Join us for a day of discussions and insights on EDI and the Six Stages Framework at our in-person event on June 28, 2024! THE EDI ROUNDTABLE & SIX STAGES FRAMEWORK CONFERENCE 2024 Navigating & Challenging Everyday Racism and Discriminations. Embedding EDI into your Workplace & Schools Frameworks for Measuring Impact & Progress Don't miss out on our Annual trailblazing event! Our pioneering event is back by popular demand. Empower your own self development and improve diversity and inclusion in your organisation or workplace. Check out testimonials from last year. Tickets are now on sale. Only £30 including lunch! Book now Join Us In Creating a More Inclusive World. Are you ready to dive deep into the complexities of equality, diversity, and inclusion? Have you ever wondered how different sectors can collaborate to enhance racial justice and belonging in our ever-evolving society? Online agenda and details of speakers and panelists Check out our Speaker/Panelists and Hosts. Information for Schools What's Involved? This one-day event is not to be missed. We understand the challenges many face in embedding EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) into the fabrics of their organisation. The Six Stages Inclusive Framework helps organisation (and schools) go beyond performative measures: cultural celebrations, conversations about unconscious bias and white privilege to real action and implementation. It supports evidence-based practice and data gathering, obtaining base line measures through the Six Stages Framework Diversity Assessments which enable you to chart your progress. Who’s the Conference For? Corporate Organisations Schools & Local Authorities Health Services Higher Education Police and Criminal Justice Anyone passionate about EDI An amazing venue! The Conference will take place at St Martin-in-the Fields, Trafalgar Square, WC2N 4JJ on June 28th, 2024, set in the heart of London. Take a 3D tour of our venue here: Engage with Visionaries Check out our Speaker/Panelists and Hosts. Start your day with groundbreaking insights from leading experts. Our opening address and keynotes will set the stage for a series of powerful discussions, including: Diverse Cross-Functional Roundtable: Engage with top professionals in a dynamic panel discussion, followed by an audience Q&A. Exclusive stimulating and thought-provoking conversation between the dynamic sister duo, Afua Hirsch: Award-winning writer, journalist, former barrister and filmmaker; and Dr. Ama Collison: Millennial Psychology Limited. Networking Lunch: Connect with like-minded individuals and grow your professional network over lunch. Afternoon Sessions: Dr. Shungu H. M'gadzah: will present a compelling keynote on "The Six Stages Framework: Understanding and Dealing with Everyday Racism.” Exploring practical applications in various sectors and drawing from the SSF transformational toolkit. Workshops: To consolidate and explore the days learning and make recommendations to be published in our annual report. Who's Speaking? Dr. Shungu H. M'gadzah: Six Stages Framework & Inclusion Psychologists Ltd Dr. Ama Collison: Millennial Psychology Afua Hirsch: Award-winning writer, journalist, former barrister and filmmaker Visit the wide range of market stalls and bookstore on display. Explore the books from This is Book Love an award-winning collective and bookstore curating and showcasing and bringing together the best multicultural content the world of arts has to offer Schools, Nurseries, Public and corporate spaces Get Your Tickets Tickets are now on sale. Join us for our Annual trailblazing event! Only £30 including lunch! Book now Link for more Information & Testimonials about last year’s event: For sponsorship opportunities or Market stalls contact Dr. Shungu at: drshungu@inclusionpsychologists.comor Dr Ama Dr. Ama Collison Market stalls: We also have space for market stalls at a cost of £100 so if you know organisations who may be interested. Sponsorship: In terms of sponsorship, we are looking for any contribution to costs. We currently have one sponsor- Inclusivitti. Support with the event and donations Any help in publicising the event would be appreciated as well as any donations or sponsors. Organisers: Dr Shungu H. M'gadzah, Six Stages Framework Dr Ama Collison: Millennial Psychology Mr Romain Muhammad: Diversify World Sponsors: Inclusivitti Venue: St Martin- in- the- Fields Here is the link to our online 3D tour. Take a 3D tour of our venue here: Best wishes, Shungu Dr Shungu Hilda M'gadzah Director & Lead Consultant Psychologist Inclusion Psychologists Ltd Tel: 07956 965 266 AUTHOR: Understanding & Dealing with Everyday Racism- The Six Stages Framework The Six Stages Framework Book Psychology today directory Follow me on twitter. LinkedIn profile
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Friday 26th April, 3pm, Muirhead Tower, University of Birmingham, Arts Building – LR6, Room 222 The Department of Public Administration and Policy and CEDAR are delighted to host a public seminar on The Politics of Becoming: Anonymity and Democracy in the Digital Age by Hans Asenbaum Oxford University Press When we participate in political debate or protests, we are judged by how we look, which clothes we wear, by our skin colour, gender and body language. This results in exclusions and limits our freedom of expression. The Politics of Becoming explores radical democratic acts of disidentification to counter this problem. Anonymity in masked protest, graffiti, and online debate interrupts our everyday identities. This allows us to live our multiple selves. In the digital age, anonymity becomes an inherent part of everyday communication. Through our smart devices we express our selves differently. As cyborgs our identities are disrupted and reassembled. We curate self-representations on social media, create avatars, share selfies and choose the skin colour of our emojis. The Politics of Becoming encourages us to engage in a revolution of the self. Democratic pluralism is not only a matter of institutional design but also about how we express our identities. Inner revolutions change our personal realities and plant a seed for democratic futures. Hans Asenbaum is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance at the University of Canberra. His research interests include radical democracy, queer and gender studies, digital politics, and participatory research methods. In 2022 he received the ECPR Rising Star Award. Hans is the author of The Politics of Becoming: Anonymity and Democracy in the Digital Age (Oxford University Press, 2023) and co-editor of Research Methods in Deliberative Democracy (with Ercan, Curato and Mendonça, Oxford University Press, 2022). His work has been published in the American Political Science Review, New Media & Society, Politics & Gender, and the International Journal of Qualitative Methods. Friday 26th April, 3pm, Arts Building – LR6, Room 222, University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT
REFERENCE CODE 603/5285/1 COURSE LEVEL NVQ Level 2 THIS COURSE IS AVAILABLE IN Course Overview Who is this qualification for? This is a work-based learning qualification for those involved in laying floorcoverings in a Construction related working environment. Although many of the skills and knowledge across floorcovering occupations are generic, not all those employed to fit floorcoverings will be fitting the same product. The group of optional units will allow specialisms of timber based, textile and resilient floorcoverings. What is required from candidates? To achieve this pathway unit the survey work must be carried out in ways that will minimise the risk of damage to the work and surrounding area and using and maintaining equipment effectively. This qualification is made up of 9 mandatory units and a group of optional units. The minimum credit value of this qualification is 127 credits. Qualifications are now required to indicate the total qualification time (TQT), this is to show the typical time it will take someone to attain the required skills and knowledge to meet the qualification criteria, this qualification has a TQT of 1,270 hours. Qualifications are also required to indicate the number of hours of teaching someone would normally need to gain the skills and knowledge to achieve the qualification. These are referred to as Guided Learning Hours (GLH). The GLH for this qualification is 543 Mandatory units Level Credit Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace Conforming to Productive Working Practices in the Workplace Moving, Handling and Storing Resources in the Workplace Surface preparation to receive floorcoverings in the workplace Setting out for laying floorcoverings in the workplace Preparing and fitting underlays for floorcoverings in the workplace Develop customer relationships Assessing and preparing background surfaces for floor-covering in the workplace Assessing and evaluating conditions for floorcoverings in the workplace Optional Units (Minimum of 18 credits) Installing timber–based floorcoverings in the workplace Summary of the: GQA NVQ LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN FLOORCOVERING OCCUPATIONS (CONSTRUCTION) Installing textile floorcoverings in the workplace Installing resilient floorcoverings in the workplace Types of evidence: Evidence of knowledge is required. Evidence of knowledge through performance can contribute and if applicable should be demonstrated by completing projects and reports, by responding to questions or through Professional/Guided Discussions. Quantity of evidence: Evidence should show that you can meet the requirements of the units consistently over an appropriate period of time. Potential sources of evidence: Suggested sources of evidence are shown above, these can be supplemented by physical or documentary evidence, e.g.: Accident book/reporting system Notes and memos Safety record Telephone/e-mail records Training record Customer and colleague feedback Audio evidence Records of equipment and materials Witness testimonies Work records Photographic/ video evidence Please Note that photocopied or downloaded documents such as manufacturers or industry guidance, H&S policies, Risk Assessments etc, are not normally acceptable evidence for GQA qualifications unless accompanied by a record of a professional discussion or assessor statement confirming candidate knowledge of the subject. If you are in any doubt about the validity of evidence, please contact Oscar Onsite Academy
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REFERENCE CODE 603/5204/8 COURSE LEVEL NVQ Level 3 THIS COURSE IS AVAILABLE IN Course Overview Who is this Qualification for? This qualification is aimed those who carry out supervisory activities in a specific trade in the Construction Industry. The qualification certificate will carry an endorsement to show what trades the candidate was supervising during completion of this qualification. The qualification has a core group of 5 mandatory units that cover areas including Health and Safety, confirming work requirements and coordinating work operations. The qualification also has a group of optional units to allow flexibility to suit individual needs and responsibilities and completion of mandatory units and a minimum of 2 units from the optional group will give access to the relevant CSCS card. This qualification replaces version 1 of the GQA Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Occupational Work Supervision (Construction) QAN 601/3469/0 for anyone starting the qualification from 01/11/2019. What is required from candidates? This qualification consists of 5 mandatory units, which have a total of 57 credits and a group of optional units. Candidates must complete all 5 mandatory units and a minimum of 2 units from the optional group. GQA qualifications are made up of units that have a credit value or credits. These credits must be achieved in the correct combination of mandatory and optional units. Qualifications are now required to indicate the total qualification time (TQT), this is to show the typical time it will take someone to attain the required skills and knowledge to meet the qualification criteria. The units of assessment set out learning outcomes which describe what learners need to be able to do and understand. The learning outcomes are defined by assessment criteria which are used to assess competence, expressed as skills achieved and learned knowledge and understanding, to achieve the units. Achievement of the mandatory units and chosen optional units will mean the qualification has been completed and will be subject to approval of a claim for certification. GQA Qualifications will issue a certificate complete with the learner’s name, the qualification and unit titles and the credits achieved. Mandatory units Level Credit Confirming Work Activities and Resources for an Occupational Work Area in the Workplace Developing and Maintaining Good Occupational Working Relationships in the Workplace Confirming the Occupational Method of Work in the Workplace Implementing and maintaining health, safety and welfare in the workplace Coordinating and organising work operations in the workplace Optional Units – Minimum of 2 units (19 credits must be achieved) Allocating and monitoring the use of plant, machinery, equipment or vehicles in the workplace Monitoring progress of work against schedules in the workplace Confirming work meets contractual, industry and manufacturers’ standards in the workplace Implementing procedures to support the team performance in the workplace 3 13 Co-ordinating and confirming the dimensional control requirements of the work in the workplace Entry requirements There are no formal entry requirements for learners undertaking this qualification. However, centres must ensure that learners have the potential and opportunity to gain the qualification successfully. Qualification support This qualification has been designed and developed by CITB and GQA Qualifications have authorised Oscar Onsite Academy to deliver this qualification in the Construction Sector. Please Note that photocopied or downloaded documents such as manufacturers or industry guidance, H&S policies, Risk Assessments etc, are not normally acceptable evidence for Oscar Onsite Qualifications unless accompanied by a record of a professional discussion or Assessor statement confirming candidate knowledge of the subject. If you are in any doubt about the validity of evidence, please contact Oscar Onsite Academy