helen kilby nelson
My work explores identity and (un)belonging from the perspective of a working
class, neuro-divergent woman with long term health conditions living in rural
Warwickshire. The work is autobiographical, observational and reflective. My
work digs deep into the multiple layers of identity and (un)belonging within
systems and structures of hierarchy with society and the chain reaction of cause
and effect, finding connections and searching for answers. My work is a
personal, social and political commentary and reaction to what I see, hear and
feel, directly and indirectly. My current work is focusing on the entanglement
of how our health informs our inner and outer identity and the push and pull of
(non) conformity. I work with a variety of media and have produced photographic,
moving image, installation, spoken word, digital, oil, ink, and pastel painting
and sculptural art works. I have an acquired brain injury which makes reading
and writing problematic if I try and conform to the expected delivery and
receival of the written word. There will, therefore, be errors within these
pages. These errors are now a part of my identity, they do not detract from my
message unless you allow them to.