broadway academy
We want to make sure students are safe, happy and love learning. We encourage
all students to develop their character throughout their time at Broadway. This
is achieved by encouraging students to live out and practise the Academy values
of Integrity, Respect, Optimism, Responsibility, Appreciation, Aspiration,
Aspiration, Generosity and Inclusivity. Our curriculum is tailored to the
community and designed to enable all students to maximise their academic
potential so that they can flourish, whilst at school and throughout their
lives, as proactive British Citizens. We have an unswerving bias towards the
students who come from poor families and also SEND students. We provide a safe,
caring and inspirational learning environment based on excellent learning,
exceptional pastoral support and a stunning co-curricular programme. We have
created a special ethos at Broadway that visitors often notice when they visit.
Our school school motto is “Our Children, Our Community, Believe it can be done”