For over 30 years, our East-Kent based team has worked in the design and
construction of public open space, with Streetspace and metroSTOR established as
leading manufacturers of urban street scene products over the past decade. We
operate throughout the UK and Europe across a broad range of sectors from local
authority, waste management and construction to education and sport. All
products are manufactured in Streetspace Group factories here in the UK and the
range includes canopies, covered walkways, tensile fabric structures, glazed
buildings, green roof, cycle parking, bin stores and street furniture. Our R&D
Centre has the capability to meet specialised demands from industry sectors and
has seen more than 50 new product lines added in the last 5 years. Positioned as
the go-to resource for project managers and specifiers; group products are
designed for ease of specification, configurable to meet individual requirements
with CAD models available for immediate download in most digital formats.
Specialist consultants work closely with customers to engineer cost effective
project solutions from both standard and bespoke production. An engaged and
efficient customer service experience, the continued development of innovative
products and services, with the single-source project capability will continue
to deliver strong growth across both existing and new product sectors for many
years to come.