manchester young lives
Our roots lie in the co-operation of local people and communities coming
together to create their own opportunities through adventure play. Our
facilities are among the most unique in the Manchester, which enables us to work
with over 4,000 young people in our city each year. We consistently challenge
issues such as social exclusion and disaffection through our work in centres, in
our established independent school, and at street level through our detached
work. Through our encouragement of positive learning experiences, the majority
of our young people make a successful transition to further learning, training
and employment. We work with young people between ages 5 and 24, striving to
improve opportunities for young people living increasingly complex lives. Our
website will help you find out what we do and where we’ve come from, what the
future holds and, most importantly, how you can be a part of it. We are
constantly looking to grow and improve MYL so we can enable more young people to
have successful lives. Through making a donation, fundraising or volunteering,
you can help us to support young people in communities and secure their future.