willow business support ltd
North Yorkshire
Willow Business Support has one fundamental aim: helping business to realise its
full potential and maximise profit. Willow Business Support was founded by Susie
Brindley, who identified a need to offer first class service and support to
public and private sector businesses that are operating within the visitor
economy, in the UK and overseas. Susie has a wealth of knowledge and experience
to share with her clients, in a supportive, confidential and constructive way.
Willow also works with a team of experienced and professional associates, who
are specialists in marketing, training, research and event management. Willow
assist business in its wider sense, including employers, self-employed,
not-for-profit organisations, and can help entrepreneurs develop their ideas,
and their business skills. Willow has three broad objectives: • To enhance
individual business capability - through our day-to-day service provision,
marketing, business advice, training and development and our advisory role. • To
make a tangible, positive impact on our clients and their business. • To offer
exceptional customer service, and to act in the best interest of clients at all