yoga with sam
It has been three and a half years since I returned to office work. Like many of
you reading this, I spend most of my days sat in an office chair staring at a
computer screen. Weekday mornings are a manic rush, straightening my hair,
hunting through my wardrobe for an outfit that doesn’t make me look like a blob,
preparing the kids' breakfast, making their packed lunches, brushing their hair
and finding their missing shoes. I shove the children into the car and take them
to the school breakfast club, at which point one of them will tell me that they
need to hand in their volcano project homework. I glance around breakfast club
and there are a multitude of homemade volcanic creations with LEDs, sound
effects and dry ice. "Don't worry sweetheart, I will email your teacher when I
get to the office". When I finally arrive at work I take a breath, drink a hot
water with lemon, and then the onslaught of emails, meetings and reports begins.