A thought/idea generated and shared across connected communities that have
common goals and beliefs is BRAIN and MIND working in harmony” The Innervate
mission is to stimulate connections that lead to the creation & sharing of
respected & trusted resources, to support people through challenging times. We
aim to encourage and facilitate a partnership approach between healthcare
professionals and patients, supporting the provision of medical education &
create practical solutions that encourage constructive dialogue between health
professionals & patients. We have developed innovative health and medical
information and educational resources for close to 20 years. Established in 2001
the company is founded on extensive experience from the world medical
communications and medical education. “Stimulating connections to create & share
respected & trusted resources, to support people through challenging times.” In
addition to the facilitation of partnerships Innervate stimulates the creation
of products and services that supports a the building of relationships between
health professionals and their patients that ultimately lead to optimising the
quality of life for all. Details of some of our work is available to view
throughout this website.