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Endometriosis masterclass. Two day practical theory and hands on course on all aspects of endometriosis management. Expert faculty and live surgical cases.
Endometriosis masterclass. Whole day live surgical course demonstrating the full spectrum of endometriosis surgical management.
Presentation on the latest on Palliative Care research and the CHELsea II Trial at Wirral Hospice St John’s by Cheryl Clements This session will cover: - Introduction to the NIHR (National Institute of Health and Care Research) and the new RRDN (Regional Research Delivery Network). - Overview of palliative care. Why we need research. - Palliative care research, and areas of interest. - About the CHELsea II Trial at Wirral St John's Hospice. - Barriers to implementing palliative care research. - NIHR Training Opportunities and Resources. - Question time