Memahami aturan dan strategi dasar permainan blackjack Blackjack adalah permainan kartu kasino populer yang tujuan utamanya adalah mengalahkan kartu dealer tanpa melebihi 21 poin. Permainan dimulai dengan pemain memasang taruhan sebelum kartu dibagikan. Setiap pemain menerima dua kartu, dan dealer juga mendapat dua kartu, dengan satu kartu menghadap ke atas. Memahami nilai kartu sangat penting; kartu bernomor bernilai sesuai dengan nilai nominalnya, kartu bergambar (King, Queen, dan Jack) bernilai sepuluh, dan As dapat bernilai satu atau sebelas. Pengetahuan mendasar ini menjadi dasar untuk membuat keputusan strategis selama permainan. Pemain juga harus mengetahui aturan mengenai memukul, berdiri, menggandakan taruhan, dan membagi pasangan, karena tindakan ini dapat mempengaruhi peluang menang secara signifikan. Pemanfaatan bagan strategi dasar sangat penting untuk meningkatkan peluang menang dalam permainan blackjack. Bagan tersebut menguraikan keputusan optimal berdasarkan kartu pemain dan kartu dealer yang terlihat. Misalnya, salah satu aturan penting adalah selalu berdiri pada kartu 17 atau lebih tinggi, terlepas dari kartu terbuka dealer. Selain itu, pemain di situs dewa poker harus menggandakan taruhan saat mereka memiliki kartu 11 yang sulit melawan kartu terbuka dealer mana pun, karena strategi ini memaksimalkan potensi kemenangan. Dengan mematuhi strategi yang ditetapkan ini, pemain dapat meminimalkan keunggulan bandar, membuat keputusan yang tepat yang selaras dengan probabilitas matematika. Menguasai strategi dasar ini sangat penting bagi pemain pemula dan berpengalaman yang ingin meningkatkan permainan mereka. Sebagai pemula dalam blackjack, penting untuk menyadari kesalahan umum yang dapat berdampak negatif pada permainan Anda. Salah satu kesalahan signifikan adalah gagal mengelola uang Anda secara efektif; pemain harus menetapkan anggaran sebelum bermain dan mematuhinya. Selain itu, banyak pemula membuat kesalahan dengan mengambil taruhan asuransi, yang biasanya tidak menguntungkan pemain dalam jangka panjang. Kesalahan umum lainnya adalah menyimpang dari strategi dasar karena emosi atau intuisi, yang dapat menyebabkan pengambilan keputusan yang buruk. Dengan mengenali kesalahan ini dan menggunakan pendekatan yang disiplin, pemula dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan pengalaman dan keberhasilan mereka secara keseluruhan dalam blackjack. Teknik tingkat lanjut untuk meningkatkan permainan Anda Salah satu teknik paling kuat dalam permainan blackjack adalah menghitung kartu. Meskipun dianggap sulit, penghitungan kartu adalah strategi yang sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan peluang Anda melawan dealer. Dengan menggunakan sistem penghitungan yang seimbang, seperti Hi-Lo, pemain di situs poker 88 dapat mengubah jumlah running count mereka menjadi true count saat permainan berlangsung. Ketika true count positif, ini menunjukkan bahwa ada lebih banyak kartu besar yang tersisa di dek, yang dapat meningkatkan peluang untuk mendapatkan blackjack atau total yang lebih tinggi. Mengingat hal ini, pemain dapat meningkatkan taruhan mereka saat jumlah meningkat, memaksimalkan potensi kemenangan mereka. Sistem taruhan juga merupakan elemen penting dalam strategi blackjack yang berhasil, dengan Martingale menjadi salah satu yang paling terkenal. Dalam sistem ini, pemain menggandakan taruhan mereka setiap kali mereka kalah, dengan harapan dapat memulihkan kekalahan saat akhirnya menang. Misalnya, jika taruhan dasar Anda adalah $10 dan Anda kalah, taruhan berikutnya menjadi $20. Jika Anda menang, taruhan selanjutnya akan turun kembali ke $10. Meskipun sistem ini dapat memberikan keuntungan jangka pendek, penting untuk diingat bahwa bankroll yang cukup besar dan batas meja yang sesuai sangat penting untuk mencegah kebangkrutan saat menggunakan Martingale. Menyesuaikan permainan Anda berdasarkan kartu terbuka dealer adalah langkah strategi yang sering diabaikan oleh banyak pemain. Ketika dealer menunjukkan kartu rendah, seperti 2 hingga 6, pemain dapat lebih agresif dalam strategi mereka, termasuk menggandakan taruhan dan mengambil lebih banyak risiko. Sebaliknya, jika dealer menunjukkan kartu tinggi, seperti 10 atau Ace, pemain di website domino bet harus lebih berhati-hati dan mempertimbangkan untuk tidak mengambil kartu tambahan pada total yang lebih rendah dari 17. Dengan memahami cara menyesuaikan strategi bermain berdasarkan kartu terbuka dealer, pemain dapat meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk menang secara signifikan. Aspek psikologis dalam bermain blackjack Mengelola emosi dan tetap fokus adalah aspek psikologis yang sangat penting dalam bermain blackjack. Emosi dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pemain, sehingga penting untuk menjaga ketenangan selama permainan. Pemain yang terjebak dalam emosi negatif seperti frustrasi atau keserakahan cenderung membuat keputusan buruk, seperti meningkatkan taruhan secara impulsif atau bermain dengan cara yang tidak strategis. Dengan menerapkan teknik pernapasan atau meditasi sebelum bermain, pemain dapat membantu menenangkan pikiran dan meningkatkan konsentrasi. Ini memungkinkan mereka untuk mengambil keputusan yang lebih rasional dan strategis, yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan peluang kemenangan mereka. Mengenali pola dan perilaku pemain lain juga merupakan elemen kunci dalam strategi psikologis bermain blackjack. Dengan memperhatikan cara pemain lain bertindak, seorang pemain dapat mengidentifikasi kebiasaan tertentu yang dapat dimanfaatkan. Misalnya, jika pemain lain sering menggandakan taruhan pada situasi tertentu, ini bisa menjadi sinyal bahwa mereka memiliki strategi yang dapat diprediksi. Selain itu, memahami sinyal non-verbal dan ekspresi wajah pemain di website dewapoker lain juga dapat memberikan wawasan tentang kekuatan tangan mereka. Misalnya, ketegangan atau kegembiraan yang berlebihan dapat mengindikasikan kekuatan atau kelemahan yang mungkin tidak terlihat. Dengan mengamati dan menganalisis perilaku ini, pemain dapat menyesuaikan strategi mereka sendiri untuk meraih keuntungan. Pentingnya disiplin dan manajemen dana tidak dapat diabaikan dalam permainan blackjack. Disiplin dalam mengikuti strategi yang telah ditetapkan, serta kemampuan untuk mengelola bankroll secara bijaksana, adalah kunci keberhasilan jangka panjang. Pemain harus menetapkan batas taruhan dan mematuhi batas tersebut, terlepas dari hasil permainan. Ini mencegah keputusan impulsif yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian besar. Selain itu, menyusun strategi taruhan yang konsisten, seperti meningkatkan taruhan secara bertahap setelah menang dan mengurangi taruhan setelah kalah, dapat membantu menjaga kestabilan keuangan pemain. Dengan disiplin dan manajemen dana yang tepat, pemain dapat meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk tidak hanya bertahan dalam permainan, tetapi juga meraih keuntungan yang lebih besar.
Trong tiếng Anh, idioms không chỉ làm cho ngôn ngữ trở nên phong phú hơn mà còn giúp người nói thể hiện cảm xúc và ý tưởng một cách sinh động hơn. Dưới đây là một số idioms thông dụng mà bạn có thể sử dụng trong giao tiếp hàng ngày. 1. Break a leg "Break a leg" là một cách chúc may mắn, thường được sử dụng trước khi ai đó lên sân khấu hoặc tham gia một sự kiện quan trọng. Câu này xuất phát từ truyền thống của các nghệ sĩ, khi mà họ tin rằng việc chúc nhau "may mắn" có thể mang lại điều ngược lại. Ví dụ: "Goodluck with your performance tomorrow. Break a leg!" 2. Under the weather Cụm từ này có nghĩa là cảm thấy không khỏe hoặc có triệu chứng bệnh tật. Nguồn gốc của nó có thể bắt nguồn từ thời hàng hải, khi thời tiết xấu đi có thể ảnh hưởng đến tình trạng sức khỏe của thủy thủ. Ví dụ: "I think I’m a bit under the weather today, so I might skip work tomorrow." 3. Broaden my horizon "Broaden my horizon" có nghĩa là mở rộng kiến thức hoặc trải nghiệm của bản thân. Câu này xuất phát từ ý tưởng về "horizon" như một ranh giới của cái mà chúng ta biết, và việc "mở rộng" nó có thể giúp chúng ta hiểu biết hơn. Ví dụ: "Traveling to different countries really helped me broaden my horizon." 4. Elephant in the room Cụm từ này chỉ một vấn đề lớn mà mọi người đều biết nhưng không ai muốn nói đến. Ý tưởng là nếu có một con voi lớn trong phòng, mọi người sẽ không thể không nhìn thấy, nhưng vẫn có thể tránh nói về nó. Ví dụ: "I really don't want to address the elphant in the room. But our budgets are getting cut" 5. Hidden gem "Hidden gem" dùng để chỉ một nơi, người, hoặc điều gì đó đặc biệt nhưng chưa được khám phá hoặc công nhận. Cụm từ này liên quan đến việc tìm kiếm những viên ngọc quý ẩn mình trong đá, tượng trưng cho những điều tốt đẹp chưa được phát hiện. Ví dụ: "This little café is a hidden gem. Not only the coffee is fantastic but also the food!" 6. Hit the sack "Hit the sack" có nghĩa là đi ngủ. Câu này có thể xuất phát từ hình ảnh của việc nằm xuống một chiếc bao tải để ngủ, thường là trong những hoàn cảnh khi ngủ ở nơi tạm bợ. Ví dụ: "I’m really tired after a long day at work, so I'll be hitting the sack early tonight." 7. Piece of cake Cụm từ này diễn tả một nhiệm vụ hoặc công việc rất dễ dàng. Không rõ nguồn gốc chính xác, nhưng có thể liên quan đến việc làm bánh — một việc đơn giản và dễ dàng đối với nhiều người. Ví dụ: "The exam was a piece of cake; I studied well for it." 8. I could eat a horse Câu này diễn tả cảm giác đói bụng rất lớn. Nó không có nguồn gốc rõ ràng, nhưng thể hiện sự phóng đại để nhấn mạnh mức độ đói. Ví dụ: "After that workout, I could eat a horse!" 9. On a roll "On a roll" có nghĩa là đang gặp nhiều may mắn hoặc thành công liên tiếp. Câu này có thể liên quan đến các trò chơi hoặc hoạt động mà khi bắt đầu "cuộn" thì mọi thứ diễn ra suôn sẻ. Ví dụ: " He’s been on a roll lately, winning every game he plays." 10. Call it a day Cụm từ này có nghĩa là kết thúc công việc trong một ngày. Nó xuất phát từ ý tưởng rằng một ngày làm việc đã đủ và đến lúc nghỉ ngơi. Ví dụ: "I think we’ve accomplished enough for today; let’s call it a day." 11. Diamond in the rough "Diamond in the rough" chỉ một người hoặc một vật có tiềm năng lớn nhưng chưa được phát hiện hoặc chưa được phát triển. Cụm từ này gợi lên hình ảnh của một viên kim cương chưa được mài dũa, vẫn còn thô ráp nhưng rất quý giá. Ví dụ: "This young artist is a diamond in the rough; with some training, she could be amazing!" 12. A little birdie told me Cụm từ này được dùng khi bạn không muốn tiết lộ nguồn gốc hoặc danh tính của người mà bạn vừa nhận được thông tin. Nó thường mang tính hài hước và bí ẩn, có thể bắt nguồn từ những câu chuyện dân gian, trong đó chim chóc được coi là người mang tin tức. Ví dụ: "How did I know about the party? A little birdie told me about it." 13. Blew someone away Cụm từ này có nghĩa là làm ai đó rất ấn tượng hoặc kinh ngạc, thể hiện sự ngạc nhiên mạnh mẽ trước một điều gì đó tuyệt vời. Hình ảnh "bị thổi bay" diễn tả cảm giác mạnh mẽ đến mức không thể đứng vững. Ví dụ: "The performance last night really blew me away; they are so talented!" 14. Give someone a hand Cụm từ này có nghĩa là giúp đỡ ai đó, đặc biệt là trong một tình huống khó khăn. Hình ảnh "cho một bàn tay" thể hiện sự hỗ trợ và giúp đỡ, biểu trưng cho sự đồng lòng trong công việc. Ví dụ: "Can you give me a hand with this project? I could really use your help." 15. Spill the tea Cụm từ này được dùng để chỉ việc tiết lộ thông tin, đặc biệt là những tin đồn hoặc bí mật thú vị. Hình ảnh "đổ trà" mang tính chất xã hội, thường được sử dụng trong những cuộc trò chuyện thân mật hoặc giải trí. Ví dụ: "Come on, spill the tea! I want to know what happened at the party." KẾT LUẬN Việc nắm vững các idioms trong tiếng Anh không chỉ giúp bạn giao tiếp hiệu quả hơn mà còn làm phong phú thêm khả năng diễn đạt và thể hiện cảm xúc một cách tự nhiên. Những cụm từ này thường mang những hình ảnh và ý nghĩa sâu sắc, giúp bạn kết nối với người nghe một cách dễ dàng hơn. Hy vọng rằng qua bài viết này, bạn đã có thêm nhiều kiến thức hữu ích về các idioms thông dụng. Hãy thử áp dụng chúng trong các cuộc hội thoại hàng ngày để tăng cường sự tự tin và khả năng giao tiếp của mình.
This course provides detailed safeguarding adults & children awareness, including essential knowledge in the recognition and reporting of abuse and neglect, procedures and responsibilities. This is for all workforce involved in Social Care from the health, public, independent, or voluntary sectors. This subject forms standard 10 & 11 in The Care Certificate.
Experiential Group Process. A playground for therapists to nurture the imagination, release inhibitions and mobilise therapeutic insights. Unlocking Our-Selves: The Seekers Experiential Group and Process Work with Bárbara Godoy A playground for therapists to nurture the imagination, release inhibitions and mobilise therapeutic insights “Supportive, thought-provoking, emancipating, grounding” Inspired by the most prominent world seekers from antiquity to date. This year’s programme will take us on a profound personal journey of enquiry by cultivating presence and activating aliveness in the group environment OPTION 1: Tuesday Evenings Group 6 pm to 7.15 pm Term 3: Eastern Mystics 17and 24 September 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 October 5, 12, and 19 November OPTION 2: Friday Lunchtime Group 12.30 pm to 1.45 pm Latin American Writers 20 and 27 September 4, 11, 18 and 25 October 1, 8, 15 and 22 November Venue: Online – Zoom - Fee: £300 (term) Bárbara Godoy M.A., Adv. Dip. Exi. Psy. Existential Psychotherapist Group Leader, Counsellour, Lecturer and Supervisor, MBACP & UKCP accredited, SEA Professional Member, Director of Therapy Harley StreetBárbara’s academic contributions in London since 2008 include lecturing and researching on the theory and practice of Phenomenological Existential Therapy on Doctorate, MA and professional courses at the School of Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology, Regent’s University and the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling directed by Emmy van Deurzen. Bárbara has facilitated and designed therapeutic Group Work since 1997. She brought her earliest workshop: “Experiences” to large groups in The Netherlands, Italy, France, UK and Argentina. These awareness-intensive processes are a legacy of the human potential movement (HPM) of the 1960s, with techniques such as AUM Meditation Marathons, Psychodrama, Bioenergetics and Primal Feelings work.
Our comprehensive online course offers a deep dive into Manual Handling and Safe Loading of Vehicles. Whether you're a seasoned driver or just starting out, this training will equip you with essential knowledge and skills to navigate various road conditions safely and efficiently. Manual Handling Training: Gain a strong foundation in safe lifting techniques to prevent injuries when loading, unloading, and manoeuvring goods. Safe Loading of Vehicles: Acquire essential knowledge and practical skills for securing loads effectively, preventing accidents, and complying with road safety regulations. Invest in your professional development and become a safer, more compliant driver. Please review our Terms and Conditions for more information.
Personal development groups for practitioners with Bárbara Godoy A playground for therapists to expand our perception to metaphor, as a way to connect directly with the experience of the other, guided by folklore and fairytales. "Supportive, thought-provoking, emancipating, grounding" Tuesday Evenings Group 6 pm to 7.15 pm (UK Time) Friday Lunchtime Group 12.30 pm to 1.45 pm (UK time) Spring Term Phase One - 2025 22 and 29 April 6, 13, 20 and 27 May 3, 10, 17 and 24 June Autumn Term Phase Two - 2025 23 and 30 September 7, 14, 21 and 28 October 4, 11, 18 and 25 November Winter Term Phase Three - 2026 20 and 27 January 3, 10, 17 and 24 February 3, 10, 17 and 24 March Winter Term Phase One - 2025 24 and 31 January 7, 14, 21, 28 February 7, 14, 21 and 28 March Spring Term Phase Two - 2025 25 April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 May 6, 13, 20 and 27 June Autumn Term Phase Three - 2025 26 September 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 October 7, 14, 21 and 28 November Venue: Online (Zoom) Fee: £350 per term or £900 the whole year Bárbara Godoy M.A., Adv. Dip. Exi. Psy. Existential Psychotherapist Group Leader, Counsellour, Lecturer and Supervisor, MBACP & UKCP accredited, SEA Professional Member, Director of Therapy Harley StreetBárbara’s academic contributions in London since 2008 include lecturing and researching on the theory and practice of Phenomenological Existential Therapy on Doctorate, MA and professional courses at the School of Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology, Regent’s University and the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling directed by Emmy van Deurzen. Bárbara has facilitated and designed therapeutic Group Work since 1997. She brought her earliest workshop: “Experiences” to large groups in The Netherlands, Italy, France, UK and Argentina. These awareness-intensive processes are a legacy of the human potential movement (HPM) of the 1960s, with techniques such as AUM Meditation Marathons, Psychodrama, Bioenergetics and Primal Feelings work. Organized by:
Music Audio Stories presents Can You Spell It? Free Video Series ▫️Fun videos to help your child learn to pronounce and spell colours and develop visual and reading skills. We are thrilled to introduce our video series called, Can You Spell It? Children will learn how to pronounce and spell each colour and enjoy seeing our flower characters. With illustrations, voice-overs, animations, and music, this video series will help to teach children to spell in a fun and easy way. Children will: ▪️See examples of each colour ▪️Learn how to spell each colour ▪️Hear how each colour is pronounced ▪️Gain better reading skills ▪️Improve concentration and visual skills ▪️Love the illustrated flower characters ▪️Enjoy sound effects and music ⏰ Videos are released on Saturdays at 11 am on YouTube. Subscribe on YouTube at: and hit the bell to make sure you don't miss a new video. Video Series Playlist: Find out why it's important to develop colour recognition here: Enjoy! ♥ Music Audio Stories - Making learning easy and fun! Music Audio Stories is an original company specialising in entertaining music audiobooks, picture books, interactive activities, fun videos, and unique storytelling with multi-award-winner, 'Storytime with Anna Christina'. Music Audio Stories are interactive audiobooks with full orchestral scores and magical soundtracks, catchy sing-along songs and fun stories that teach and uplift little listeners. Videos include uniquely entertaining Storytimes with music, sound effects, narration, voice-overs, illustrations, and animations. Plus delightful activity videos for listening, learning, reading, drawing, and lots of fun! ---------- Website: Storytime: ---------- Subscribe to get a free music audiobook at: ---------- Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Storytime with Anna Christina Instagram:
The Real Estate Analyst course has been taught non-stop to global real estate firms over the last 25 years, and is without doubt the core financial modelling training in your career portfolio. Whether you have an upcoming financial modelling test for a new job or an APC exam, the Real Estate Analyst course is the choice for you.
This 18 weeks Virtual Airline Cabin Crew course delivered via Zoom. Lessons scheduled for once a week, evenings from 6:30pm to 9pm. 98% Employment rate after completion of the course. Virtual Airline Cabin Crew which is also known as Air Hostess, Flight Attendant and Stewardess course – Join your lesson from wherever you are. This intensive 18 weeks Virtual Airline Cabin Crew course designed for candidates who wish to: Travel the world and be paid for it Work in a friendly, collaborative atmosphere, 5000 metres above the sea level Build a global network This glamourous and exciting job requires lots of training and energy. Behind the beautiful smile of each flight attendant, stands a highly trained and skilled person who can deal with unforeseen situations on board. 98% Employment rate after completion of the course. How will you learn? Apart of our traditional class-based tuition, we also offer Virtual Learning courses. On our Virtual (live stream via Zoom) lessons, we provide the same quality of tuition as in the classroom. You only need a laptop, PC or tablet with either built in (or external) camera and microphone. The virtual platform is very interactive with a sense of real classroom at the Academy. You will study from the comfort of your own home and communicate with your tutor and classmates via video chat (by using your phone or computer camera) and you will receive outstanding tuition, qualification, and certification. We provide A-Z guidance starting from before and after the course. Your tutor will guide you through the online course to graduation which you will be welcome to attend. What a joy it would be to meet your tutor and classmates in real life!! You will have: According to the timetable- 1 lesson per week for 18 consecutive weeks. Exams and final exam based on which the certificate will be issued. On successful completion you will hold: Airline Cabin Crew certificate in Current Airline Training Standards and Equipment. Individual support on the journey from the course to a job placement Receive constant updates on recruitment and news from Aviation the world We will enhance your CV Full support on your job application process Gain an insight into the airline selection process and final one-to-one interview What is Flight Attendant? Flight attendant/Airline Cabin Crew/Stewardess/Air Hostess are the most visible, glamorous jobs of all airline employees. A Flight Attendant is someone whose primary duty is to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers during a flight. They are members of an aircrew team , who operate a commercial, business or even military aircraft while travelling domestically or internationally. Flight Attendant benefits: Getting paid for travelling the world Lifestyle Flexible Work Schedules Meeting Interesting People Free Food & Accommodation Excellent Compensation The uniforms Working Environment How to become successful Flight Attendant job candidate?Our Aviation Team understands each candidate who wish to become Airline Cabin Crew or start a career in Aviation. Airline companies look for individuals who share their values and can act as ambassadors for the company’s brand. Cabin Crew are the face of the airline company which means they deliver a fantastic service that makes airline world famous. Airline companies prefer candidates with knowledge of Cabin Crew role. Airline companies have selection day or online tests as a first stage of recruitment, after which, they will take a closer look at applicants CV, skills and experience. If you completed Airline Cabin Crew course, your application will stand out and you can get an offer from the first round. Student – Cabin Crew Flying Support Group As a market leading Airline Cabin Crew Training Company with a wealth of experience in Aviation and recruitment, we constantly upgrading our course and going extra nautical mile to guide and support all our students to ensure they can reach their goals. Graduates who are already flying, offer their full support to us and new students. They share an insight of the airline they already fly with, and help new students through the process of joining them at that airline. It gives a flying start to a career to new learners. Why London Waterloo Academy? Top Airline Cabin Crew course provider in London 98% Employment rate after completion of the course With years of experience in Airline Cabin Crew industry, London Waterloo Academy has been recognised by major TV, radio channels who have invited our Aviation Team for expert advice or interview. We are recognised by major airline companies in Europe and overseas who have approached London Waterloo Academy to deliver internal cabin crew training, corporate training and to recruit our graduates as a result of their high qualification standards and knowledge. Our graduates are now flying with Etihad, Saudi Air, Hainan Airlines, Small Planet, British Airways, Qatar, EasyJet, Thomas Cook, Ryanair, Cubana de Aviación, Air France,Titan, Norwegian B737 Short Haul and many more. The vast global experience of our instructors This course has been developed in accordance with EASA PART-CC Working together – Starting a new career isn’t easy and often it can seem like a lonely and impossible process. Our Aviation Department stays behind each learner, supporting every step of the way, we give you all the tools, skills and assistance you need to succeed. Our success, built on the success of our students and a long list of graduates with successful stories. Course Entry Requirements: English Language at B2 (CEFR) level or above. There are no other special requirements for this Airline Cabin Crew course. We will teach you from scratch and support after the course when applying for the job. This course has been developed for all candidates, independent of their background, wishing to start a new career. Dates (choose one for your course): 14 March 2024 – 11 July 2024, Thursday classes 10 June 2024 – 7 October 2024, Monday classes 17 September 2024 – 14 January 2025, Tuesday classes 18 November 2024 – 17 March 2025, Monday classes Course duration – 18 weeks Classes – once a week Lesson Time – 6:30pm to 9pm – GMT (London time) Course fee – £529 (we offer flexible payment plan and accept weekly instalments) Registration fee – £300 (includes: examination, Airline Cabin Crew certificate in Current Airline Training Standards and Equipment)
Course Information Join us for a comprehensive refresher focusing on crucial Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) requirements, including an emphasis on data integrity, recent developments, and emerging trends gleaned from MHRA inspections. The programme dives into specific domains such as risk assessment, OECD guidance on sponsor influence, and the advisory from OECD on QA. Additionally, delegates can benefit from a dedicated GLP clinic, facilitating discussions on understanding and upholding GLP compliance. Is this course for you? This course is tailored for study directors, principal investigators, test facility management, and QA professionals seeking to refresh their knowledge and responsibilities within the GLP framework. Tutors Tutors will be comprised of (click the photos for biographies): Vanessa Grant -, - Tim Stiles Consultant, Qualogy Ltd Programme Please note timings may be subject to alteration. Day 1 09:00 Registration, Welcome and Introduction 09:20 Development of Good Laboratory Practice A reminder of the history of GLP, its current scope and application, with a synopsis of current UK, European and international standards. 09:50 Roles and Responsibilities of Study Director, Test Facility Management, Principal Investigator, Test Site Management, Study Staff and QA A reminder of the roles and responsibilities with regard to the GLP management and oversight of the Test Facility and the management and control of the study, as defined by GLP. 10:30 Break 10:45 Workshop 1 Workshop 1 Roles and responsibilities 11:15 Influence of Sponsors The published OECD Position Paper No. 21 regarding Possible Influence of Sponsors on conclusions of GLP Studies is reviewed and discussed. 11:45 Data Integrity The fundamentals of data integrity according to the OECD Guidance No. 22 on Data Integrity is discussed along with the responsibilities of Study Director, Test Facility Management, and study staff in ensuring the integrity of the GLP study data. 12:30 Lunch 13:15 Quality Assurance and GLP OECD Advisory No. 23 (Revision of OECD No.4)- A walk through of the changes to the OECD Guidance on the role and activities of Quality Assurance 13:45 Quality Improvement Tools and GLP The tools that might be considered for GLP and their role and operation when used in Test Facilities- OECD Position Paper No.24 published July 2022 14:15 Workshop 2 Workshop 2 Change control 14:30 Risk Assessment How should we assess risk and how can we use the process to assist in evaluation audit findings? 15:00 Break 15:15 Current hot topics in GLP Explore the current issues in Industry and trends /types of Regulatory inspection findings 15:50 GLP Clinic An opportunity to discuss any other issues regarding understanding and maintaining GLP Compliance. 16:30 Close of Course Extra Information Course Material This course will be run completely online. You will receive an email with a link to our online system, which will house your licensed course materials and access to the remote event. Please note this course will run in UK timezone. The advantages of this include: Ability for delegates to keep material on a mobile device Ability to review material at any time pre and post course Environmental benefits – less paper being used per course Access to an online course group to enhance networking. You will need a stable internet connection, a microphone and a webcam. CPD Points 7 Points Development Level Learn
What does this course cover? This is an online course for developing history leadership in primary teaching. This term, we will be piloting the course as an immersive programme covering the key elements of primary history subject leadership, enabling all involved in history leadership at primary to carry out their role effectively. How is this course structured and delivered? The course will take place in ten online sessions from January–May 2025. Sessions 1, 8 and 10 are compulsory to attend live. Participants will be required to complete a gap task after each session and contribute to an online reflection diary. The other sessions will be recorded for participants to work through at their convenience, though participants are encouraged to attend the recording sessions live in order to make the most of the programme. All recordings will be made available on the course Moodle page within two working days of the live recording session. Who is this course for? This programme is designed for anyone who is a subject coordinator or subject leader for history in their primary school. You may have just been appointed as a subject leader, or be more experienced but looking for formal training or fresh inspiration and direction. What are the outcome? This course will: equip you fully for the demands of history leadership in primary schools increase your confidence to develop an innovative, inclusive and effective history curriculum in your school develop your understanding of efficient action planning and how to make a wider impact help you to make the case for history with senior leaders enable you to enthuse others and lead staff meetings about history develop your understanding of current issues in primary history education The course will include a chance to share resources and assessment approaches, plus much more What will each session cover? Session 1: Introductory meeting (Live attendance) Wednesday 22 January 2025, 4pm–5.30pm Introduction and aims Reflection activity on the current state of history in your school Key responsibilities of the history subject leader Current Ofsted implications for the subject and what to expect in an inspection How the HA and latest Ofsted material can support you Session 2: What makes an effective history subject leader? (Live and recorded) Monday 27 January 2025, 4pm–5.30pm How to effectively support teachers and learners as a history leader How to create a vision, lead change, and manage time Effective action planning and improvement Auditing your history provision and building your evidence trail Developing an innovative, inclusive and effective history curriculum in your school Disciplinary knowledge: What is history? What do historians do? Suggested gap task: Conducting teacher and/or pupil voice questionnaires. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme. If relevant, reflect on how you will use the teacher questionnaire or pupil voice. Session 3: What makes effective teaching of history? (Live and recorded) Wednesday 19 February 2025, 4–5.30pm The role of the teacher Supporting SEND pupils Securing substantive knowledge and concepts across the curriculum How to support colleagues by identifying core knowledge How to involve the whole staff in mapping out and embedding the progression of concepts across the curriculum Suggested gap task: Consider SEND in your curriculum. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme reflecting on SEND. Session 4: Curriculum and practice at EYFS (Live and recorded) Tuesday 25 February 2025, 4–5.30pm Unpicking and supporting the requirements of the EYFS curriculum and Development Matters Developing historical and chronological understanding in EYFS as part of Understanding the world Progression and transition from EYFS to Key Stage 1 Ensuring coherence: how to start developing concepts Making use of the local history on your doorstep for EYFS and KS1 Accessing resources and support for EYFS Suggested gap task: Fact finding and liaison. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme reflecting on current EYFS practice. Session 5: Curriculum and practice at Key Stage 1 (Live and recorded) Monday 3 March 2025, 4pm–5.30pm Unpicking and supporting the requirements of the National Curriculum for KS1 Progression: building upon transition from EYFS What do KS1 require before KS2? Ensuring coherence: further developing the school’s chosen substantive concepts How to develop disciplinary concepts Developing appropriate chronological understanding in KS1 Enhancing and engaging children’s knowledge and retention through enquiry The use of working walls in KS1 to support learning Accessing resources and support for KS1 Suggested gap task: Check your KS1 curriculum for coverage and progression, building upon what they have learnt in EYFS. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme reflecting on KS1 practice in your setting. Session 6: Curriculum and practice at Key Stage 2 (Live and recorded) Tuesday 11 March 2025, 4pm–5.30pm Unpicking and supporting the requirements of the National Curriculum for KS2 How to incorporate local history with progression in KS2 What do we want the children in Year 6 to leave with? Developing appropriate chronological understanding in KS2 Preparing for transition to Key Stage 3 Ensuring coherence: building upon the school’s chosen concepts for progression What the HA can do to support the teaching of KS2 units? Resources and support for KS2 Suggested gap task: Check your KS2 curriculum for coverage and progression, building upon what they have learnt in EYFS and KS1. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme reflecting on KS2 practice in your setting. Session 7: Approaching sensitive issues in history (Live and recorded) Tuesday 18 March 2025, 4pm–5.30pm What do we mean by diversity in history and why is it important? How to ensure a wider diversity in your history teaching Barriers to making the curriculum more diverse and how to overcome them Approaches to sensitive issues in history lessons, including: - Refugees and migration history - War - Climate change Suggested gap task: Consider opportunities for increasing diverse voices and raising climate issues in your curriculum. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme considering how you might address the sensitive or current issues raised in this session. Session 8: Interim review meeting (Live attendance) Tuesday 25 March 2025, 4pm–5.30pm A review session allowing subject leaders to reflect upon their progress so far Opportunity to respond to suggestions, clarify information, or raise issues from the previous sessions Time to ask questions, share good practice or recommended resources with the rest of the cohort Suggested gap task: Time to follow up on anything raised in this session or to complete any previous tasks, following clarification and inspiration from this session. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme, reflecting on your priorities and actions using suggestions from the presenter or other delegates. Session 9: Assessment and evidence (Live and recorded) Wednesday 30 April 2025, 4pm–5.30pm Assessment and expectations A word about writing Triangulating the evidence What to look for in a work scrutiny Suggested gap task: Conduct a work scrutiny on one aspect to check across the school, in conjunction with a focused pupil voice on the same aspect. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary considering how you will conduct a work scrutiny and what you will focus on – or, if relevant, reflect on what you discovered and how you will address any issues. Session 10: Final meeting (Live attendance) Wednesday 14 May 2025, 4pm–5.30pm Following up any requests arising from the interim meeting (Session 8) Discussion or clarification of any issues arising from previous sessions Discussion of priorities, next steps and any issues Sharing ideas for enthusing others and leading staff meetings: “What worked for me?” Communicating with headteachers, governors, colleagues and parents Are you ready for the HA Quality Mark? Suggested gap task: Identifying your school’s next steps Compulsory gap task: Complete your final piece in your reflection diary.
Course Information Join our comprehensive three-day programme designed as an invaluable external training opportunity for auditors, audit programme managers, and individuals subject to audits. This course is tailored to foster a deep understanding and cultivate essential skills for auditing the validation of computer systems intended for GxP environments (GLP, GCP, GMP, GDP, GPvP). Commencing with an overview of regulatory prerequisites and the system life cycle, the course swiftly transitions to focus on the pragmatic aspects of auditing computer system validation. Experience a blend of presentations, interactive discussions, and immersive practical workshops throughout the duration of the course. Delegates will benefit from practical examples of how to understand the framework of applicable regulations and guidance. Apply risk management techniques to audit planning Plan and conduct computerised system audits Assess system validation documentation to verify compliance Evaluate data integrity and security issues Prepare for regulatory inspection. The course is structured to encourage delegates to: Discuss and develop ideas Solve specific problems Understand the vulnerabilities of computerised systems Learn how to create a compliance checklist Link system development with good business practice. Is this course for you? Auditors Audit programme managers Individuals subject to audits. Tutors Tutors will be comprised of (click the photos for biographies): Nichola Stevens Director and Principal Consultant, Nuncius Compliance Solutions Ltd Barry McManus Consultancy Partner, Empowerment Quality Engineering Ltd Programme Please note timings may be subject to alteration. Day 1 09:00 Welcome and Introductions 09:45 Why We Validate and Regulatory Trends 10:30 Break 10:45 Audit Overview, High Level Process and Scheduling 11:30 System Lifecycle 12:30 Lunch 13:15 Exercise 1 - Audit Scheduling 14:45 Exercise 1 - Feedback 15:15 Break 15:30 Validation Deliverables 16:30 Risk Assessments 17:30 Close of Day 1 Day 2 09:00 Supplier Assessment 10:30 Break 10:45 Exercise 2 - Planning a Supplier Audit 12:00 Exercise 2 - Feedback 12:30 Lunch 13:15 Exercise 3 - Auditing a Computerised System Validation Package 15:30 Break 15:45 Exercise 3 - Feedback 16:30 Change Control 17:15 Close of Day Day 3 09:00 Infrastructure Qualification 09:45 Maintaining a Validated State - Operational Processes 11:00 Break 11:15 Exercise 4 - Auditing Systems in Operational Use 12:45 Lunch 13:30 Exercise 4 - Feedback 14:15 Exercise 5 - Auditing Trail Review 15:30 Break 15:45 Exercise 5 - Feedback 16:15 Course Objectives Summary and Any Additional Questions 16:45 Close of Course Extra Information Face-to-face course Course Material Course material will be available in PDF format for delegates attending this course. The advantages of this include: Ability for delegates to keep material on a mobile device Ability to review material at any time pre and post course Environmental benefits – less paper being used per course. The material will be emailed in advance of the course and RQA will not be providing any printed copies of the course notes during the training itself. Delegates wishing to have a hard copy of the notes should print these in advance to bring with them. Alternatively delegates are welcome to bring along their own portable devices to view the material during the training sessions. Remote course Course Material This course will be run completely online. You will receive an email with a link to our online system, which will house your licensed course materials and access to the remote event. Please note this course will run in UK timezone. The advantages of this include: Ability for delegates to keep material on a mobile device Ability to review material at any time pre and post course Environmental benefits – less paper being used per course Access to an online course group to enhance networking. You will need a stable internet connection, a microphone and a webcam. CPD Points 19 Points Development Level Develop
LOOKING FOR: MG, YA, ADULT FICTION / NON-FICTION Kesia Lupo joined Donald Maass Literary Agency in 2024 after 11 years working across the publishing industry. She started out as an editorial assistant at Pan Macmillan London in 2013, transitioning to children’s fiction in 2015 when she moved to Chicken House (a UK imprint of Scholastic), where she worked her way up from junior to senior editor. Here she acquired and edited bestselling, internationally successful and prize-winning fiction for middle grade (MG) and YA readers. In 2023 she transitioned over to the US and agenting, working with the Bindery Agency before finding a home with DMLA. At DMLA, Kesia is building a list leaning 60/40 towards MG and YA fiction, with the rest consisting of adult fiction and a smattering of adult non-fiction. She is especially, but not exclusively, interested in underrepresented voices, whether BIPOC, LGBTQ+, neurodivergent, disabled writers or other identities not listed here. Across all age-groups, she’s seeking: Fantasy/Science Fiction: High fantasy, low fantasy, cosy fantasy. Particularly interested in fantasy and SF inspired by underrepresented cultures with unique world-building. Romantasy is fine but the fantasy elements MUST be strong! Horror: Psychological and paranormal horror in particular but will consider slashers. Kesia loves gothic horror and is not generally fazed by gory content. Thrillers: Upmarket thrillers with a unique spin. Loves plot twists! Historical: Open to everything with a strong hook and informed by excellent research. Would love to find non-Eurocentric historical fiction. For adult fiction only, she’s seeking: Bookclub/women’s fiction: Voice-driven, high-concept novels across these categories. Romance: Upmarket romance with a great one-line pitch. Happy with spice. For adult non-fiction, she’s interested in accessible political, cultural or historical topics with broad appeal. Please don’t self-reject – if you are unsure about whether your story might be a good fit, Kesia would rather see it. In one single word document, Kesia would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 page synopsis and the first three chapters or 5,000 words of your manuscript in a single word document, whichever is shorter. (In addition to the paid sessions, Kesia is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print). By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Monday 17th March 2025