and practices,
course curriculums, and text/work books for its professional private
instructional institution that is now a Franchise. For its second language
courses, The Academy has recorded its own proprietary audio recordings.