Tai Ji Quan (Tai Chi) is Internal Chinese Martial Art using softness to beat
hardness Chen style - fast and slow movements Yang style - slow and controlled
movements Wu style - precise movements, the body is bend Other martial arts
Bagua Zhang - walking in the circle Xingyi Quan - one part moves, everything
moves in an arch Long Fist/ Sanda - fully extended techniques 7 Star Praying
Mantis - moves inspired by Praying Mantis Qigong is a very beneficial health
exercise which has a profound effect on your body, energy and mental wellbeing 6
Healing Sounds - for 5 organs and whole body Ba Duan Jin - 8 special moves for
overall health Zhan Zhuang - the body is still, energy moves 13 Tai Bao - helps
to protect the body Wu Qin Xi - copy 5 animals to help 5 organs