wycliffe hall
We have two more Open Days (9th of February and 29th of April 2023) this
academic year. These offer a bigger picture of what we offer. They will all be
in person. Our next Open Day will be on Thursday 9th of February 2023. Please
sign up if you want to come! Our Admissions officer, Jo Wakefield, will get in
touch with each applicant to discuss your needs. If you'd prefer to visit us or
have an interview please make contact with Jo to arrange this. Timetable for a
typical Open Day ALL: 9.45am Welcome and Coffee: mingle with staff and students
in a very friendly welcome in the Wycliffe Dining Room 10.30am Service in the
Wycliffe Hall Chapel led by staff and students (Speaker at April Open Day will
be NT Wright) 11.15 Welcome by the Principal: 'Our Vision by Rev Dr Michael
Lloyd 12 noon Short Break and Refreshments 12.30 Learning Theology/Ministerial
Training in the Lower Common Room and The Lecture Theatre: Justyn Terry, Liz
Hoare, and Bruce Gillingham will talk to the Ordinands about academic and
ministerial training Max Baker-Hytch and Katy Routh will talk to our
Undergraduates about the Theologos Programme and CTS part time course Matt
Kirkpatrick will talk to our graduates about our graduate programmes