brentwood county high school
Our mission is for all our students to reach their best possible potential by
developing a resilience and confidence in their learning. Excellent academic
achievements are central to this mission as well as a traditional ethos of
thoughtful behaviour and manners. Brentwood County High School supports students
to become ambitious adults who are empowered to access the many future
opportunities in a rapidly changing world. The sixth form at BCHS has been
placed in the top 20% of providers in the country in terms of outcomes and
progress. We will continue to build on this success as we further develop
keystage 5 offer. Added to that, a strong starting point of historically good
GCSE exam results which compare well with national outcomes, our focus this year
is to ensure an outstanding quality of learning and pupil wellbeing. A secure
and happy learning environment coupled with a strong, varied curriculum and
excellent teaching, will ensure the high expectations for students and staff are