A clinical investigator is responsible for conducting the clinical trial in compliance with the study protocol, GCP, medical ethics, and applicable legal requirements. The clinical research community expects that investigators and clinical staff are fully trained in GCP. Duties and functions discussed in this short course include: provision of adequate resources; liaison with IRB/IEC; compliance with protocol; management of investigational product(s), informed consent and data records; and safety reporting.
Informed consent in clinical research is an ethical and regulatory requirement. A research subject must enter a study voluntarily, be informed about risks and benefits, and understand the difference between investigation and treatment. Subjects must not be coerced into enrolment, nor must they be enticed by exaggerated claims of benefit. Before they can enrol, all potential subjects must agree, in writing, to participate. In addition to ethical and regulatory imperatives, the potential for litigation by subjects further highlights the importance of rigorous adherence to informed consent principles. In this short course we set out the principles and requirements and provide examples of practical issues confronting healthcare professionals and subjects.