We waste so much time not loving each other.” - MarShawn McCarrel “Healing doesn’t make us nice or cute. It makes us real.” - Vanessa Rochelle Lewis “Shouldn’t we be asking for more? Shouldn’t we be moving from the concept of self-care to a broader, more inclusive notion of collective care?” - Brigid Delaney
Baby Massage Classes | Fareham, UK | Sweetest Feeling Infant Massage Learn soothing baby massage techniques with Sweetest Feeling Infant Massage to provide your baby relief from colic and other common ailments. Enhance the bond between you and your baby through nurturing touch. Connect with other local parents in a supportive, welcoming environment.
Topics covered include: Karma - Reincarnation - Awakening - Fears and Negative Emotions - Meditation and Relaxation - Chakras and Mantras - Personality, Essence and Ego - Metaphysical Laws and Esoteric Biology - Meaning of Dreams - Astral Travel - Kabbala - Emotional Intelligence - Human Relationships - The wise use of our energy - Alchemy - Evolution and Involution
Home Page | NatalChoices Developmental Baby Massage We are FEDANT & IPTI Certified and Accreditated to provide Developmental Baby Massage in Portsmouth and Hull & East Riding.
Training company registered in UK that offers quality training to staff in healthcare sector. We are based in Eastleigh, Hampshire UK and offer training to both individuals and business All our trainings are practical with well-equipped training suites that offer hands on experience especially to staff new to care sector. We also offer refresher courses to experienced staff and specialised training to meet unique client needs. Our qualified trainers deliver training in our offices although they can come to a location of your choice anywhere in the UK. …...
Biospheric Performance – All Around approach to Health and Wellbeing – specialising in Biomechanics Coaching, Sports Psychology and Physical Training in Hampshire
WellnessFlowWithJojo - Massage, Sports, Sports Massage Therapist Massage, Sports Massage, Yoga, Fitness, Health
The Salterns Studio