In a personal session of 60 min. there is space for any transformation you would love to achieve. If you have questions, especially those realated to your sensitivity or giftednesss, and want to open the space of spiritual guidance, for healing and clearing, this session could assist you deeply and with long-term effects on your development. It will be held online via Zoom - and you are most welcome!
This comprehensive two-day sleep workshop provides healthcare professionals with an understanding of a wide range of common childhood sleep difficulties and sleep disorders . We explore up-to-date evidence and science based strategies to enable participants to support families struggling with their with pre-school children and for children with SEND. Throughout the two days we use real-life case studies enabling delegates to assess and plan gentle and responsive interventions for a range of child sleep problems and sleep disorders. We have developed the workshop content and delivery to be highly engaging, interactive and relevant to all community staff working with families with young children experiencing sleep problems. Child focused and firmly grounded in research and evidence-based practice our training follows the Baby Friendly Initiative. This two-day workshop is accredited for 12 CPD Hours by The CPD Certification Service; “This is a good course delivering clear learning value. It has a well-written and engaging presentation and a variety of activities and tasks to aid interactivity and learner engagement.” Workshop Aims To provide community staff with up-to-date evidence based knowledge to develop their theoretical and practical understanding of sleep needs; sleep patterns; sleep cycles and common difficulties. To support community staff to enhance their confidence, skills and knowledge base in providing guidance to parents regarding sleep difficulties in infants and children. To provide an overview of evidence based interventions used to help behavioural sleep difficulties in infants and children. Learning Outcomes By the end of this two-day course participants will be able to: Understand the science of sleep, sleep hygiene and sleep needs Understand common sleep difficulties Gain an understanding of a range of common sleep interventions used to help behavioural sleep difficulties in children Understand how to undertake a sleep assessment, incorporating a sleep history and the use of a sleep diary Understand common paediatric disorders that may impact sleep Provide anticipatory sleep advice and interventions to parents Modify a sleep programme to suit an individual family’s needs and support the family’s capacity to change
Just had an argument with your girlfriend or boyfriend want to sort it out? Need assistance? An M.D.D date coach will call both of you once a day for 30minutes for one week and mediate on your behalf and do a session together at the end of the week to help you both see the other person’s point of view. (This package is only for couples who have a problem and both parties want to resolve the issue)
4 sessions Assessment calls to each party Rebuilding damaged trust Addressing all the problems Ascertaining each other’s needs Relationship exercise and training programme Couples dating coaching and relationship improvement training How to be a better partner programme for both partners(exercise) Eliminating past conflict issues Following new relationship principles to eliminate conflict and confrontation 1 hour X 4
Resolving a disagreement Assessment of the situation Trust and communication building Emotional intelligence training Dating coach advice methods Implementation strategies of relationship building Happiness satisfaction relationship training Professional mediation to avoid breakup Listening to both parties Addressing relationship growth arenas in each session 4 sessions 1 hour x 4
Communication Advice on how to strengthen the relationship Trust building strategies Relationship training Assessment Phone couples therapy 5 sessions on the phone with you and your partner 1 hour x 5
Inspiring, interactive and unique 4-hour CPD certified training on Communication and Co-production with Parents/Carers
Welcome to our course to become a Sports massage therapist for a sports massage certificate online! This continuing course offer you a way to learn how to offer Sports Massage by proffessionals with 20 years of experience. -In the course material that is only included in the diploma course you have the theoretical part that is needed if you want to become a sports massage therapist as well as the full instructional video. -Included in the sports massage certificate online course are also quizzes, follow ups and more. -We are here for you, wether if you have questions about the course before buying or about the material after buying or the sports massage certificate online. Expectations: For full-time studies, we estimate that it takes about 30 days to complete the course with 50 massage hours included. Of these 50 hours, there also need to be treatments of 30 minutes, so the number of massage treatments you need to perform is between 52-100 to be approved. Please note that the course’s distribution of time is entirely up to you and you have three years to complete the course. To get started- What you need to start the course: Buy our diploma course Plan your studies, read the material, watch and re-watch the video material. Make sure to have your equipment needed for massage. Book your practise clients; friends and family so that you can practise- when you are ready. To complete the course- What do you have to do to pass the course and get the massage certificate online: Learn the material, both written and video (massage) Pass the quizzes (you have several attempts) Pass the last exam (you have 3 years to complete the course and may re-take the test as many times you need) Complete 200 practise hours, send in a client list as “proof” We also offer you options to take the exams with us at our location, included in the price. Watch the video clips, practise on your “practise clients” and re-watch as many times as you need. Course summary and table of content: Part 1 (aprox. 100 hours) General about Sports massage Sports massage and techniques Examination methodology Part 2 (aprox. 200 hours) Sports injuries, how to treat and rehabilitation Part 3 (aprox. 150 hours) Therapeutic stretching Practise Clients: 50 hours (aprox. 1,5 weeks) Curriculum IntroductionIntroduction- Sports Massage Massage Upper BodyLower back - Sports MassageGlutes - Sports MassageRhomboids - Sports MassageShoulderblades & trapezius - Sport MassageArms - Sports Massage Massage Lower BodyBack legs - Sports MassageCalves - Sports MassageFront legs - Sports Massage Introducing Therapeutic StretchInbetween introduction - Sports Massage Therapeutic Stretch - Upper BodyTherapeutic Stretch, Neck & Trapezius - Sports MassageTherapeutic Stretch, Neck & Trapezius 2 - Sports MassageTherapeutic Stretch, Infraspatus - Sports MassageTherapeutic Stretch, Supraspinatus - Sports MassageTherapeutic Stretch, Teres minor - Sports MassageTherapeutic Stretch, Teres major - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Rhomboids - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Latissmus dorsi - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Erector Spinae - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Quadratus Lomborum - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Pectoralis - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Rectus abdominis - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Biceps - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Triceps - Sports massage Therapeutic Stretch - Lower BodyTherapeutic Stretch, Adductor - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Glutes - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Hamstrings - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Iliopsoas - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Tensor fascialate - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Quadriceps - Sports massageTherapeutic Stretch, Tibialis anterior - Spoorts massageTherapeutic Stretch, Calves - Sports massage Ending WordsEnding words - Sports massage Anatomy Muscles & SkeletonAnatomy Muscles & Skeleton (sport)
This course looks at many of the common medical conditions that massage clients may present and will help to develop your knowledge of the relevant and physiology so that you can better understand when there is a contraindication or when precautons are needed. this will enable you to treat clients more safely and effectively and to offer preventive measures that they can doat home to ease their symptoms.