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Kings College Hospital Maternity

kings college hospital maternity


We are a leading London maternity hospital and care for more than 8,000 pregnant women and birthing people and their babies each year. We provide all aspects of obstetric and midwifery care, from before conception and before birth (antenatal) to birth and after delivery (postnatal). The majority of pregnant women and people will be cared for by our expert team of midwives who are experienced in supporting those with uncomplicated pregnancies and births. When your circumstances are more complex, our specialist obstetric doctors and allied health professionals will work alongside your midwife to give you the care and support your need to have a safe and satisfying birth. You will have your own ideas about how you would like your baby to be born – whether at home or in hospital – and we do our best to help you to achieve this. We have obstetric-led birthing rooms, midwife-led birth suites with birth pools, obstetric theatres for both planned and emergency caesareans, and a homebirth service. Are you pregnant and want to have your baby with King's? You do not have to see your GP before contacting us. Please complete the King's College Hospital antenatal self-referral form to refer yourself and send to kch-tr.antenatalreferral@nhs.net. We will then email you with a reference number to confirm we have received your referral. Your first appointments with the midwife and scanning team will be sent to you either via post or email. Please note we may contact and share information with other health professionals as required. We see pregnant women and people who live in the below postcode areas in Lambeth, Southwark, and Lewisham. Referrals from those who live outside this catchment area will also be considered: SW2, SW4, SW8, SW9, SW16 SE1, SE4, SE5, SE11, SE14, SE15, SE16, SE17, SE19, SE21, SE22, SE23, SE24, SE25, SE26, SE27 CR7 Antenatal care (before the birth) This is provided by the midwifery team caring for women and pregnant people in your local area, alongside your GP or obstetrician. During your pregnancy, you will have regular appointments to make sure you and your baby are well. You will be offered routine health checks such as blood tests and other screenings, you can read more about the different scans, tests and antenatal care you can expect on the NHS website. Your screening choices are explained in this screening information leaflet, which is produced by Public Health England and available in several languages. We also provide care if screening finds you have an infectious disease, including Hepatitis B, HIV or syphilis. Badger Notes You can access your pregnancy notes and leaflets via the Badger Notes website or app. Your account will be activated after your first midwife appointment. You can use the digital maternity notes platform to communicate with your care team and we recommend you use the ‘Conversations’ option to share your birth preferences with us before your birth. Your midwife can help you with this. Clinic and scan locations Read your appointment letter carefully to see where to go for your appointments, because these are held at a variety of locations. This includes children’s centres, GP and health centres, and a number of buildings on the King's site, including Stork on the Hill, Midwives House and the Community Midwives Centre. Ultrasound (nuchal) scans take place in the Harris Birthright Centre, in the Fetal Medicine Research Institute. Buildings on the hospital site are shown on the King's campus map. Parent education classes We offer a range of online workshops to help prepare you for birth and baby. Join the 'Welcome to King’s Maternity' workshop in your first trimester to learn more about how to stay healthy in pregnancy, the services we offer, and other workshops that may be suitable for you. To sign up to a workshop, go to our parent education Eventbrite page. Email kch-tr.parenteducation@nhs.net for more information. Urgent advice If you need urgent advice and are: pregnant and currently receiving care at King's; have just given birth at King's; or have had a home birth with King's: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Telephone Assessment Line +44 (0)20 3299 8389 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm: contact the midwifery team leading your care Out of hours: contact the Nightingale Birth Centre. Where to give birth You can choose to give birth: in the Nightingale Birth Centre at King’s at home with the help of our community-based midwives, if you live in King’s catchment area. Our Maternity Department is on the third and fourth floors of the Golden Jubilee Wing and includes the Nightingale Birth Centre. Our facilities include 10 labour rooms, operating theatres, recovery rooms and a high dependency unit (HDU). Midwife-led birthing suite You have the choice of two midwife-led birthing rooms, each with a birthing pool and their own shower and toilet, where we have created a ‘home from home’ feel for your birth environment. Homebirth Our home birth midwife team (called Phoenix) provide a home birth service within the King’s catchment area. If you are interested in this option, indicate this on your antenatal self-referral form, or contact your community midwife. We will support women and birthing people to make informed choices about where they would like to birth their babies. There may be instances when a home birth might not be recommended, and your midwife or doctor can discuss these with you. Neonatal Unit Babies who need special care are looked after in the Neonatal Unit by our specialist team, it is located opposite Nightingale Birth Centre on the fourth floor of Golden Jubilee Wing. Anthony Nolan umbilical cord blood donation If you give birth at King’s College Hospital, you can help save the life of someone with blood cancer by donating your umbilical cord blood to the Anthony Nolan Cord Blood Programme after you give birth. We are one of five hospitals in the UK where women can donate their umbilical cords. Please watch this short animation about donating your cord blood. If you would like to register to donate cord blood, please speak with your midwife or one of the dedicated cord blood collectors at King’s College Hospital. Find out more about Anthony Nolan’s Cord blood programme and their lifesaving work. If you have any questions about cord blood donation, please get in touch with the team at Anthony Nolan: Cord.Collection@anthonynolan.org After the birth (postnatal) If everything with your birth has been uncomplicated we encourage you to go home within a few hours. You can contact the maternity unit at any time day or night if you have any concerns. If you or your baby needs to stay in hospital for additional care you will be transferred to William Gilliatt postnatal ward for the remainder of your stay. This ward contains four-bedded bays and shared bathrooms. You and your baby room in together and birth partners are able to visit 24 hours a day. Going home Our care does not stop once you are at home. When you leave King’s you should have a visit from your community midwife within 24 hours. They will plan visits with you over the next 10 days. If you live outside King’s area your details will be passed to your local community midwives who will take over your care. If you would like support with breastfeeding, we have specialist infant feeding midwives who offer virtual workshops and in-person support via referral from your community midwife. Get involved If you'd like to help us improve our maternity services for parents and babies, join the King’s Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP). Feedback Friends and Family You can tell us what you did and didn’t like about your care by completing the Friends and Family feedback form, it only takes a couple of minutes and you can comment on your antenatal, birth and postnatal ward or postnatal community care. PALS The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a service that offers support, information and assistance to patients, relatives and visitors. They can also provide help and advice if you have a concern or complaint that staff have not been able to resolve for you.

Centred Excellence

centred excellence


Welcome to the About Us section of the website. Here you can learn how VCU-ACE works to improve services to those with ASD through discovery and implementation of evidence-based practices. Student working with her teacher Vision VCU-ACE is a state and national leader in developing, cultivating, and disseminating knowledge to increase implementation of research-based practice needed to effectively support individuals with autism spectrum disorder to lead quality lives in their home, school, community and work. Mission VCU-ACE improves services and supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by promoting the implementation of research-based practices in schools and the community through training, technical assistance, research, and collaboration. Training includes providing professional development to expand the expectations, knowledge, and skills of those who live with, educate, and support individuals with ASD. It supports the sustainable implementation of research-based practices by providing Instructional activities and resources to anyone who wants to learn more about ASD and to leaders who guide professional development initiatives in home, school, community and work. Technical assistance includes facilitating, implementing, and evaluating systems-change initiatives customized to the unique needs of stakeholders in educational and community environments, regions, and the Commonwealth. It supports the sustainable implementation of research-based practices by providing team facilitation, coaching, strategic planning, and project management in agencies, school divisions and direct services settings to build the capacity and confidence of those who support individuals with ASD. Research includes asking questions, seeking answers, and disseminating findings on important socially significant issues impacting individuals with ASD across the lifespan to improve quality of life. Research is conducted in real-world settings using sound research methodologies. Collaboration includes maintaining a spirit of cooperation in our interactions with colleagues and developing and sustaining partnerships with individuals with ASD and their families as well as local, commonwealth, and national entities to enrich, develop, disseminate, and deliver training, technical assistance, and research activities. Core Values We believe all individuals with ASD have the right to: Access high quality supports and services across the lifespan that will enable them to lead lives of their choosing Be treated with dignity and respect in all aspects of their life, especially when receiving supports and services Exercise choice and control in their lives to the greatest extent possible Lead self-determined lives Communicate with a system that supports full participation across environments and people Choose meaningful relationships Receive an education that prepares them for life beyond high school including postsecondary education, employment, and engaged community citizenship Be contributing members of their communities and be valued friends, co-workers, and family members We know that: Research-based instruction and supports to individuals with ASD in home, school, community, and work settings results in those individuals leading quality lives. All Virginia Public Schools can educate all of Virginia's students to become active and productive members of their communities. High expectations, knowledge, and skills improve the lives of all individuals, especially those with ASD. The education, inclusion, and support of individuals with ASD are a shared responsibility by all community members. Collaboration and cooperation among individuals with ASD, families, educators, and community partners ensures diverse and comprehensive innovations across the lifespan. We are committed to: Expanding our own and others' knowledge Enhancing the implementation of research based practices needed to effectively support individuals with ASD across the lifespan to lead quality lives in their home, school, community and work Discovering real world solutions to real world problems through research in home, school, community, and work settings Utilizing research-based evidence to guide the implementation of foundational practices and supports that result in meaningful outcomes for individuals with ASD Ensuring kind, compassionate, person-centered services Promoting strong inclusive communities that embrace all individuals, including those with ASD, for the gifts they offer

Canine Kids

canine kids



Karen Lockey-Kennedy Canine kids ® Owner / Chief Instructor Professional Dog Behaviour Counsellor and Training Specialist BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour & Biomedical Science DipCABT, Member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers No 00692 Member of The Animal Behaviour & Training Council Canine kids® is owned and managed by Karen Lockey-Kennedy who is a highly experienced and fully qualified dog trainer and behaviourist and is also chief instructor for the company. After completing her honours degree in Animal Behaviour and Biomedical Science, Karen went on to complete an advanced diploma in Practical Aspects of Companion Animal Behaviour and Training through COAPE. Karen is also a member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers. All members of the APDT are assesed and train under a strict code of practise because they believe in modern, kind and gentle methods. This offers pet owners a guarantee of quality when signing up to a class. Karen feels very strongly against punitive heavy handed methods and believes if we have our dogs as companions and part of the family they should be treated that way. Karen has worked with internationally renowned Sarah Whitehead for 8 years running three of the leading branches of the previously known Alpha Puppy Classes and Pet Behaviour. She also used to be a tutor for Alpha Education OCN accredited courses for new trainers and behaviour counsellors. Now 37, Karen's ambitions and success led her to branch out with her own team of trainers and launched Canine Kids® in July 2009. Karen and her team run training centres in Camberley, Godalming and Farnham area and do one to one training and behaviour councelling through out Surrey, areas of Berkshire and Hampshire. We can travel further if required. Karen has a strong passion for her job and ultimately wants the best for every dog and family that comes through her doors. You can be quaranteed to be given the highest quality of service by Karen and her team.

Creature Courage

creature courage


Creature Courage is the UK's leading animal phobia expert. We offer powerful life-changing workshops to radically treat animal phobias in just one day! We also offer educational talks and lectures on the neuroscience of fear and phobias with a fascinating animal encounter at the end to demonstrate the concepts. We at Creature Courage know how debilitating and embarrassing these phobias can be. It can be so frustrating when others do not understand that you can't just "get over it" as this is an issue that is deeper than what you can simply rationalize.   You are not alone. You would be surprised about how common these phobias are.  And we are here to support you and achieve a liberating change that you may have never thought possible.  We are passionate about making a positive difference in people's lives! We run fun therapeutic experience workshops to powerfully change your life and break free from common animal phobias such as spiders and insects, reptiles, birds, cats, dogs, rodents, etc. Our workshops are carefully designed using the power of neuroscience to radically change your reaction to a trigger animal to break free of phobias, fears, and anxieties around animals.  Additionally, our workshops will also help you address overall anxiety with our dynamic holistic approach. You will gain the knowledge and tools to start changing bad habits in all anxiety triggers in your life to achieve overall better mental health. You will learn how to conquer fear no matter what you may face! So the benefits go far beyond just the animal phobia.  The workshops are designed to not only be life-changing, healing, and educational but also interesting and exciting! We want to make it a great day out and a memorable experience to remember. We use a combination of education, cognitive behavioral therapy, NLP techniques, art therapy, hypnotherapy, and most importantly immersive therapy to achieve our incredibly high success rate. Most clients only need one session to dramatically change their reactions to a trigger animal!   Creature Courage has been featured in the media regularly including being on Good Morning Britain, Sky News, various ITV programmes, BBC Radio 2, The Daily Mail, and many more. We have worked with Merlin Entertainment & have cured various celebrities of their animal phobias.  Our staff is fully insured with years of experience, Creature Courage is a brand you can trust.