Qualsafe Food Allergen Awareness (RQF) Half day course This course gives learners the knowledge and understanding of food allergens and foods that commonly cause intolerances Teaches how to minimise the risk of cross-contamination from allergenic ingredients Benefits of this course: This qualification is aimed at food handlers and other staff involved in food preparation and services It provides knowledge and understanding of food allergens and foods that commonly cause intolerances Many people are allergic to foods, or have a food intolerance There is a duty in law for food handlers to ensure these people do not come to harm, either by going into anaphylactic shock and their potential death, or by making them feel really ill for a long period after consuming the food. Course Contents: The characteristics and consequences of food allergies and intolerances How to identify and control contamination from allergenic ingredients Ways to accurate communicate of allergen information to consumers Accredited, Ofqual regulated qualification: This Food Allergen Awareness training course is a nationally recognised, Ofqual regulated qualifications accredited by Qualsafe Awards. This means that you can be rest assured that your Food Allergen Awareness Certificate provides information for best practice to make a real difference to the lives of people who suffer from food allergies or intolerances. It also helps to stay on the right side of the law! The Ofqual Register number for this course is 610/0114/8 Classroom £95.00 pp Enquire about this course Half day course This course gives learners the knowledge and understanding of food allergens and food intolerances Teaches how to minimise the risk of cross-contamination from allergenic ingredients Enquire about this courseCourse ContentsUpcoming Dates Face to Face / Classroom Courses Would you like this course? Contact us and we'll set a date. We also run short, CPD Accredited training sessions in Food Allergens and Intolerances. Enquire about this courseCourse Contents Benefits of this course: This qualification is aimed at those who are working in, or preparing to work in a food handling, food retail or food manufacturing role It provides knowledge and understanding of food allergens and intolerances Many people are allergic to foods, or have a food intolerance There is a duty in law for food handlers to ensure these people do not come to harm, either by going into anaphylactic shock and their potential death, or by making them feel really ill for a long period after consuming the food. This is an Ofqual regulated qualification, showing your due diligence and care for your customers Enquire about this course Course Contents The characteristics of food allergens, food intolerance and coeliac disease The importance of, and procedures for identifying and controlling food allergen risks How to provide accurate food allergen information Enquire about this course Our Reviews Facebook 5.0 Rating READ FACEBOOK REVIEWS "Informative and very enjoyable!" Google Reviews 5.0 Rating READ GOOGLE REVIEWS Accredited, Ofqual regulated qualification This Food Allergen Awareness training course is a nationally recognised, Ofqual regulated qualifications accredited by Qualsafe Awards. This means that you can be rest assured that your Food Allergen Awareness Certificate provides information for best practice to make a real difference to the lives of people who suffer from food allergies or intolerances. It also helps to stay on the right side of the law! The Ofqual Register number for this course is 610/0114/8
FAA Level 2 Award In First Aid For Mental Health (RQF) Classroom (1 day course) or Virtual (3 x 2½ hour sessions) Gives learners knowledge of Mental Health First Aid Gives learners the skills to help those with mental health problems and improve mental health in the workplace Course Contents: What is Mental Health? Why people develop mental health conditions What the role of a mental health first aider is Knowing how to provide advice and practical support Knowing how to recognise and manage stress Understand the impact of substance abuse on mental health Understand the first aid action plan for mental health and be able to put it in place Know how to implement a positive mental health culture in the workplace Recognising a range of mental health conditions: Depression Anxiety Psychosis Eating disorders Suicide Self-harm Benefits of this course: 37% of all work-related ill-health is due to mental health problems Problems with mental health cover 45% of all working days lost A whopping 12.8 million working days, or 49, 042 years, were lost due to mental health problems in 2018/19 602,000 workers suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2018/19 One in four people will have a mental health problem at some point during their lives Whether work is causing or aggravating mental health problems, employers have a legal responsibility towards their employees Work-related mental health issues must to be assessed to measure the levels of risk to staff Where a risk is identified, steps must be taken to remove it or reduce it as far as reasonably practicable This full day Mental Health First Aid course gives a good grounding to help others in the workplace Accredited, Ofqual regulated qualification Our Mental Health First Aid Courses are nationally recognised, Ofqual regulated qualifications accredited by First Aid Awards Ltd in association with NUCO Training. This means that you can be rest assured that your Mental Health First Aid Certificates fulfill the upcoming legal requirements and are a very good way to make sure you and your employees have a supporting workplace to deal with staff's mental health conditions. The Ofqual Register number for this course is 603/3769/2
Writing modern web applications with a rich UI can be tedious. Blazor gives us .NET developers the chance to leverage our C# skills and build interactive web UIs. In this course, you will gain the ability to build web applications using Blazor. We will explore setting up your first Blazor application; how to work with an API; how data binding works; how to create components and integrate JavaScript components.
Did you know that an estimated 555,000 workers in Britain sustained an injury at work in 2017/18? The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require all employers to make arrangements to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. This includes carrying out a risk assessment, appointing a suitable amount of first aiders and providing appropriate first aid training. However, having the correct first aid provision in the workplace is not just a legal requirement, it is incredibly important for the safety of all members of staff! The QA Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work (RQF) qualification is specifically designed for individuals who wish to act as a first aider in their workplace. Successful candidates will learn how to manage a range of injuries and illnesses that could occur at work and will be equipped with the essential skills needed to give emergency first aid. What’s more, as a regulated qualification, employers can book this course for their employees and rest assured that they have fulfilled their legal responsibilities for providing quality first aid training, without having to undertake any lengthy due diligence checks.
Master JPA using Hibernate as the implementation. Learn the basics of JPA: entities, relationships, entity manager, annotations, JPQL and Criteria API. Take a step into the advanced world of JPA such as caching, performance tuning (n + 1 queries), and mapping inheritance hierarchies. Get a peek into the magic of Spring Data JPA and Spring Data REST.
I'm often looking for the slightly unusual in my compositions and this works well, The donkeys are having a rest in Weymouth and the sign shows humour.
Network management technologies course description A comprehensive tour of the available network management technologies available for todays networks. The course starts with basic tools such as syslog along with Python network automation. SNMP is then covered with the *flow technologies and streaming telemetry. Configuration management with ansible, Python, NETCONF and RESTCONF is then studied. The final part of the course looks at SDN. Hands on sessions are used throughout to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific manufacturer equipment. Note that sections are available as individual courses. What will you learn Evaluate network management technologies. Evaluate network management technologies. Recognise the weaknesses of SNMP versus NETCONF and streaming telemetry. Explain the role of NETCONF and RESTCONF. Compare & contrast *flow and streaming telemetry. Explain the role of SDN in network management. Automate network configuration with ansible and Python. Network management technologies course details Who will benefit: Those wishing to manage networks. (Previous Python experience is NOT needed) Prerequisites: Intro to data comms Duration 5 days Network management technologies course content Basic network management Network management What is network management? Benefits, issues. FCAPS model. Fault management, Configuration management, accounting, performance, security. What to manage, what not to manage. Managing network devices, managing servers. Monitoring networks Traditional network tools Ping..., SSH, syslog, TFTP for configurations. nmap. Wireshark. CLI. Web based management. Splunk. Nessus, snort, Kali. Hands on syslog, network inventories. Network automation using the CLI Programming and automating networks, netOps. Python, Git. Python network modules, SSH, paramiko, netmiko. EVE-NG. Hands onPython network modules. Structured versus unstructured data Problems with automation and unstructured data. XML, JSON, YAML. The role of YANG. Hands on Parsing data. SNMP SNMP architecture, SNMP MIBs, SMI, the SNMP protocol, polling security. Configuring SNMP. SNMPv1, v2, v3, SNMP security. Which version should you use? MIBs and MIB structure. mib-2, extra parts of mib-2, Private enterprise MIBs. Summary: What SNMP is good/bad at. Hands on Configuring agents and a NMS. MIB browsing. Server management Microsoft, Linux, application polling. WMI vs SNMP. Hands on: Application polling. Performance management *flow Polling, push vs pull, netflow, sflow, IPFIX, *flow. Flows. Where to monitor traffic. Comparing *flow with SNMP. Architecture: Generators and collectors. When flows are exported. NetFlow reporting products. SolarWinds. Hands on Netflow configuration. Collectors. Streaming telemetry Model driven telemetry, periodic/on change. Structured data. Telemetry protocol stack. gRPC and gNMI. Protobuf. gNMI operations. Telemetry architecture. Telegraf, databases, Grafana. Hands on Telemetry example. Configuration management Configuration management tools Chef, puppet, ansible, saltstack. Ansible architecture, controlling machines, nodes, agentless, SSH, modules. Inventories, playbooks, modules, network modules, jinja2 templates. Hands on Network configuration with ansible. NETCONF What is NETCONF? Protocol stack, Data stores, traffic flows, validating configurations, rollback. YANG data models and how YANG is used by NETCONF. XML. Explorers and other tools. Hands on anx, Python and NETCONF. RESTCONF The REST API, HTTP, What is RESTCONF? Tools including Postman. Comparison with NETCONF. Hands on Configuration with RESTCONF. Python network automation: configuration SSH issues. Using structured data. Jinja2. ncclient, requests, NAPALM, Nornir. Automated testing. Hands on Python network device configuration with nornir. Software Defined Networks and orchestration Classic SDN What is SDN? benefits. SDN architecture. SDN applications, SDN switches, SDN controllers, Network Operating Systems. Control plane, data plane. Northbound interfaces. SDN components. Southbound interfaces. OpenFlow. ONF, OpenFlow ports, Flow tables. Network virtualization Virtual networks, virtual switches, NfV. Service chaining. NfV and SDN. SDN implementations Classic SDN, Hybrid SDN, SDN via APIs, SDN via overlays. Data centre SDN, VXLAN, Service Provider SDN, SD WAN, Enterprise SDN, WiFi. SDN and open source OpenDaylight, OpenVSwitch, Open Networking Forum, Open Network Operating System. Hands onOpenStack. SD-WAN What is SD-WAN? Architecture: Edge, gateway, orchestrator, controller. Overlay and underlay. Use of MPLS, 4G/5G. Benefits and features. Secure Access Service Edge (SASE).
A six week introduction to scentwork for pet dogs. Take the first steps to discovering the incredible power of a dog's nose. This class will cover the basics of search, scent ID, and indication. Each dog will work one at a time and free from the distraction of other dogs, allowing them to work at their own level in a comfortable and relaxed environment, making this activity accessible to reactive dogs. DOGS ATTENDING THIS CLASS MUST BE HAPPY AND ABLE TO REST IN THE CAR OR CRATE BETWEEN WORKING TIMES.