bs9 fitness
At BS9 FITNESS I can help ensure you achieve your fitness goals, whatever age
you are, however fit you are and however much you want to achieve. It's never
too late to take an interest in your wellbeing. I have mature clients that want
to improve how they feel, whether it's becoming more supple, increasing their
stamina, losing weight or boosting their energy levels and feeling better in
themselves. I work with you to determine where you want to be and how best you
can acheive your health targets. I’m flexible with hours and offer early morning
sessions from 5am and late sessions until 9pm. Parents with non-walking children
are also very welcome in my studio. So whether your goal is to lose weight,
build muscle, strength or conditioning, I have the knowledge and determination
to get you there! I also run group classes Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week
(£6/session), please see my timetable for what is on offer. Book now for a
consultation which includes goal setting, health assessment, blood pressure,
physical activity readiness questionnaire and half an hour in the studio. Prices
from £25/session, with discounts available for multiple sessions.