Emotional Intelligence 1 Day Training in Perth, UK
Emotional Intelligence 1 Day Training in Wolverhampton
Emotional Intelligence 1 Day Training in Warwick
Emotional Intelligence 1 Day Training in Teesside
Emotional Intelligence 1 Day Training in Stoke-on-Trent
Emotional Intelligence 1 Day Training in St Andrews
For pupils aged 14+ | Delivered in UK Schools by Real World App and Games Developers Our new Getting Started with Website Design and Development Workshop is a great way to introduce your pupils to coding. We’ll focus on HTML, CSS and JavaScript throughout a full-day workshop. At the end of the day, they will have a working website, along with notes and support so they are equipped to design an online portfolio for their work, or other project.
Aimed at owners & potential owners wanting to learn more about the vehicle they drive and how to look after it. INTRODUCTION TO AIRCOOLED Vehicles Workshop objective: To give you the knowledge and confidence to successfully look after your aircooled vehicle. Workshop Contents: Morning How an air-cooled engine works How to get the best out of your engine What can go wrong and how to prevent them from happening Key things you need to know about an MOT Key things on keeping you, your passengers safe. After Lunch (Hands On) How to maintain your aircooled vehicle Adjusting points, timing and valve clearances Changing Oil & Strainer Changing Spark Plugs Changing the fan belt Carrying spares to help breakdown services getting you back home safely Further reading and learning more
Host your own group to learn how to make a fabulous flower crown using fresh or dried flowers.