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20858 Educators providing Courses

Act Fast Nl

act fast nl


Act Fast is a well-established Independent School near Scunthorpe in North Lincolnshire. Act Fast has grown organically as the need for a high standard of provision has emerged and developed. The premise of Act Fast’s provision is that we are promoting the value of education to previously disaffected young people. what we do We operate a bespoke curriculum at Act Fast, which is both written and delivered by in house staff and is in line with the DfE Independent Schools Standards. We overtly deliver lessons in the following subject areas: Maths up to Functional Skills level 2 standard English up to Functional Skills level 2 standard Motor Vehicle Technology with the Institute of the Motor Industry up to level 2 standard PSHE (Including RSE) against a verified and recognised scheme Motocross, delivered by qualified and experienced staff Physical Education through a range of on-site and off-site activities. Art/Crafts Music Further to this, lessons in the following subject areas are delivered as embedded features of the timetabled lessons. Human and Social Understanding Aesthetic and Creative Scientific Technological British Values Our learners know if they work hard, they are awarded by riding the motorcycles here at Act Fast. This has proven to be successful, helping young adults to achieve their qualifications and have a positive attitude towards learning. Curriculum Act Fast has made a commitment to give every young person who is capable of the opportunity to reintegrate and to take a range of exams. For those subjects that Act Fast does not currently deliver, as we develop learners opportunities will increase. We are an accredited exam centre through OCR, NCFE, ABC, D of E, and when required will extend this to meet the needs of our learners. Our curriculum also enables and encourages learners to develop their interests and talents. We have a number of students here who have found their passion for music, learning how to play the guitar, as well as a large number of young, talented motorbike riders who love learning about riding, fixing and maintaining the bikes. It’s important to us to support our learners in keeping them physically and mentally healthy. We have access to: Mental Health Champions, outreach support and therapeutic counselling services, available to all our learners. We have regular sports activities within our timetable to encourage physical exercise, as well as access to local gyms and leisure centres. These activities help to prepare young people to access their community in adulthood. Hidden Curriculum Act Fast’s curriculum, throughout the range of its delivery, is heavily invested in the “Hidden Curriculum”. The Hidden Curriculum argument is that the most valuable lessons our young people receive here are to arrive on time, respect authority, follow instructions, keep regard for safety, take responsibility for their actions, behave in an acceptable standard, liaise with other people respectfully, and respect other people’s personal choices, encouraging equality and diversity. Other ways in which we promote equality and diversity include: Challenging negative attitudes amongst students. Setting clear rules regarding how people treat each other. Treating all students and staff equally and fairly. Using resources that have multicultural themes. Creating lessons that reflect and promote diversity in the classroom. Making sure that all students have equal access to participation and opportunities. Ensuring that all procedures and policies are non-discriminatory. Making sure that classroom materials never discriminate against anyone. Safeguarding protected characteristics throughout our culture and ethos. All of these things, to a greater extent than formalised subject lessons, will make them responsible, independent, resilient and above all else employable young people once they finish their school career. Act Fast has trained and qualified staff to recognise some of the barriers to learning that students face. These barriers might be due to Adverse Childhood Experiences and with knowledge and understanding of such issues Act Fast staff can help students overcome them to maximise their potentials. Referral, Application and Introduction After a referral is made to Act Fast, we invite a representative from the referring body (usually the Inclusion Officer), the learner and the learner’s parents into Act Fast for a familiarisation visit. During that visit the learner is given a tour of the facility, is introduced to key staff members and receives an explanation of the culture of Act Fast. Learners are given the opportunity to voice any concerns and any questions they have are answered. We set a high expectation on behaviour here, and partly because expectations are high, but also because more established learners mentor new arrivals, new learners very soon fall into compliance with our way of doing things. Act Fast works because our learners buy into the culture. This is the first opportunity that a young person has to involve themselves in how we operate here. Application forms must be completed prior to a young person starting at Act Fast. Once applications are complete, the referring body typically takes a few days (sometimes up to a week) to arrange their transport. Personal data will be stored and processed at this point, and details entered into our MIS system, Arbor. We insist on a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) meeting with stakeholders and the young person present within the first month. This allows any teething troubles to be voiced and solutions to be sought. Further PLP meetings are held regularly, no less frequently than once a term. At those meetings, Act Fast staff will deliver a report detailing the engagement of the young person, levels of educational attainment, attendance, general engagement, and commentary on the likelihood of a reintegration being successful. Reintegration planning must be tailored to suit the needs of the individual. Staff Investment Our staff all take part in quality training including regular CPD sessions and ongoing programmes of accreditation such as SSS online training (recently completed by all staff members). Training needs identified are acted on as soon as practical. The organisation believes and invests in the continuous professional development of its people. Our commitment to CPD is such that every member of staff has received CPD accredited training in the last 12 months. Our qualified teachers ensure pedagogical content methods are in place to deliver high standards of teaching for our young learners. We engage with our staff continuously here and know of the main pressures on them, including managing workload. We aim to support every staff member to help guide them throughout their career at Act Fast. Educational Framework It is our aim to provide an educational framework which is heavily invested in the hidden curriculum. By that, we mean that as well as lessons formalised in Maths and English for example, our young people develop an understanding of: working to a process arriving on time respecting authority abiding by the rules accepting that their first choice may not always be the right choice following instructions not expecting to leave early attending every day These are the skills whereby a young person will be employable post 16. Without these key skills, a young person is unlikely to be able to function in the workplace. We develop the hidden curriculum, embedded in everything we do, in order that our learners gain an understanding of their expectations being matched by the expectations of attendance, compliance and engagement We have a tracking system in place for our core subjects. We also use a “readiness to learn” scale, whereby a learners attitude, engagement, and involvement in their own work is measured. Bespoken When evolving Act Fast into an independent school I was very mindful that Mainstream school had not been a successful outcome for the majority if not all of our learners. It was imperative that we were bespoke and able to meet the needs of all our learners and not just the few. For this reason we created our own curriculum that is more sympathetic to our learners’ needs. Our teachers create an environment that allows our young people to focus on learning. 1:1 support as well as small group teaching (where appropriate) is in place to make teaching more effective, allowing tutors to concentrate on each individual learner’s needs. We believe in student voice here at Act Fast. Our EHCP’s (Educational Health Care plans) allow us to capture our learners’ views. It’s not only in our annual reviews that we give learner’s opportunity to be heard. For example, one young adult suggested we invested in a bigger bike here, so we put arrangements in place and made this happen. We encourage our learners to make their voices heard. Below are some examples of student voice council meetings held at Act Fast and how they shape decisions made at the school. Student Voice Meeting 040322 We have effective arrangements to identify learners who may need early help or are at risk of neglect, abuse, grooming or exploitation. We strongly promote our policies and legislation such as safeguarding, diversity and equality of our staff and learners at Act Fast. Ofsted Report 2022 Best Bits: “Act Fast school is a place where the proprietor and staff go the extra mile to support the pupils who attend. It has a unique vision of how to ‘hook’ pupils back into education, and it is successful in doing so. Act Fast has started to re-engage pupils who have experienced difficulties in their education”. “Parents believe that, finally, a school ‘gets’ their child. The wider curriculum, built around motor-cross, is a distinctive feature of the school. It motivates pupils to attend and to behave well. For those pupils who do not wish to ride the bikes, staff work with them to find alternatives. The proprietor and staff have limitless ambition for what pupils can achieve in their personal development. At the heart of this is a patient, careful building of relationships, and, in many cases, a re-building of trust between the pupil and their experience of education.” “The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has a strong understanding of the requirements of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Recently, the SENCo has started to work with a senior leader to more effectively incorporate pupils’ SEND targets from their education, health and care (EHC) plans into teachers’ planning.” “Leaders have also recently taken action to improve the school’s support for pupils’ reading. For instance, a primary specialist has been appointed with experience of teaching phonics to the weakest readers. The English lead is in the process of building a programme to encourage pupils to read widely and for enjoyment. Leaders’ wider curriculum for pupils’ personal development is, to very large extent, a strength of the school.” “The proprietor’s vision for getting young people who have had difficult experiences of school back into education is impressive. It is backed up by an innovative personal development curriculum, built on a range of activities that take place in the afternoons. These include a variety of motor vehicle-related opportunities, as well as visits out of school to a range of venues. Recently, for instance, pupils have started to be taken to a local engineering firm to participate in a scheme to broaden their career aspirations. Pupils know that there is a plan in place for them to make a suitable next step into further education or training at the end of Year 11.” Improvements: “Leaders’ PSHE curriculum includes reference to the protected characteristics and the school is a respectful community: however, coverage of the protected characteristics in the curriculum strategy is not as detailed as it could be, so pupils’ understanding is not as developed as it could be. Leaders should revisit their curriculum thinking for PSHE so that teaching of the protected characteristics is made more overt.” “The current curriculum is based on a limited set of qualifications in two subjects. For a registered special school, this lacks ambition. As a result, pupils experience a narrow curriculum, including a limited suite of qualifications. Leaders should take action to broaden and deepen their curriculum so that pupils have opportunities to study a wider range of subject content, organised coherently and cumulatively over the entire secondary and post-16 phases; and, for those who are capable, to a higher level of accreditation.” “Leaders have not taken the required action with regard to the statutory guidance for the teaching of RSHE. Consequently, parents have not been made aware of the school’s policy and their parental rights within the policy. Also, the teaching of Inspection report: Act Fast NL Ltd. RSHE is not clearly planned in the school’s curriculum. Leaders should take action to be compliant with the statutory guidance and to ensure that curriculum thinking incorporates structured RSHE teaching.”

North London Collegiate School

north london collegiate school

North London Collegiate School is a top independent day school for girls aged 4-18. Since its founding in 1850, generations of girls have received an ambitious academic education and formed a bond with NLCS, which lasts forever. We provide a carefully judged blend of support and challenge, a friendly and warm atmosphere, glorious facilities and extensive extra-curricular activities. We are proud of our tradition of producing independent minded young women with the drive to make the most of opportunities and a difference in the world. That was the Frances Mary Buss, in 1850, and it remains at the heart of the today. We have a strong track record of enabling students to gain entry to their , but examination success is only part of the picture and inspire pupils with a love of their subject which goes beyond the examination syllabus. NLCS celebrates the individual and creative spirit of the pupils. We provide the springboard for our students to find their place in a world which will require not only technical skills, but also creative and communication skills to thrive. This is why we continue to invest in and enhance and offer a . Over create a vibrant atmosphere which helps students to develop a relaxed self-confidence and enjoy their time at Canons. To find their niche, to develop confidence and to succeed in whichever area they choose. We can’t recall visiting another all-girls school and finding quite this kind of relaxed self-confidence. Every pupil matters, the pastoral care at the school ensures students feel supported and valued throughout their time here. We encourage students to be resilient and bounce back when faced with challenges or disappointments. Academic and pastoral staff work closely together to ensure no pupil is without support during her time at the School. - As we remember in our prayer "Thou dost require much from those to whom much is given" and today it is just as important that our students develop a sense of social responsibility and learn how to make a practical difference to the world around them. NLCS has a global perspective that is unique amongst London day schools. In the Sixth Form, students can study the - a highly regarded qualification that is particularly prized by Ivy League, Russell Group and European universities. In addition to this, the opening of our sister schools in Jeju, Dubai and Singapore benefits our students through exchange and collaboration opportunities. The best way to get to know the school is to , experience the buzz and energy of the corridors, enjoy the stunning grounds and the Performing Arts Centre and, of course, meet the students who make it such an exciting place to work and learn. You’ll be sure of a warm reception whether you are a prospective parent, pupil, teacher or a former student.

Tought By Me

tought by me

founded in 1975, Thought Technology is the world's leading biofeedback, neurofeedback and psychophysiological instrument manufacturer. Our instrumentation not only monitors and records a wide variety of physiological and mechanical signals, but also analyzes and provides feedback in real time, through a variety of auditory and visual means, to promote self-regulation and conditioning. Our equipment is used as an essential part of many therapeutic treatments and clinical assessment protocols to treat stress related disorders as well as provide treatment for incontinence and muscle rehabilitation, including sEMG-triggered stimulation. On the non-medical side, it is also used in ergonomics, sports & peak performance and educational applications – wherever accurate and sensitive psychophysiological monitoring and biofeedback are needed. Our fundamental desire is to become a master of our trade, continuously learning and finding new ways to deliver in order to positively impact human kind; ultimately leaving a legacy on this planet that is absolutely awesome to mankind. At heart, we are caring and use our skills to serve others in a meaningful way. We come up with creative ideas to change people’s lives for the better. We implemented an educational free webinar series to help people learn about alternative options towards well-being. Our newly launched corporate brand and website provides education and easy solution process to meet your needs. We take the time, to understand the process, contemplate and appreciate the journey. Once ready, data and knowledge in hand we give life to the vision. Our uniquely designed software is customizable to meet your personalized needs with credible improvements over the years. Throughout, we thrive in sharing, teaching and advocating the wonders of our discoveries to the world. And if the wisdom of experience has taught us anything at all, it’s that a master is only so, so long as he never stops trying to become one. Our support to our customer base is like no other, patiently helping and teaching. Thought Tech is known as the world’s original industry pioneer, ceaseless innovators, and sought after thought leaders. We will proactively, continuously and strategically embrace change, engage with our customers, strengthen partnerships, educate the market and ourselves, and leverage technology to transform and innovate. We will collaborate creatively to efficiently produce user-friendly, real-time, evidence-based, first quality health and wellness technology. Thought Tech main differentiators include feature robust products that are customizable with arguably the most accurate signals in the industry, and are distributed across the world. Thought Tech is proud to have over 45 years of experience, with a solid list of achievements, and strong customer service experience. Constantly striving to improve the quality of our products and services, for years Thought Technology has diligently maintained ISO 13485 medical device certification, CE certification in Europe and strict adherence to many other regulatory regulations all over the world. Thought Technology sponsors a number of workshops, taught by world authorities in their fields, to teach clinical skills and the effective use of biofeedback instrumentation. Because of our profound commitment to clinical education, Thought Technology became the corporate founding member of the Biofeedback Federation of Europe, which was created to promote a greater awareness of biofeedback among health professionals worldwide. www.bfe.org

Fab Fitness PT UK

fab fitness pt uk

“FAB FITNESS MUSIC” and “FAB FITNESS PT UK” is an independent fitness brand and company owned by Fitness Instructor, Presenter, Personal Trainer and Music Producer, Alistair McMeechan. A Brief History: 1990: Age 7 – Alistair began learning to play the piano. 2001: Age 18 – he qualified as a Group Exercise Fitness Instructor. 2007: Age 24 – he moved to Manchester to learn how to create electronic dance music. 2009: Age 25 – he had his first record release “The Cyber Scotsman vs Paul F – Sucker for Hardcore” released on Presence Hard. 2015: Age 31 – he became a UK Fitness Presenter and formed www.aliandginapresents.com with his fitness partner, Gina King. 2016: Age 33 – he became an Ambassador for Pure Energy Music. 2018: Age 34 – he and Gina became the first two UK Instructors to complete the “EURO EDUCATION STEP COMPLETE” Master Training Programme in Barcelona. 2019: Age 35 – he became a Personal Trainer and “FAB FITNESS PT UK” was created!!! 2020: Age 36 – “FAB FITNESS MUSIC” was born!!! Alistair has over 20 years’ experience teaching classes all over the UK and Europe. He has presented at numerous fitness events and regularly tours Britain with his fitness partner, Gina King, promoting their Freestyle Step & Aerobics “Ali and Gina Presents” events. He discovered his passion for Step & Aerobics when he was just 15 years old, and started an after-school aerobics class when he was just 16 – with a little help from his P.E. teachers! His natural progression to qualify as an instructor was achieved two days after his 18th birthday in 2001 – and his passion for music and fitness continues to burn bigger and brighter with each passing day! Throughout 2018 and 2019, Alistair and Gina added to their accolades by becoming the first two UK citizens to achieve certification from the European “Euro Education” Step Complete Diploma Training Programme, delivered by European Master Trainer Guillermo Gonzalez Vega. This enabled them to bring the high-class flair and standards of European Freestyle Presentation to their native UK homeland! With his ever-increasing thirst for knowledge to actively improve people’s quality of life through the joy of fitness, Alistair has continued to add to his skill set. 2019 saw him become a certified Level 3 YMCA Personal Trainer, a certified Non-Contact Boxing Tutor, and Advanced Boxing For Fitness Instructor with another specialisation in Exercise for Older Adults. With current studies ongoing for a certification in “Level 3 GP Exercise Referral” and “Level 4 Nutrition and Weight Loss”, Alistair’s mission to provide the highest level of service to all of his members and participants of the “FAB FITNESS” community continues to grow and flourish! Alistair’s lifelong desire to create his own kind of music brought him to Manchester in 2007, where he continues to reside to the present day. He acquired the skills to realise his dream of composing electronic music, leading directly to the combination of his two passions of music and fitness to establish his own LICENCE-FREE record label, “FAB FITNESS MUSIC”, providing tracks & mixes of uplifting and diverse music resources for the UK Fitness Industry.

Ideas In2 Action

ideas in2 action

Metheringham Lincs

"Ideas in2 Action" is based in Lincolnshire just outside the village of Metheringham. The company is young Design Consultancy providing design solutions that are client driven. By choosing "Ideas in2 Action" you will be investing in a team of highly experienced designers and engineers, providing creative and practical design solutions. "Ideas in2 Action" is aware of design trends and work with the latest technologies, materials and processes in a broad range of contexts to ensure that you, the client, get what you need to fulfil your individual design criteria. Product Generation, Teacher CPD, Bespoke Training Courses, Prototyping, Model Making, Portable Appliance Testing and Electronic or Pneumatic solutions are all located on the same site and integrated by a common company structure and design ethos. We can provide a complete design service or focused specialist support at any stage in the process. Unless your requirements are highly specialised, your whole project will be fully resourced from within our in-house workshop and design studio. Continuous investment in the latest software, development, prototyping and test equipment ensures that we can handle the widest possible range of enquiries. "Ideas in2 Action" also provides a specialist service to Secondary Education and can provide technology teachers, through CPD courses, the specialist skills and knowledge to be able to deliver the Systems and Control strand of the Technology National Curriculum. This service could be provided in our training room or we could visit you, our clients, at your school. We can also provide tailor made courses for School Students in Pneumatics, ECT, Control and CAD/CAM, These again could be based in our training room or in the students’ own school premises. The delivery model we prefer, would typically involve school students attending our premises for training one day a week. This method of delivery would provide a cost-effective solution for schools to deliver Key Stage 3 & 4 curriculum content without having to invest heavily in all the associated hardware and software. Should our clients wish we are able to provide consultancy and training on a more general basis. For example we can provide training course on PC use, right from introductory sessions using Microsoft Applications right to detailed traing using specialist software from our portfolio. We have staff who are qualified as DATA Health and Safety consultants and are able to offer training in that field and also provide staff who are qualified as Marconi ECT trainers. As qualified Portable Appliance Testers we are able to provide a service to industry and schools that is professional and cost effective. Within this service, should our clients wish, we are also able to offer a bar-coding and asset-tracking facility that, if subscribed to, saves our clients money on their insurance premiums. We can also provide web design development and training through our sister company Amethyst Consultancy Ltd. Amethyst Consultancy are able to offer bespoke design for both corporate and education based organisations, plus training in all areas of web manipulation. Please follow the link at the bottom of the page for more information. Our clients all have one thing in common...they keep coming back to "Ideas in2 Action".

Adrian Lloyd

adrian lloyd



Hello and welcome – thanks for dropping in. My name is Adrian Lloyd although those that know me well find that Ade is what I answer to best. I am a full-time designer, maker and teacher and am passionate about traditional handcrafts. I live and work in North West Cumbria in a tiny farming hamlet nestled mid-way between the northernmost edge of the Lake District National Park and the Solway Coast. Most of my making and teaching takes place in an original threshing barn, one of several historic outbuildings, which, along with our 300-year-old farmhouse, surround a cobbled courtyard. I specialise in creating beautiful, functional, traditional hand-crafted items from green wood (that is wood that looks like a freshly felled tree and still contains all of its moisture) using traditional methods and razor-sharp hand tools like axes and knives. My craft is for everyday use in the kitchen and around the home, it is designed to be used hard and for a long time, hopefully by generations of the same family. I developed my passion for handcraft from a very young age and thrive when being able to ignite a new passion for creativity in others. After a design-based university education, I then spent nearly the next twenty years teaching children and adults in both formal and informal education settings, indoors and out. However, I then took the decision to pursue craft on a full-time basis and now earn my living from all things Slöjd! I have been carving on and off for the best part of probably thirty years and have added turning, furniture making, basket weaving and anything else green wood along the way. I also do some blacksmithing, bladesmithing and tool making and make all of my own bowl turning tools. I can normally be found somewhere along or between the length and breadth of this great island teaching some aspect of this wonderful craft we call greenwood, or holed up bothering some wood in my farmhouse workshop in Cumbria. I try to use only locally sourced British hardwoods in my craft that are harvested from either wind-blown trees or from sustainably managed woodland as part of a natural thinning and woodland regeneration process. I have favourite woods for specific purposes but will generally use any wood that is suitable for the function and form of the piece being worked on. I have a real interest in the way our relationships with the natural environment develop and have studied for qualifications in bushcraft leadership, practical ethnobotany and plant identification, wildlife identification and tracking and woodland management, including the identification and management of veteran trees. I draw on this knowledge and experience to ensure my teaching provides rich, holistic and rewarding learning opportunities. If you are looking for a piece of traditional craft work that will last for many years to come and want something that you can enjoy using every day then you have come to the right place. I update products on a regular basis – although sell out quickly, so if you sign up for my mailing list you’ll often get early notification of updates and are less likely to miss out!

Property SQ2

property sq2

BEST PRACTICE TRAINING IN THE PROPERTY INDUSTRY   Property SQ2 Limited is a leading provider of online education and training courses related to the property business.  We proud members of the Property Educators Accreditation Scheme. Between us we have 25 years experience in Property Investment and the Property Industry, and over 20 years experience training people in skills and techniques for best practice in the industry via a combination of face to face, live online, on demand and 1-2-1 training events. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE From building a retirement pot, to replacing your current income. Property is the vehicle to create financial freedom, choice and security Drawing on over 30 years of property and business experience with over 20 years of training, coaching and mentoring people in property investment strategies,  Our training courses and 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring solutions are here to help you succeed in the property business. Whatever your goal, whatever your background, whatever your experience. Whether you want to... * Build a safe and sustainable portfolio to bolster your retirement pot * Create a passive income to generate job-leaving level profits * Learn how to add value and recycle your precious savings through multiple property deals * Need a way into the property industry without a big deposit we can help. ARDEN HANLEY                                                                          Arden Hanley is a property investor, business owner, consultant and trainer. Having experience across multiple property investment strategies and related businesses such as lettings management, sourcing and property consultancy. A landlord and business owner for 20 years, trainer, mentor and coach to the property industry for 12 years, member of the Property Educators Accreditation scheme, Arden has not only extensive experience in the industry, but also a track record of using that experience to train others to achieve their property goals. Buy To Let & Social Housing  With previous buy-to-let experience in Australia, Arden was immediately drawn to this as a primary strategy. Today, Arden has an extensive buy to let portfolio in the UK that he has built in Northampton, Nottingham and Hull. He has a range of houses for family lets, rented to both working tenants and within the social housing sector, and flats serving the young professional market. Arden says, “I think buy to let is the foundation of any successful property portfolio and this part of my portfolio was what allowed me to first achieve financial freedom. I think every investor needs to learn the fundamentals of buy to let, even if they ultimately choose to focus on other strategies within their portfolio because there are so many simple but important lessons to learn around being a good landlord and managing tenants effectively that you get from understanding this core strategy.”  HMO & Rent To Rent                         HMO was a natural progression from initial Buy to Let purchases to “increase my cash flow and take advantage of market conditions in my target area at that time being Nottingham.” With an extensive HMO portfolio, his preference are a larger number of smaller HMOs i.e. 4-6 tenants rather than a smaller number of large HMOs, although he has experience of both. How can an investor make this strategy work for them? “I believe HMO provides an excellent income stream and if done correctly can be a very stable income stream as well. I think the key to a successful HMO is setting it up correctly from the outset to make it as attractive and user friendly for tenants, and identify potential cost centres or savings before tenants go in and empowering my lettings agents to put together the right tenant mix to create a harmonious environment.”  Distressed Property & Adding Value  Every property that Arden has purchased has been distressed to some degree, as he says “I believe this is the one true route to make money out of property.” He has applied the lessons he has learnt on smaller projects as he has moved on to larger more complex investment properties. It’s also given him the opportunity to work with distressed sellers which he regards as a core skill in a property investor’s arsenal. As Arden says, “With a distressed seller, you are a solution provider trying to create a win/win situation where you can offer a route for the seller to sell the property that removes their financial burden, while at the same time offering an opportunity for you as an investor to make a fair profit.”  Commercial to Residential & Development                         As his confidence has grown, so has Arden’s willingness to commit to more complicated projects and he has successfully adopted commercial to residential conversions as a strategy since 2013 primarily working with either disused retail or office space which is in abundance in the UK. It’s not hard to see the appeal, as Arden says, “I find that there is a huge opportunity for value uplift in this strategy as the closer you get to effectively a shell, the more opportunities you have to make money.’                     Portfolios                    There are a number of options for approaching the acquisition of a portfolio, whether it’s title splitting a block of flats, via a freehold/leasehold strategy, organising a share buyout of a property company, or structuring a staggered sale to maximise buyer and seller value and tax savings. Arden has experience dealing with the simple acquisition of a portfolio to the complex and sometimes challenging world of dealing with portfolios in trouble, direct to owners, via agents, liquidators or administrators.                     Complimentary businesses and deal structuring  Having an interest in a lettings agency, experience running a sourcing business/property consultancy for 7 years and working with multiple business partners has taught Arden the value of building business clusters to support each other and working with business partners and private investors to make business happen. ‘Property deals can come together from your own resources, time and effort, but as your ambitions grow and the opportunities get bigger, it’s important to think about how private finance and joint ventures can create profit for you and your partners. I’d rather have a cut of something than the whole of nothing.’  Mentorship & Training               For Arden, it’s an honour to be invited to mentor to share his knowledge with others which provides enormous, personal satisfaction. Even though he’s not naturally outgoing, Arden admits that “As a self-confessed property geek, if you ask me questions about property, I’m happy to talk for days.” He encourages his mentees to “Soak up as much as you can from people who have done it before and been successful. Soak up the knowledge for sure, but also the motivation and mindset.” He concludes, “I don't think there is any better way to start in property than to work side by side with someone who has been where you are starting from and has proved how to make it work.”  CHRIS CORMACK Chris Cormack is a property investor and business owner with a vast experience working with people to develop their property investments and business growth. Helping people to succeed has been a large part of his business focus over the last 16 years as a mentor, trainer and coach. His understanding of the industry through building his own portfolio across a range of strategies enables him to work with clients around their goals so they achieve whichever outcome they are looking for. Chris is recognised within the property industry and is member of the Property Educators Accreditation scheme. From a standing start in November 2004 Chris built his property business across various strategies within the property industry. Property had a great appeal for 5 reasons: 1. Being his own boss  2. Recurring monthly income  3. Large lump sums of income 4. Long term capital growth 5. Opportunity to help others benefit from the same reasons 1-4. BUY TO LET & SOCIAL HOUSING  Chris believes "Buy To Lets are the foundation to any successful property portfolio because it's the quickest way to generate income while you learn the initial fundamentals of the business. Demand is high across the country for BTL which other strategies don't necessarily have. Within our portfolio we have a wide mix of tenants including families, couples, singles as well as fixed term guaranteed social housing contracts." Understanding the industry and our responsibilities is paramount and gives us the necessary grounding to progress income across other strategies. A number of his properties have been used as serviced accommodation through a commercial contract. These have resulted in guaranteed income, ensuring a hands off pain free outcome. HMO  Chris continues "For larger income, having HMOs brings considerable changes to your monthly bank account which was our natural progression. A major learning moving into HMOs was all the necessary fire requirements and additional management needs. These of course add costs which are not present with your BTL's. Having this knowledge prior to committing to this strategy is important along with a deep understanding of who will be your tenant market. Generally this is less flexibility so more targeted research initially is imperative to achieve your successful outcome. ADDING VALUE & FLIPS Lump sums of income is an area Chris has targeted when buying properties, modernising them and selling them. A key component to achieve these returns is looking to see where true value can be added, increasing value is paramount here. His view on this is that while it generates substantial income it also gives the opportunity to allow faster growth within his portfolio. Having addition capital to invest gives a wider deal choice and opportunities to structure deals. "Having greater tools while in front of a motivated seller allows you the facility to be more creative especially if you can offer a solution to their current situation." STRUCTURING SOLUTIONS  Over the years he has been able to structure deals which has helped the seller which in turn helped him dramatically reduce initial capital to acquire the property. "The key is to focusing on them, the seller and come to a win, win scenario." Achieving this has added numerous properties to the portfolio.  With a deal seeing what is really there gives Chris an edge. Where most people see a single outcome in a deal Chris likes to look for multiple outcomes across strategies. As his experience has developed the confidence has taken him into larger projects which can deliver multiple opportunities. Understanding the finance and tax implication can give additional advantages. Having bought a portfolio with land created multiple flip opportunities which resulted in the land cost him nothing, free land. Having free land gave him further choices around planning. Sell with planning or build out and sell with a decision based on whichever gives the greater return for time/money invested. MENTORSHIP, COACHING AND TRAINING Chris has been mentoring property investors since 2007. He himself had the benefit of a mentor and fully understands how it accelerates your portfolio growth, "money well spent" and that's from a Scotsman....! "It was a privilege to be asked and was something I had wanted to do, so I enthusiastically jumped at the chance." Being able to pass on market experience, as well as working with people to develop the best strategy for them is extremely rewarding. Sometimes it's the smallest thing that creates the biggest impact and it does not matter if you are new or have some experience in property, accessing another person's experience is a springboard to a new set of outcomes, for the better. 

Community Literacy Centers, Inc.

community literacy centers, inc.

Community Literacy Centers, Inc. (CLC) 501 (c)(3) is a private, nonprofit organization established in 1987 by judges, educators, attorneys and citizens in Oklahoma County who acknowledged the benefits of a more literate society. In 1997, CLC established and implemented the LEAP (Learning, Enriching, Achieving, Preparing) program which now serves as the foundation for all CLC services. Through LEAP, cooperative partnerships are formed with various Oklahoma County agencies to provide literacy services to agency clients and adults (18 years of age or older) in the surrounding community. Classes are typically conducted at partner sites, however, some classes are currently taught virtually via Zoom. CLC classes include Adult Basic Education (ABE), English as a Second Language (ESL), U.S. Citizenship and/or High School Equivalency (HSE) instruction. Workplace Learning Solutions (WLS) and Tutor Training are also encompassed within the LEAP program. OUR VISION Our vision is to change lives by increasing awareness of the benefits of a more literate community and providing a welcoming environment where every adult who wants to read has an opportunity to learn. WHAT WE DO CLC provides free classroom instruction to approximately 1,000 adults in the metropolitan area each year; volunteer tutors are available in the classroom for students who need additional support. CLC instructors cultivate a supportive, nurturing classroom environment in which to foster learning and positively impact the lives of our students. CLC administers assessments and surveys at regular intervals to monitor student progress and needs; CLC adult learners come from varied backgrounds and skill levels.

National Fluid Power Centre

national fluid power centre


We are the UK’s No.1 training provider for Integrated Systems Engineering, offering our services to over 300 major companies both across the UK and Internationally. The Centre The NFPC is a BFPA certified CETOP Education Centre and is an approved training provider for many ‘blue chip’, industry leading corporations. The Centre employs Training Engineers who have many years of Industry experience, offering support and advice to all who attend our Training Courses. The Centre has 3 fully equipped technical centres with over 3 million pounds worth of up to date equipment supplied to us by our Industry Partners. Having gained ISO9001-2015 approval, the NFPC is at the forefront of approved training facilities, ensuring a close working relationship with a number of Industry Trade Associations. In addition to the standard package, the Centre offers scope for technical Seminars and corporate events for all organisations. Our Services Here at the NFPC we offer a unique range of short courses, based across 25+ sectors of Industry, for those involved in the maintenance and management of fluid power systems. These range from a basic awareness level in hydraulics, pneumatics or electronics, right through to more advanced control. We offer training on specialist subjects and take a lead in the UK in the provision of Competence Based Qualifications. We also provide specialist bespoke training programmes, either delivered on your site or at the NFPC, covering specific customer machinery. All our Training Courses are designed to meet the needs of industry, ensuring candidates gain the maximum skills and knowledge for the workplace environment.