the hemel hempstead school
Hemel Hempstead
Responsibility, Respect, RelationshipsI am absolutely delighted to welcome you
to our website, as the Headteacher of The Hemel Hempstead School, a successful
and popular school which has served this community for nearly ninety years. This
school has in that time continually nurtured young people who achieve enormous
success and go on to the very best universities, apprenticeships, careers, and
adventures. This journey is possible because, working in partnership: as carers,
parents, children and teachers, we strive for nothing short of excellence for
all our students. We help them to forge a future in which they are the leaders
of society, young people who can ‘be, not just seem to be’ because they are
formed on a foundation of our Values of Respect, Relationships, Responsibility,
Reflection and Resilience. This is what our motto Esse Quam Videri means to us
and what we, as a school community, live by every day.