islington boxing club
Classes for all ages and abilities, in a friendly environment that is welcoming
to everybody. Whether training to compete or for fitness and health benefits, we
have classes for you.Based in Upper Holloway (N19), Islington Boxing Club
provides boxing sessions for the whole community, ranging from Competitive
Boxing Classes, Beginners Academy Classes, Infants Classes for boys & girls
between 5-8 years old and Recreational Keep Fit sessions. The club especially
look for and encourage young people to attend, giving them a focus, showing them
discipline and teaching camaraderie. IBC cater for serious boxers who want to
compete as well as recreational who can enjoy the same rigorous workouts without
the full contact combat. IBC has also started working with local schools that
train at the club as well as other boxing themed activities such as Chess
Boxing. In the next few years we hope to redevelop the site with a purpose-built
new gym and community area for local use. Islington Council have granted the
club a 25-year lease and upon completion of the project, the lease will extend a
further 99 years.