think well be well
We believe that no-one should live pretending everything is OK if they are
struggling. EVERYONE deserves to shine brightly in their own unique way. More
often than not, our BIG emotions are perceived as ‘illnesses’ or ‘problems’
rather than normal responses to our individual life circumstances. Through our
work, Think Well Be Well™ want to help children and their key adults to develop
more awareness of how they feel and be comfortable with whatever that might be.
It is ok to feel sad, angry, scared, anxious, guilty, shame, love, joy etc.
Emotions are an intrinsic part of being human and it’s central for our wellbeing
to be able to recognise and express them without being judged or criticised by
ourselves or others. Not acknowledging or expressing our emotions won’t make
them go away, but might actually lead to the development of mental health
challenges and physical symptoms. Making friends with our emotions, and learning
to regulate BIG emotions, helps us to start living the lives we want to be