neemisha- feminine embodiment coach & healer
I’m Neemisha Naugah- Energy Healer, Women empowerment Coach and Teacher in
London. I’m excited to help you on your journey of healing, awakening and
empowerment. My own healing journey started in 2012 after period of the dark
night of the soul. I felt lost, depressed and dissatisfied for a number of
years. Finally, I decided to work with various Coaches, Therapists and Healers
who helped me gain a better understanding of what I was going through and they
helped me accept my past, resolve my wounds and traumas. Determined to live a
more fulfilling and meaningful life, I embarked into more Soul searching, inner
work, personal development and spiritual growth. As I let go of my limiting
beliefs and released my difficult emotions-anger, sadness, shame, fear, hurt and
guilt, I felt more empowered and was ready to help and support others on their
healing journey. I now know that my personal challenges was a wake up call…a
Spiritual awakening. In the healing process, I reclaimed my Power, Purpose,
Potential and Passion! Born and brought up in a Hindu family, I understand
traditions, rituals and follows spiritual practices as part of my upbringing.
Now I live in South London with my husband and children and enjoy yoga,
meditation and spending time in Nature.