Yoga Chak
JLH YOGA Yoga, meditation and mindfulness teacher for the whole family. Based in London.
Yoga Classes in Basingstoke, Hampshire | Hatha Yoga for Beginners Find your balance and realign your body with Hatha yoga classes in Basingstoke, Hampshire. To find out more, call Bethan on 07447 915 313.
Charlotte and Dom have taught yoga in Bristol for over 20 years. They teach yoga for beginners and improvers in group yoga classes or private yoga tuition. They have a kind, fun and informative style of teaching yoga to help you enjoy a strong and flexible mind and body. Take a look at our yoga classes in Bristol and online yoga classes below. Email us or call Charlotte on 07533 732 035 to book in for private yoga tuition, Thai Yoga Massage or Reflexology
Home | Happy You Yoga Yoga teacher based in Northamptonshire. Offering online and community-based classes in Wollaston and Braunston. Also available for private 1:1, 2:1 and small group sessions. Happy You Yoga also offers a range of courses, workshops and retreats.
Natsyoga is run by Natalie Wiltshire, a qualified British Wheel of Yoga teacher, tutor and nurse with spinal injuries experience. She is registered with the Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).
Yoga Instructor Training | Oaklands Yoga | England Oaklands IYC is a bespoke Yoga studio in a semi rural quiet setting,equipped with a Yoga wall. Registered with Yoga Alliance Professionals and accredited YAP Yoga trainer.
Yoga & Art | ruhkia Ruhkia is a certified yoga teacher and emerging British African-Caribbean artist. Focus on bringing balance to the mind and returning to a place of tranquillity by booking yoga sessions here.
Lovely Yoga Cornwall Lovely Yoga offers a varied and affordable programme including gentle and restorative yoga, traditional hatha-style classes and yin/yang/flow classes with a range of sequences and postures and stretches.
Yoga with Kerry | Yoga in Kilbarchan & Johnstone, Renfrewshire Beginner friendly, both in person and online yoga classes in Kilbarcahan & Johnstone. First class is £5 (normally £8) and a 5 class pass is just £30.