Overview This comprehensive course on Complete iOS 11 and Swift 4 will deepen your understanding on this topic. After successful completion of this course you can acquire the required skills in this sector. This Complete iOS 11 and Swift 4 comes with accredited certification from CPD, which will enhance your CV and make you worthy in the job market. So enrol in this course today to fast track your career ladder. How will I get my certificate? You may have to take a quiz or a written test online during or after the course. After successfully completing the course, you will be eligible for the certificate. Who is This course for? There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this Complete iOS 11 and Swift 4. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. Requirements Our Complete iOS 11 and Swift 4 is fully compatible with PC's, Mac's, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices. This course has been designed to be fully compatible with tablets and smartphones so you can access your course on Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. Career Path Learning this new skill will help you to advance in your career. It will diversify your job options and help you develop new techniques to keep up with the fast-changing world. This skillset will help you to- Open doors of opportunities Increase your adaptability Keep you relevant Boost confidence And much more! Course Curriculum 13 sections • 177 lectures • 19:08:00 total length •iOS 11 Course Overview: 00:11:00 •Install Xcode 9: 00:07:00 •Xcode 9 Beta 4 Update: 00:09:00 •App: Hustle - Your first iOS 11 App: 00:22:00 •Variables, operators, and how computers work: 00:17:00 •Strings in Swift: 00:15:00 •Working with numbers in Swift: 00:20:00 •Swift Functions: 00:23:00 •Booleans: 00:21:00 •Constants: 00:10:00 •Array Data Structure in Swift: 00:13:00 •Swift Loops: 00:19:00 •Dictionary Data Structure in Swift: 00:19:00 •Object Oriented Programming in Swift: 00:12:00 •Inheritance: 00:08:00 •Polymorphism: 00:08:00 •Optionals: 00:21:00 •Enumerations: 00:20:00 •Extensions: Part 1: 00:15:00 •Extensions: Part 2: 00:21:00 •Intro to Protocols, Delegates - Numbers Example: 00:13:00 •Intro to Protocols, Delegates Part 2 - Question Generator: 00:18:00 •Protocols, Delegates - Building Color Magic App UI: 00:17:00 •Protocols, Delegates - Using the Delegate Method in Color Magic App: 00:16:00 •Protocols, Delegates - Using Mutating Functions in Types: 00:18:00 •Git and Version Control - The Fun Way!: 00:12:00 •Terminal Basics - Changing Directories: 00:06:00 •Terminal Basics - Creating Directories and Files: 00:05:00 •Terminal Basics - Copying and Renaming Files: 00:09:00 •Terminal Basics - Deleting Files and Directories: 00:06:00 •Git Basics: 00:17:00 •Setting up Github: 00:05:00 •Working with Local and Remote Repositories: 00:11:00 •Handling Git Merge Conflicts: 00:17:00 •App: Swoosh 01 - Creating the Welcome Screen: 00:25:00 •App: Swoosh 02 - Working with Frames: 00:16:00 •App: Swoosh 03 - Intro to Auto Layout: 00:27:00 •App: Swoosh 04 - Working with Stack Views: 00:27:00 •App: Swoosh 05 - Intro to Segues (Changing Screens): 00:10:00 •App: Swoosh 06 - Refactoring in Xcode 9: 00:10:00 •App: Swoosh 07 - Debugging: setValue forUndefinedKey: 00:04:00 •App: Swoosh 08 - Programmatic Segues: 00:09:00 •App: Swoosh 09 - IBActions (Handling Events) and Data Models: 00:16:00 •App: Swoosh 10 - Passing Data Between View Controllers: 00:12:00 •App: Dev Profile 01 - Auto layout for iPhones: 00:22:00 •App: Dev Profile 02 - Auto layout for iPads (Size Classes): 00:20:00 •App: Window Shopper 01 - Custom Text Fields: 00:18:00 •App: Window Shopper 02 - Input Accessory Views: 00:15:00 •App: Window Shopper 03 - Unit Testing our Data: 00:17:00 •App: Window Shopper 04 - Calculation Algorithm: 00:13:00 •App: Window Shopper 05 - Custom Drawing with drawRect: 00:12:00 •App: Coder Swag 01 - Project creation: 00:23:00 •App: Coder Swag 02 - Tableviews, Delegate, and Data Source: 00:33:00 •App: Coder Swag 03 - Collection Views (Grid Layouts): 00:13:00 •App: Coder Swag 04 - Working with Data Models: 00:14:00 •App: Coder Swag 05 - Displaying Data in Collection View Cells: 00:20:00 •Intro to Chat App: 00:04:00 •App: Smack - Project Setup: 00:26:00 •App: Smack - SWReveal: 00:20:00 •App: Smack - ChannelVC UI: 00:25:00 •App: Smack - LoginVC UI: 00:22:00 •App: Smack - CreateAccountVC UI: 00:19:00 •App: Smack - Web request and API: 00:09:00 •App: Smack - Hosting API: 00:20:00 •App: Smack - Locally Hosting API: 00:18:00 •App: Smack - Creating a web request in Xcode: 00:28:00 •App: Smack - Registering a User: 00:16:00 •App: Smack - Logging in a user: 00:20:00 •App: Smack - Creating a user: 00:26:00 •App: Smack - Avatar Picker Part 1: 00:19:00 •App: Smack - Avatar Picker Part 2: 00:20:00 •App: Smack - Generate a Avatar BG Color: 00:26:00 •App: Smack - LoggedIn Interface: 00:23:00 •App: Smack - Profile View: 00:25:00 •App: Smack - Logging in users: 00:23:00 •App: Smack - Getting channels: 00:19:00 •App: Smack - Channels TableView: 00:14:00 •App: Smack - Add Channel VC: 00:19:00 •App: Smack - Sockets and Channels: 00:26:00 •App: Smack - Refining Login Flow: 00:19:00 •App: Smack - Fetching Messages: 00:20:00 •App: Smack - Sending First Message: 00:17:00 •App: Smack - Displaying Chat Messages: 00:18:00 •App: Smack - Sockets and Messages: 00:19:00 •App: Smack - Typing Users: 00:22:00 •App: Smack - Unread Channels: 00:18:00 •Where to go from here: 00:08:00 •I'm Back: 00:08:00 •Intro to App: Pixel City: 00:02:00 •Creating Xcode Project: Pixel City: 00:04:00 •Installing Alamofire / AlamofireImage Cocoapods: 00:07:00 •Building MapVC UI /Conforming to MKMapViewDelegate /Setting Delegate of mapView: 00:15:00 •Requesting Location Services in iOS 11 / Centering Map On User Location: 00:18:00 •Adding UITapGestureRecognizer to Drop Custom Pins on MapView: 00:15:00 •Setting a Custom Map Annotation Color: 00:05:00 •Animating Photos View / Programmatically adding spinner and label subviews: 00:20:00 •Adding UILabel for Pull Up View / Adding UICollectionView Programmatically: 00:17:00 •Getting API Key from Flickr / Using Flickr API URL Format: 00:14:00 •Using Alamofire to Download URLS: 00:21:00 •Using Alamofire to Download Images / Cancelling All Sessions: 00:16:00 •Setting Up UICollectionView / Adding Images / Reloading UICollectionView: 00:10:00 •Building PopVC / Presentation PopVC When UICollectionViewCell is Tapped: 00:16:00 •Adding 3D Touch Peek: 00:15:00 •Challenge 1: 00:02:00 •Setting up developer: 00:10:00 •Implementing Google AdMob: 00:19:00 •Fetching a list of Products: 00:15:00 •Starting an in-app Purchase: 00:09:00 •Testing in-app Purchases: 00:18:00 •Restoring in-app Purchases after App Deletion: 00:09:00 •Intro to App: GoalPost: 00:03:00 •Creating Xcode Project / Project Folders: 00:04:00 •Building GoalsVC: 00:14:00 •Building GoalCell: 00:14:00 •What is Core Data?: 00:06:00 •Creating Goal Core Data Entity and Attributes: 00:08:00 •Displaying Static GoalCells in UITableView / Creating GoalType Enum: 00:10:00 •Building CreateGoalVC: 00:15:00 •Creating a UIViewController Extension: 00:11:00 •Creating a UIView / UIButton Extension: 00:19:00 •Building FinishGoalVC / Passing Data from CreateGoalVC: 00:19:00 •Saving Goal Data to Persistent Store: 00:13:00 •Fixing Dismissal of FinishGoalVC: 00:07:00 •Fetching Data from Persistent Store / Filling UITableView with Fetched Data: 00:16:00 •Removing Objects from Persistent Store using UITableView Delete Action: 00:11:00 •Setting Goal Progress for UITableViewCell: 00:15:00 •Challenge 2: 00:01:00 •Intro to App: Breakpoint: 00:03:00 •Creating Xcode Project / Setting Up Project Folders: 00:05:00 •Creating Firebase Project: 00:11:00 •Setting Up DataService / Creating Firebase Database Users: 00:11:00 •Building AuthVC and LoginVC in Interface Builder: 00:18:00 •Creating InsetTextField and ShadowView Subclasses: 00:18:00 •Setting up AuthService: 00:13:00 •Building FeedVC and GroupsVC in Interface Builder: 00:16:00 •Presenting LoginVC from AppDelegate / Allowing Login with Email: 00:22:00 •Building MeVC and Adding to UITabBarController: 00:10:00 •Creating CreatePostVC and Uploading Posts to Firebase: 00:20:00 •Creating UIView Extension for Binding Views to Keyboard: 00:15:00 •Building FeedCell: 00:10:00 •Writing the Message Model and Getting All Feed Messages from Firebase: 00:21:00 •Converting UIDs into Emails and Reversing the Order of a TableView: 00:20:00 •Creating CreateGroupVC and Connecting @IBOutlets/Actions: 00:15:00 •Creating UserCell: 00:16:00 •Searching for Email Accounts to Add to Group: 00:19:00 •Adding Users to Group with didSelectRowAt indexPath: 00:21:00 •Creating Groups and pushing them to Firebase: 00:16:00 •Creating GroupCell: 00:15:00 •Creating Group Model and Getting All Groups from Firebase: 00:19:00 •Building GroupFeedVC: 00:18:00 •Initializing Group Data for a Group and Presenting on GroupFeedVC: 00:16:00 •Downloading All Message for a Group and Animating Upon New Message: 00:24:00 •Creating a UIViewController Extension for Presenting GroupFeedVC: 00:07:00 •Challenge 3: 00:02:00 •Intro to app: 00:02:00 •Intro to CoreML: 00:05:00 •What is machine learning?: 00:08:00 •Creating Xcode 9 project: 00:03:00 •Building UI: 00:18:00 •AVFoundation: 00:18:00 •Tap gestures to take snapshot on item: 00:11:00 •Core ML Xcode 9 Beta 4 Update / Fix Preview Photo Crash: 00:03:00 •Downloading CoreML models: 00:21:00 •Adding UI controls for flash control: 00:07:00 •Training your app to speak what it sees: 00:18:00 •App: RampUp - Intro to ARKit App: 00:02:00 •App: RampUp - Resources: 00:04:00 •App: RampUp - Project creation: 00:11:00 •App: RampUp - SceneKit, 3D models: 00:11:00 •App: RampUp - Ramp picker popover: 00:14:00 •App: RampUp - 3D models in SceneKit for popover: 00:18:00 •App: RampUp - 3D models in SceneKit for popover part 2: 00:12:00 •App: RampUp - Detecting taps on 3D objects: 00:17:00 •App: RampUp - Placing ramps in ARKit: 00:24:00 •App: RampUp - Moving objects in 3D space in augmented reality: 00:20:00 •ARKit - where to go next: 00:04:00 •Assignment - Complete iOS 11 and Swift 4: 00:00:00
Parenting: Parenting Training Course Online Unlock the Power of Parenting: Parenting Training Course: Enrol Now! This Parenting: Parenting Training Course provides an excellent foundation in child care. The Parenting: Parenting Training Course is intended for people who want to learn about parenting roles and responsibilities, as well as those who want to work with children. This Parenting: Parenting Training Course discusses the responsibilities of being a parent. It entails ensuring the safety and well-being of babies and young children, as well as respecting and valuing them and emphasizing the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. You will have a solid understanding of parenting and healthy lifestyles after completing this Parenting: Parenting Training Course. Main Course: Level 2 Award in Preparation for the Responsibilities of Parenting Free Courses included with Parenting: Parenting Training Course Course 01: Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Common Childhood Illnesses Affecting Children Course 02: Level 1 First Award in Children's Play Learning and Development Course 03: Level 2 Safeguarding Children Training Course [ Note: Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the Parenting: Parenting Training Course] Parenting: Parenting Training Course Online This Parenting: Parenting Training Course consists of 04 modules. Course Curriculum of Level 2 Award in Preparation for the Responsibilities of Parenting Module 01: Rights and Responsibilities in Relation to Parenting Module 02: Parenting and Healthy Lifestyles Module 03: Parenting a Young Baby Module 04: Respecting and Valuing Children Assessment Method of Parenting: Parenting Training Course After completing Parenting: Parenting Training Course, you will get quizzes to assess your learning. You will do the later modules upon getting 60% marks on the quiz test. Apart from this, you do not need to sit for any other assessments. Certification of Parenting: Parenting Training Course After completing the Parenting: Parenting Training Course, you can instantly download your certificate for FREE. The hard copy of the certification will also be delivered to your doorstep via post, which will cost £13.99. Who is this course for? Parenting: Parenting Training Course Online This Parenting: Parenting Training Course is suitable for young people in schools or colleges. Requirements Parenting: Parenting Training Course Online To enrol in this Parenting: Parenting Training Course, students must fulfil the following requirements: Good Command over English language is mandatory to enrol in our Parenting: Parenting Training Course. Be energetic and self-motivated to complete our Parenting: Parenting Training Course. Basic computer Skill is required to complete our Parenting: Parenting Training Course. If you want to enrol in our Parenting: Parenting Training Course, you must be at least 15 years old.
Recognised Accreditation This course is accredited by continuing professional development (CPD). CPD UK is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations, and academic institutions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. What is CPD? Employers, professional organisations, and academic institutions all recognise CPD, therefore a credential from CPD Certification Service adds value to your professional goals and achievements. Benefits of CPD Improve your employment prospects Boost your job satisfaction Promotes career advancement Enhances your CV Provides you with a competitive edge in the job market Demonstrate your dedication Showcases your professional capabilities What is IPHM? The IPHM is an Accreditation Board that provides Training Providers with international and global accreditation. The Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) accreditation is a guarantee of quality and skill. Benefits of IPHM It will help you establish a positive reputation in your chosen field You can join a network and community of successful therapists that are dedicated to providing excellent care to their client You can flaunt this accreditation in your CV It is a worldwide recognised accreditation What is Quality Licence Scheme? This course is endorsed by the Quality Licence Scheme for its high-quality, non-regulated provision and training programmes. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. Benefits of Quality License Scheme Certificate is valuable Provides a competitive edge in your career It will make your CV stand out Course Curriculum Introduction to Google Ads Welcome to Google Ads Masterclass! 00:12:00 ow to Make the Most of This Course, Plus a Sneak Peak of What's to Come! 00:19:00 Google Ads Formula Calculator 00:14:00 What is Google Ads? 00:12:00 Where do Google Ads Show Up? 00:13:00 Complimentary AdVenture Media Account Audit (exclusions apply) 00:06:00 Creating And Setting Up Our First Google Ads Account Creating Your First Gooogle Ads Account 00:08:00 Understanding the Google Ads Account Hierarchy 00:08:00 Using Your Website Navigational Structure to Structure Your Google Ads Campaigns 00:20:00 Understanding Network Settings 00:13:00 Understanding Location Targeting 00:12:00 Configuring Location Targeting in Google Ads 00:09:00 Viewing Location Reports in Google Ads 00:14:00 Understanding Advanced Location Options 00:16:00 Setting and Configuring Languages 00:04:00 Setting Your Daily Budget and Understanding How Daily Budgets Work in Google Ads 00:12:00 Finding Your Hourly Reports in the Google Ads Interface 00:06:00 Using Google's Default Bid Strategy (Clicks) And Optional Max CPC Bid Limit 00:05:00 Bidding Strategies: Target Search Page Location 00:05:00 Bidding Strategies: Target ROAS 00:10:00 Bidding Strategies: Target CPA 00:05:00 Bidding Strategies: Target Outranking Share 00:07:00 Bidding Strategies: Maximize Clicks 00:05:00 Bidding Strategies: Enhanced CPC Bidding 00:04:00 Bidding Strategies: Manual CPC Bidding 00:04:00 Introduction to Dynamic Search Ads! 00:07:00 Understanding Sitelink Extensions 00:14:00 Callout Extensions 00:05:00 Call Extensions 00:08:00 Structured Snippet Extensions 00:06:00 App Extensions 00:02:00 Message Extensions 00:08:00 Promotion Extensions 00:09:00 Price Extensions 00:12:00 Understanding Ad Rotation Settings 00:05:00 The Basics of Ad Scheduling 00:11:00 Understanding the Basics of Device Targeting 00:15:00 Understanding Campaign URL Options 00:07:00 Structuring Your Ads Groups Like a Professional Ad Group Structure Basics and Organization 00:14:00 Ad Group Structure Ideas 00:06:00 Creating Our First Ad Group in Google Ads 00:09:00 How To Write Killer Ads in Google ads! The Anatomy of Google Text Ads 00:07:00 Compliance in Google Text Ads 00:05:00 Requesting a Manual Review of Your Ads and Expediting the Process 00:02:00 Best Practices for Successful Text Ads 00:14:00 Real Life Case Ad Copy Case Study: Medical Equipment Company 00:15:00 The BJ Fogg Behavioral Model 00:38:00 Creating Our First Ad in Google Ads 00:13:00 Setting Up Your Adwords Billing Configuring Your Billing Details in Google Ads 00:05:00 Keywords In Depth - The Heartbeat Of Your Account Keyword Basics_ Keywords vs Queries 00:08:00 The Basics of Keyword Research 00:11:00 The Basics of Keyword Planning 00:13:00 The Basics of Keyword Organization 00:06:00 Understanding Keyword Match Types 00:12:00 Keyword Match Types: Broad Match Modified 00:06:00 Keyword Match Types: Broad Match Modified 00:06:00 Keyword Match Types: Phrase Match 00:06:00 Keyword Match Types: Exact Match 00:12:00 Keyword Match Types: Negative Match 00:12:00 Using the Search Term Report to Find Negative Keywords Part 1 00:15:00 Using the Search Term Report to Find Negative Keywords Part 2 00:17:00 Understanding Negative Keyword Lists 00:12:00 Traffic Sculpting: Negative Keywords at the Ad Group Level 00:18:00 Adding Negative Keywords at The Ad Group Level 00:09:00 Traffic Sculpting Using OPTMYZR 00:07:00 Keyword Research: Google Suggestions, Google Related Searches and Autocomplete 00:14:00 Using Additional Research Tools to Get Negative Keyword Ideas 00:11:00 Keyword Research: Using the Google Keyword Planner 1 00:20:00 Keyword Research: Using the Google Keyword Planner 2 00:15:00 Keyword Research: Downloading Keyword Ideas from the Google Keyword Planner 00:16:00 Keyword Planning: The 6 Main Ways People Communicate With Search Engines 00:16:00 Keyword Planning: Understanding the Buyer Funnel 00:11:00 Keyword Planning: What Keywords Can Teach Us About Buying Intent 00:11:00 Keyword Planning: Using SEM Rush to Get Volume and Cost Estimates 00:18:00 Keyword Planning: Using SEM Rush to Get Keyword Ideas from Your Competitors 00:19:00 Keyword Planning: Using Google Keyword Planner to Get Volume & Cost Estimates 00:17:00 Keyword Organization: Getting Keywords Into Excel & Understanding Keyword Themes 00:16:00 Keyword Organization: Formatting Keywords in Excel 00:11:00 Keyword Organization: Using Pivot Tables to Visualize Your Campaign Structure 00:12:00 Keyword Organization: Using Mergewords to Generate Keyword Lists 00:13:00 Keyword Bidding Basics: Setting Your Initial Max CPC Bids 00:20:00 Account Structure - How to Structure Ad Groups Like a Pro Account Structure_ How To Create A New Ad Group Within Your Campaign 00:07:00 Importing Your Keyword Lists From Excel Into Your New Ad Group 00:10:00 Creating Multiple, Relevant Ads For Your New Ad Groups 00:13:00 How To Navigate Between Ad Groups, Keywords and Ads Within A Campaign 00:08:00 The Incredible Dynamics of The Adwords Auction Introduction To The AdWords Auction 00:20:00 Understanding Quality Score: Click Through Rate And Ad Relevancy 00:15:00 Understanding Quality Score: Landing Page Quality 00:07:00 Understanding Ad Rank and How It Is Calculated 00:12:00 When You Could Ignore Low Quality Scores (and when you can't!) 00:09:00 Advanced Techniques: Diagnosing Low Quality Score With Excel Pivot Tables (1/3) 00:08:00 Advanced Techniques: Diagnosing Low Quality Score With Excel Pivot Tables (2/3) 00:11:00 Advanced Techniques: Diagnosing Low Quality Score With Excel Pivot Tables (3/3) 00:07:00 Expanding And Refining Your Campaigns Navigating The AdWords Dashboard 00:16:00 How To Edit, Pause And Enable Keywords, Ad Groups and Campaigns 00:15:00 Editing The Essential Campaign Settings 00:06:00 How To Create New Campaigns That Will Improve Your Results 00:15:00 How ToUse Your Website To Make The Best Campaigns Possible 00:15:00 How To Set Up Powerful Custom Schedules For Your Campaigns 00:12:00 Understanding Bid Adjustments And Using Them To Enhance Your Custom Schedules 00:12:00 Negative Keywords - Your Greatest Ally Understanding Negative Keywords In-Depth 00:14:00 Using Broad, Phrase and Exact Match With Your Negative Keywords 00:06:00 Adding and Removing Negative Keywords and Negative Keyword Lists 00:20:00 Making Your Ads Unstoppable With Multiple Ad Extensions Introduction To Ad Extensions 00:06:00 The Benefits Of Using Ad Extensions 00:08:00 Different Types Of Ad Extensions and Best Practices 00:06:00 Adding Sitelink Extensions 00:08:00 Configuring Your Sitelink Extensions For The Best Results 00:11:00 Adding Callout Extensions And Phone Extensions 00:08:00 Remarking - Your Secret Weapon To Converting Like a Boss The 5 Primary Forms Of Remarketing 00:16:00 Realizing The Benefits And Importance Of Remarketing 00:12:00 How To Create And Add Your Remarketing Tag 00:09:00 Creating Your First Remarketing Audience 00:13:00 Configuring Your Remarketing Campaign Settings 00:13:00 Keeping Track of Profits With Conversion Tracking Understanding The Basics Of Conversion Tracking 00:14:00 Exploring The Different Conversion Actions Visitors Take On Your Site 00:14:00 Setting Up Conversion Tracking For Form Submissions 00:17:00 Generating And Installing Your Conversion Tracking Tag 00:09:00 Understanding The Basics Of Phone Call Tracking 00:09:00 Setting Up Phone Call Tracking And Understanding How To Analyze Conversion Data 00:09:00 Profitable Bidding Strategies Return On Investment (ROI) vs Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)_ Important Distinction 00:15:00 How To Mathematically Calculate ROI and ROAS 00:09:00 Calculating Max CPC Bids From Your Conversion Rate And Conversion Value 00:11:00 Calculating Profitable Keyword Bids Based On Revenue Per Click 00:09:00 Using Adwords Scripts to Enhance Performance And Increase Optimization Speed Introduction To AdWords Scripts - What Are Scripts 00:05:00 Bidding To Average Position AdWords Script Part 1 00:11:00 Bidding To Average Position AdWords Script Part 2 00:14:00 Conclusion ... Goodbye For Now! Conclusion 00:03:00 Bonus Material! Part 1. Understanding Search Queries and What We Learn From Searcher Languagage 00:18:00 Part 2. Accessing The Search Query Report and Understanding Long Tail Keywords 00:18:00 Part 3. Qualifying Your Ad Text and How To A/B Split Test Your Ads 00:22:00 Assessment Assessment - Google Ads Masterclass 00:10:00 Certificate of Achievement Certificate of Achievement 00:00:00 Get Your Insurance Now Get Your Insurance Now 00:00:00 Feedback Feedback 00:00:00
>> 24 Hours Left! Don't Let the Spring Deals Slip Away - Enrol Now! << According to the Office for National Statistics, the health and social care industry has experienced a 20% growth in employment between 2010 and 2020. This sector accounts for a significant portion of the UK's GDP, highlighting the demand for trained professionals in the field. If you're looking to pursue a career as a Nurse, Paramedic, Health visitor, Healthcare Assistant, Support Worker, Child and adolescent Psychologist, Dementia Carer or Social Worker, then our Health Social Care Level 3 Bundle is an excellent place to start. Courses Are Included In this Level 2 & 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care, Care Certificate (Standards 1 to 15) & Nursing Package: Course 01: Level 2 & 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care Certificate Course 02: Care Certificate (Standards 1 to 15) Course 03: Nursing Assistant Diploma Course 04: Mental Health Awareness Course Course 05: Observation Skills for Carers Course 06: Care Planning and Record-Keeping | Health & Safety Online Course Course 07: Safety & Precautions in Medication Management Our comprehensive Health Social Care Level course curriculum covers everything you need to know to excel in the industry, from communication skills to legal and ethical aspects of healthcare. We understand the importance of a well-rounded education, which is why we cover topics such as promoting equality, diversity and rights, safeguarding vulnerable individuals and risk management. By completing this Level 3 Health Social Care & Nursing course, you will gain valuable knowledge and transferable skills to set you up for success in your career. Our learning outcomes include understanding communication and its relevance, knowledge of legal and ethical aspects of healthcare, understanding health and safety responsibilities, and understanding the principles and policies of the industry. Our Health Social Care Level 2 & 3 course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the industry. Understand communication and its relevance in health social care. Understand the rights and responsibilities of those working in the sector. Develop an understanding of important principles and policies in the sector. Understand the legal, professional and ethical aspects of healthcare. Understand the importance of safeguarding vulnerable individuals. Develop an understanding of risk management and health and safety responsibilities. Nutrition Requirements for Adults and Various Groups Why Prefer Our Level 2 & 3 Diploma in Health Social Care & Nursing Opportunity to earn a certificate accredited by CPD. Get a free student ID card! (£10 postal charges will be applicable for international delivery) Get instant access to this Health Social Care & Nursing course. Learn Health Social Care & Nursing from anywhere in the world Health Social Care & Nursing is affordable and simple to understand Health Social Care is entirely online, interactive lesson with voiceover audio Lifetime access to the Health Social Care course materials Health Social Care & Nursing comes with 24/7 tutor support. Course Curriculum Of Level 2 & 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care Certificate Level 2 & 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care Certificate Module 01: Introduction to Health Social Care Certificate Module 02: Health Social Care Certificate Communication and its Relevance Module 03: Rights and Responsibilities as a Health Social Care Worker Module 04: Role as A Caregiver and Health Social Care Professional Module 05: Working in Health Social Care Certificate; Promoting Equality, Diversity and Rights Module 06: Important Principles and Policies in Health Social Care Work Module 07: Legal and Professional Standards of Practice in Health Social Care Part - 1 Module 08: Legal and Professional Standards of Practice in Health Social Care Part - 2 Module 09: Health Social Care Safeguarding Vulnerable Individuals Module 10: Health Social Care Responsibilities Module 11: The Economics of Health Social Care Module 12 Strategic Marketing for Health Social Care Module 13: Managing Finance in Health Social Care Certificate Module 14: Managing Service Delivery in Health Social Care Course 02: Care Certificate Standards 1-15 Standard 01: Understand your role Standard 02: Your personal development Standard 03: Duty of care Standard 04: Equality and diversity Standard 05: Work in a person-centred way Standard 06: Communication Standard 07: Privacy and dignity Standard 08: Fluids and nutrition Standard 09: Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities Standard 10: Safeguarding adults Standard 11: Safeguarding children Standard 12: Basic life support Standard 13: Health and safety Standard 14: Handling information Standard 15: Infection prevention and control Course 03: Nursing Assistant Diploma Module 01: Introduction to Nursing Module 02: Working in Different Healthcare Settings Module 03: Understanding legal, professional standards of practice and ethical aspects of health care- Part 1 Module 04: Understanding legal, professional standards of practice and ethical aspects of health care- Part 2 Module 05: Effective Communication in Nursing Module 06: Health and Safety in Nursing Module 07: Hygiene in Nursing Module 08: Infection Control Module 09: Asepsis in Nursing Module 10: Medication Administration in Nursing Module 11: Adult Care in Different Life Stages Module 12: Understanding Immune System in Nursing Module 13: Rest and Sleep Management in Nursing Module 14: Mobility and Immobility Issues of Patients in Nursing Module 15: Pain Management for Nurses Module 16: Nutrition in Nursing Module 17: Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Module 18: Assisting with Elimination Module 19: Oxygenation in Nursing Course 04: Mental Health Awareness Course Module 01:Mental Health Awareness Course Module 02:Introduction Module 03: Childhood And Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders Module 04: Anxiety And Stress Disorders Module 05: Mood Disorders Module 06: Eating And Sleeping Disorders Module 07: Self-Harm And Suicide Module 08: Social Attitudes To Mental Illness Module 09: Dealing With Stress In The Workplace Module 10: Additional Reading Materials Course 05: Observation Skills for Carers Module 01: Introduction To Observation Skill Module 02: Child Observation Module 03: Child Observation Plan And Documentation Module 04: Observational Methods And Studies Module 05: Social Policy And Social Work Observation Module 06: Basic Health Observation Module 07: Clinical Management Observation Course 06: Care Planning and Record-Keeping | Health & Safety Online Course Module 01: Introduction to the Care Planning Process Module 02: Planning Care With the Individual in Need Module 03: Concept Care Mapping Module 04: Implementing and Evaluating the Care Plan Module 05: Maintaining Medical Records Module 06: Care Planning Policy in the UK Module 07: Confidentiality and Record-Keeping Module 08: Safeguarding Children, Young People and Their Families Course 07: Safety & Precautions in Medication Management Module 01: Basics Of Medicine Handling Module 02: Safe Handling Of Medications Module 03: Aseptic Technique And Health & Safety Management Module 04: Anatomy And Physiology Of Body Parts Module 05: Importance Hygiene & Cleanliness Module 06: Standard Precautions For Infection Control Assessment Process Your skills and knowledge will be tested with an automated multiple-choice assessment. You will then receive instant results to let you know if you have successfully passed the Health Social Care course. Please note, this is not a regulated course, but it can help you to prepare for future if you have any plan to study Level 3 Award in Health and Social Care, Level 5 Diploma in Health & Social Care, level 3 rqf health and social care, level 5 rqf health and social care or level 2 rqf health and social care. CPD 10 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards Who is this course for? This course is suitable for Individuals interested in pursuing a career in health social care. Health Care Assistant Mental Health Social Worker Elderly Care Worker Mental Health Care Worker Homecare Assistant Daycare Worker Residential Support Worker Health visitors Care Assistant Care Support Worker Mental Health Care Worker Midwife Nursing Assistant Occupational Therapist Rehabilitation Counsellor Mental Health Care Worker Social Care Worker Assistant Practitioner Healthcare Assistant Home Care Worker Child Support Worker Social Worker Care Worker Mental Health Care Worker Psychologist Counsellor This Diploma in Health & Social Care Level 3 course doesn't have formal qualifications. However, in order to get qualified, you have to join - RQF health and social care level 3 level 3 nvq health and social care Certificate Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care Certificate level 3 nvq health and social care Level 4 NVQ Health and social care Certificate level 5 nvq health and social care Certificate level 2 nvq health and social care Certificate level 3 nvq health and social care a level health social care Certificate RQF health and social care level 3 level 3 nvq health and social care QCF level 2 health and social care Certificate QCF level 3 health and social care Certificate Mental Health Care Worker level 3 nvq health and social care rqf health and social care Certificate Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care Certificate Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (RQF) level 3 nvq health and social care level 2 rqf Health and social care Certificate Level 5 nvq Health and Social Care Management Mental Health Care Worker level 3 nvq health and social care level 2 nvq health and social care Certificate Certificate in Management for Level 5 nvq health and social care or qcf Mental Health Care Worker NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace level 3 nvq health and social care NVQ Level 3 Mental Health Care Certificate level 2 nvq health and social care Certificate level 3 nvq health and social care level 2 diploma in health and social care ncfe cache level 2 extended diploma in health and social care Nursing: Level 3 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health (RQF) level 3 nvq health and social care Nursing: Level 2 Certificate in Mental Health Awareness (RQF) CMI Level 7 Award in Strategic Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing level 3 nvq health and social care NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace NVQ Level 3 Mental Health level 3 nvq health and social care Level 3 Award in Health and Social Care (VRQ) Level 3 Certificate in Health and Social Care (VRQ) Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Health and Social Care NCFE CACHE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Health and Social Care Level 2 Certificate in Working with Customers in Health and Social Care (RQF) NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health Care First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace Certificate in Management for Level 5 nvq health and social care or qcf level 3 nvq health and social care certificate Requirements You will not need any prior background or expertise to enrol in this Health Social Care Level 3 course. Career path Health Social Care & Nursing Care Assistant Health care support worker Social worker Occupational therapist Nurse Health service manager Certificates Level 2 & 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care CPD Accredited Digital Certificate Digital certificate - Included Upon passing the course, you can order a Level 2 & 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care Digital Certificate as proof of your new skills which is accredited by CPD QS for Free. For the rest of the certificates, you need to order them separately. Get the certificates for the remaining courses with an additional payment of £12.99/course. CPD Accredited Hard Copy Certificate Hard copy certificate - £29 If you are an international student, then you have to pay an additional 10 GBP as an international delivery charge.
Course Overview Learn how to create the perfect portfolio to showcase your Photoshop skill from this Build a Portfolio: 40 Practical Projects in Photoshop course and be able to present your works in a smart and effective way. In this Build a Portfolio: 40 Practical Projects in Photoshop course, you will learn how to create a Portfolio, practical Photoshop technique to apply immediately, Facebook ads, Instagram post, YouTube thumbnails, newsletter, CV, business card creating, how to maintain your workflow, logo design, banner creating, image editing and many other projects that will enrich your portfolio and make you more valuable to employers. In addition, this course will help you to understand Photoshop projects that can add value to your career as a designer. You will learn Photoshop projects and how to create them from scratch. Learn unique Photoshop techniques and be able to use them in your projects effectively from this Build a Portfolio: 40 Practical Projects in Photoshop course. Learning Outcomes Familiarize with the techniques of creating a portfolio and showcasing your work Learn different project styles and techniques Be able to create CV, business card, logo, catalogue and sales banner Learn how to design YouTube thumbnails, Instagram posts, Facebook ads and other social media promotion ads Create different images, edit images and cover images Be able to create a lasting impression in your mind through your design Who is this course for? This course is ideal for those who want to showcase their work and establish their career as digital artist or graphic designers. You will learn how you can create your portfolio, enrich your CV and showcase your work from this course. Entry Requirement This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Certification After you have successfully completed the course, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hardcopy at the cost of £39 or in PDF format at the cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours, and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working days. Why choose us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry-leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognized accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The benefit of career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path Build a Portfolio: 40 Practical Projects in Photoshop is a useful qualification to possess and would be beneficial for any related profession or industry such as: Graphic Designers Photo Editors Artists Digital Artists Freelancers Introduction Welcome 00:06:00 Getting Fast Help 00:02:00 Graphic Design 00:03:00 Create your first Facebook Ad Design 00:08:00 Using Photoshop for Every Project 00:04:00 Design Assets Explained 00:06:00 Best Sources for Design Assets 00:08:00 Optional - Setting up Photoshop 00:06:00 Mix and Match Design Assets 00:04:00 What does it take to create beautiful graphics? 00:03:00 Facebook Cover Project Introduction 00:01:00 Project Settings & Aspect Ratios 00:08:00 Optional: Creating Text Assets From Scratch 00:05:00 Selecting Image Assets 00:07:00 Arranging the Assets on the Canvas 00:04:00 Designing the Cover 00:07:00 Typography for the Facebook Cover 00:07:00 Fine Tuning the Cover 00:04:00 Conclusion 00:03:00 Facebook Cover Project #2 Introduction 00:01:00 Analyze your assets and options 00:05:00 Setting the project's foundation 00:05:00 Creating a neutral background with a noise texture 00:07:00 Sizing up the products correctly 00:05:00 Creating shadows for the products 00:06:00 Fine Tuning the Cover 00:04:00 Using vector graphics to create version 2 00:04:00 Creative Facebook cover iteration 00:09:00 Youtube Thumbnails The connection between YouTube thumbnails & Views 00:02:00 The power of a mockup 00:07:00 The Absolute best way to design YouTube Thumbnails 00:04:00 Classic YouTube Thumbnail - Part 1 00:05:00 Classic YouTube Thumbnail - Part 2 00:07:00 Abstract YouTube Thumbnail - Part 1 00:06:00 Abstract YouTube Thumbnail - Part 2 00:07:00 Choose your own style 00:05:00 Before and After Thumbnail 00:07:00 Illustration-based Thumbnail - Part 1 00:05:00 Illustration-based Thumbnail - Part 2 00:05:00 Personal Brand Thumbnail 00:07:00 Text Behind & In Front of you 00:05:00 Conclusions 00:01:00 Instagram Introduction 00:01:00 How to Post on Instagram from your Computer 00:02:00 Instagram Content Creation Hack 00:05:00 Clean Product Presentation - Part 1 00:05:00 Clean Product Presentation - Part 2 00:07:00 Instagram Mockups - Easy! 00:03:00 Inspirational Content - Part 1 00:06:00 Inspirational Content - Part 2 00:04:00 Black & White Content 00:09:00 Food Content 00:06:00 Personal Branding - Part 1 00:06:00 Personal Branding - Part 2 00:04:00 Content Striking Colors - Part 1 00:04:00 Content Striking Colors - Part 2 00:05:00 Facebook Ads Introduction 00:01:00 Framing Facebook Ads & Quality Standards 00:06:00 Colorful Product Ad - Part 1 00:07:00 Colorful Product Ad - Part 2 00:05:00 Colorful Product Ad - Part 3 00:07:00 Colorful Product Ad - Part 4 00:06:00 The question of stock photos & freebies in FB ads 00:05:00 Vector Based Ad - Part 1 00:06:00 Vector Based Ad - Part 2 00:07:00 Vector Based Ad - Part 3 00:06:00 Vector Based Ad - Part 4 00:05:00 The Pros and Cons of People-based Facebook ads 00:06:00 People-Based Facebook Ad - Part 1 00:07:00 People-Based Facebook Ad - Part 2 00:06:00 People-Based Facebook Ad - Part 3 00:06:00 Best Facebook Ad Template - The Foundation 00:04:00 Best Facebook Ad Template - The Details 00:07:00 Conclusions 00:01:00 Business Cards Introduction 00:03:00 Colorful Business card for the CEO - The essentials 00:06:00 Colorful Business card for the CEO - The details 00:06:00 Colorful Business card for the CEO - Beautiful Icons 00:07:00 What do 'simple' and 'clean' mean? 00:07:00 Personal Branding Business Card 00:07:00 Business Card Best Design Practices 00:06:00 Corporate Business Card - Foundation 00:07:00 Corporate Business Card - Icon Design 00:08:00 Design Beautiful CVs (Resumes) CV (Curriculum Vitae) Designs in Today's Market 00:04:00 Deciding on a CV style 00:04:00 Setting the foundation of the CV 00:07:00 Choosing a typeface - really important! 00:07:00 Rocking Typography 00:05:00 Gorgeous icons for your CV 00:06:00 Staying consistent in your design 00:05:00 Negative space in a CV design 00:06:00 Creating a timeline for your CV 00:06:00 Final Thoughts for the Clean CV Project 00:01:00 Beautiful CV Design Creative CV Design 00:05:00 Modern Typography for a Creative CV 00:06:00 Use Freepik to make your CV stand out! 00:07:00 How to adjust vectors and add detailed icons 00:07:00 Fine-tuning the CV 00:06:00 The last 10% that makes all the differences! 00:06:00 Newsletters Newsletters in today's market 00:03:00 Newsletter styles 00:06:00 Colorful Newsletter in Mailchimp & Photoshop 00:06:00 Create a catchy newsletter hero-element in Photoshop 00:06:00 Adding extra details 00:04:00 The most important element: the CTA 00:06:00 Create effective layouts in Mailchimp 00:06:00 Inserting new content in Mailchimp 00:05:00 Balancing graphics with content 00:08:00 Design overview 00:03:00 Animated Newsletters Animated Newsletter in Mailchimp & Photoshop 00:05:00 Create the product presentation in Photoshop 00:05:00 Animating the product presentation - Method #1 00:07:00 Animating the product presentation - Method #2 00:05:00 Create the call to action 00:04:00 Creating a gift design for the newsletter in Photoshop 00:06:00 Animating the gift box - the lid 00:05:00 Animating the gift box - the stars & text 00:05:00 Graphic Design Analysis with Chris Barin Introduction 00:04:00 Mazda 3 Launch Ad 00:06:00 Travel Agency Templates - Good or bad? 00:06:00 Original Design versus Templates 00:07:00 Hiring People Through Beautiful Ads 00:06:00 Premium Office Building Ad - Shocking! 00:05:00 Huge Telecom Company Blunder! 00:06:00 50% for 5% 00:09:00 The reason why most designs are cluttered 00:06:00 Clichés and Stereotypes in Graphic Design 00:04:00 Printed Design: Indoor Ad Banner Introduction 00:03:00 Everything's about the Style Guide 00:05:00 Indoor Ad Banner: Laying things out 00:06:00 Indoor Ad Banner: Typography & Layout 00:07:00 Indoor Ad Banner: Styling 00:08:00 Indoor Banner: Final touches & Conclusions 00:05:00 Bonus: Create an indoor ad banner mockup 00:05:00 Section conclusions 00:01:00 Printed Design: Product Catalogue Introduction 00:02:00 Set up the catalogue project in Photoshop 00:06:00 Styling the cover of the catalogue 00:08:00 Fine-tuning the cover 00:06:00 Add something extra to the cover 00:08:00 Interior page style: Typography 00:08:00 Interior page style: Layout 00:06:00 Styling large amounts of text 00:11:00 Interior pages overview 00:07:00 Conclusions 00:02:00 Logo Design The Truth About Logo Design 00:04:00 Should you design logos as a freelancer? 00:08:00 Creating logos in Photoshop 00:06:00 The complexity behind a logo 00:04:00 Gathering information 00:06:00 Worst techniques for logo design 00:05:00 Best techniques for logo design 00:06:00 Final Thoughts Final Thoughts 00:02:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course Online With this exclusive Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course, you can learn about the increasingly important role of the professional nutrition adviser while also developing valuable life skills. Discover why qualified nutritionists are in higher demand globally than ever before and start working toward a fulfilling profession for life. The general public is becoming more aware of the importance of dietary choices to overall human health all around the world. We are what we eat, and how we approach our daily diets has a significant impact on all aspects of health and wellness. Because of the importance of dietary balance, millions of individuals worldwide have begun to take their eating habits more seriously, proactively monitoring and managing what they put into their bodies. Nonetheless, expert nutritionists' guidance and assistance are required to guide health-conscious individuals in the right direction. This Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course provides learners with a thorough introduction to one of the world's most important and fascinating contemporary professions. The Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course curriculum focuses on important areas of nutrition and dietetics of practical value in a working scenario, laying a solid basis for a satisfying lifelong career. Among the core topics covered include how various key nutrients affect human health, the role nutrition plays in building and strengthening the immune system, the connection between dietary choices and disease risk, an overview of detoxification digestion, an introduction to women's health issues, and many more. Courses you will get: Course 01: Level 1 Diet and Nutrition Course 02: Diet and Nutrition (Diploma Level 5) Course 03: Level 2 Award in Nutrition and Health Course 04: Level 1 Certificate in Well-being Course 05: Level 5 Diploma in Nutrition Course 06: Level 5 Nutritional Therapy Course 07: Diploma in Sports Nutrition Course 08: Nutrition Course (Level 3 Certificate) Course 09: Personal Trainer Course 10: Sports First Aid Course 11: Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Nutrition and Health Course 12: Level 2 Award in Improving Personal Exercise, Health and Nutrition [ Note: Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course] iet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course Online This Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course consists of 15 modules. Assessment Method of Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course After completing Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course, you will get quizzes to assess your learning. You will do the later modules upon getting 60% marks on the quiz test. Apart from this, you do not need to sit for any other assessments. Certification of Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course After completing the Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course, you can instantly download your certificate for FREE. The hard copy of the certification will also be delivered to your doorstep via post, which will cost £13.99. Who is this course for? Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course Online This Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course is suitable for anyone who wants to get to the top of the profession and requires no prior knowledge or experience. The Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course is ideal for both newcomers and existing members of the workforce. This Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course is also highly recommended for anyone interested in freelancing or self-employment opportunities all around the world. Requirements Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course Online To enrol in this Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course, students must fulfil the following requirements: Good Command over English language is mandatory to enrol in our Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course. Be energetic and self-motivated to complete our Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course. Basic computer Skill is required to complete our Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course. If you want to enrol in our Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course, you must be at least 15 years old. Career path Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course Online Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course is a field with limitless scope for self-employment and freelance job opportunities. Successful candidates with this Diet and Nutrition: Diet and Nutrition Course can pursue a more formal position such as: Sports Nutritionist Health Coach Holistic Nutritionist Public Health Nutritionist
Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course Online The most fruitful way to recognise prospective suppliers and integrate their distributions into your work schedules is to use logistics effectively. You will learn how to handle your supply chain and establish working relationships that will prove profitable to your needs and the vendor. Take the first important step toward a rewarding career in Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Logistics Management by enrolling in our exclusive Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course! The Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course begins with an overview of logistics management: logistics management. The role of the professional logistics manager is also thoroughly discussed. The Logistics Management: Logistics Management course highlights include Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course, the importance of Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course, procurement, processing, delivery procedures, Supply Chain metrics, analysis of logistics performance and much more. Learning Objectives After completing this Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course, you will be able to - Understand logistics management as well as what it entails. Build a strong logistics system. Describe supply chain management and supply chain movement. Know about sourcing, purchasing, and procurement. Explain various distribution networks. Keep track of your supplier relationships. Investigate resource management and planning. Recognize the connection between transportation and logistics. Why choose this Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course from the School of Health Care? Self-paced course, access available from anywhere in the world. High-quality study materials that are easy to understand. Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course developed by industry experts. After each module, there will be an MCQ quiz to assess your learning. Assessment results are generated automatically and instantly. 24/7 support is available via live chat, phone call, or email. Free PDF certificate after completing the Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course. Main Course: Level 4 Logistics Management Free Courses included with Logistics Management: Logistics Management course. Course 01: Level 7 Supply Chain Management Course 02: Level 5 Negotiation Skills Course 03: Level 7 Diploma in Facilities Management Course 04: Level 1 Business Management Special Offers of this Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course: This Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course includes a FREE PDF Certificate. Lifetime access to this Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course Instant access to this Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course 24/7 Support Available to this Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course [ Note: Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the Logistics Management: Logistics Management course] Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course Online This Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course consists of 09 modules. Course Curriculum of Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course Module 01: Introduction to Logistics Management Module 02: Logistics, the Supply Chain and Competitive Strategy Module 03: Product Design, Cleaner Production and Packaging Module 04: Sustainable Purchasing and Procurement Module 05: Sustainable Warehousing Module 06: Customer Service and Logistics Module 07: Basic Inventory Planning and Management Module 08: Freight Transport Management Module 09: Reverse Logistics and Recycling Assessment Method of Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course After completing Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course, you will get quizzes to assess your learning. You will do the later modules upon getting 60% marks on the quiz test. Certification of Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course After completing the Logistics Management: Logistics Management course, you can instantly download your certificate for FREE. Who is this course for? Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course Online This Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course is ideal for everyone. Requirements Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course Online To enrol in this Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course, students must fulfil the following requirements: Good Command over English language is mandatory to enrol in our Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course. Be energetic and self-motivated to complete our Logistics Management Course. Basic computer Skill is required to complete our Logistics Management Course. If you want to enrol in our Logistics Management Course, you must be at least 15 years old. Career path Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course Online Upon successful completion of our Logistics Management: Logistics Management Course, candidates may choose to pursue an extensive range of long-term careers, including: VP Supply Chain Materials Planner Production Planner
In this course, we look at a number of advanced Excel techniques all aimed at helping you make sense of the numbers in your business. Each section in the course contains an exercise for practice and quiz. The course is created using Excel 2019/365 for Windows.
Health & Social Care + Care Certificate : Health & Social Care + Care Certificate The Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care + Care Certificate Standards (1 to 15) Course is ideal for anyone looking to work in the health and social care industry and requires a fully recognized industry qualification. By completing the qualification, you will have shown a level of understanding in the care sector that is essential when working with people who have complex needs. Our Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care + Care Certificate Standards (1 to 15) Course learning course can help you achieve a rewarding job in residential care homes, nursing homes, day centres, children's centres, health centres, supported housing, respite care, residential schools, or even special schools. Have you ever considered including a Health Social Care Certificate on your resume to boost your portfolio? Are you looking for flexible work hours in your ideal "care" career to break free from the 9-5 grind? This comprehensive Health Social Care Certificate: Health Social Care Certificate course is designed to help you feel refreshed and relieved while performing your caring duties! It is important to understand your role in any job. The health and social care industry is no exception. This Health Social Care Certificate: Health Social Care Certificate course is designed to ensure that you are fully aware of your responsibilities and tasks at work. This Health Social Care Certificate : Health Social Care Certificate course will teach you the importance of ongoing personal development and create a personal development plan. You will also learn about the importance of equality and diversity, how to operate inclusively, and other related topics, including ethical duty of care. Furthermore, through this Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care + Care Certificate Standards (1 to 15) Course, you will learn how difficult situations and potential problems can arise. After completing this Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care + Care Certificate Standards (1 to 15) Course, you will be confident enough to take the next step in your career/educational ladder, as you will learn everything you need to know to work successfully in a care setting and assist those with a wide range of needs. Courses you will GET: Course 01: Level 3 Award in Health and Social Care Course 02: Care Certificate (Standard 1 to 15) Course 03: Level 6 Diploma in Health and Social Care Management Course 04: Level 3 Designated Safeguarding Lead Training Course 05: Healthcare Assistant Course 06: Level 5 Mental Health First Aid Certification Course 07: Level 2 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care Course 08: Level 3 Diploma in Healthcare Support Course 09: Level 7 Life Coaching Course 10: Level 5 Diploma in Family Support Worker Course 11: Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Training Course 12: Adults Support Worker Course 13: Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Working in the Health Sector Course 14: Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding in Adult Health and Social Care Course 15: Level 2 Certificate in Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care [ Note: Free PDF certificate as soon as completing the Health Social Care Certificate : Health Social Care Certificate Course] Health & Social Care + Care Certificate : Health & Social Care + Care Certificate You will acquire the skills and information necessary to launch a career in health and social care : Health & Social Care Certificate after completing this online Health & Social Care : Health & Social Care Certificate course. In addition to the skills and credentials required to get started, you'll learn about the various roles that are available in the industry. In order to stay on the cutting edge of this constantly changing industry, you will also study about the most recent trends and advancements in health and social care : Health & Social Care Certificate. Assessment Method of Health Social Care Certificate : Health Social Care Certificate course After completing Health Social Care Certificate : Health Social Care Certificate course, you will get quizzes to assess your learning. You will do the later modules upon getting 60% marks on the quiz test. Apart from this, you do not need to sit for any other assessments. Certification of Health Social Care Certificate : Health Social Care Certificate course After completing the Health Social Care Certificate : Health Social Care Certificate course, you can instantly download your certificate for FREE. The hard copy of the certification will also be delivered to your doorstep via post, which will cost £13.99. Who is this course for? Health & Social Care + Care Certificate : Health & Social Care + Care Certificate This Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care + Care Certificate Standards (1 to 15) course is ideal for working or planning to work in hospitals, health and social care organisations. Individuals study this Health Social Care Certificate : Health Social Care Certificate course for personal and professional development, re-entering employment after an absence period in the health science, health, or social care fields, or for those seeking a career change to the health or social care sector. Special Note: Our Health & Social Care Certificate Course is not a regulated course. If You want to get qualified, you can consider following options: Level 3 Award in Health and Social Care (VRQ) Level 3 Certificate in Health and Social Care (VRQ) NVQ health and social care level 2 NVQ health and social care level 3 NVQ health and social care level 4 NVQ health and social care level 5 NVQ health and social care level 3 nvq health and social care level 5 nvq health and social care a-level health social care QCF level 2 health and social care health and social care level 3 QCF level 3 health and social care etc. rqf health and social care Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (RQF) level 2 rqf Health and social care Level 5 nvq Health and Social Care Management Certificate in Management for Level 5 nvq health and social care or qcf level 3 nvq health and social care Requirements Health & Social Care + Care Certificate : Health & Social Care + Care Certificate To enrol in this Health Social Care Certificate course, students must fulfil the following requirements: Good Command over English language is mandatory to enrol in our Health Social Care Certificate: Care Certificate course. Be energetic and self-motivated to complete our Health Social Care Certificate: Care Certificate course. Basic computer Skill is required to complete our Health Social Care Certificate: Care Certificate course. If you want to enrol in our Care Certificate: Care Certificate course, you must be at least 15 years old. Career path Health & Social Care + Care Certificate : Health & Social Care + Care Certificate After completing this Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care + Care Certificate Standards (1 to 15) course, you may be able to pursue a variety of professional opportunities in the social care sector.