swan gymnastics academy
Swan Gymnastics Academy was established in 2013 and is one of the most
successful performance clubs in Stevenage. The aim of the club is to bring
Gymnastics and Dance into one and to involve more children in the sport of
gymnastics in Hertfordshire. The club has carefully selected a team of coaches
who work towards the Academy’s pledge to ensure that all gymnasts reach their
full potential in the sport. The Academy has a range of coaches that have all
been within the sport for over 10+ years and have got the official
qualifications to teach gymnastics, as well as this our coaches and staff hold a
current DBS check and Safeguarding Children course. The club is currently based
in the Nobel School Secondary School, just 4 miles A1 (M) junction. With its
easy access, we have gymnasts that come from as far a field as Hertford,
Hatfield, and London.